The Doom: Source project is a mod being created for the Source Engine (HL2) which aims to recreate the atmosphere of the original Doom game. Features will include but are not limited to: New enemy models New weapons New animations New HUD setup New title screen New sounds/music New maps (Including a few heavily based on the original Doom) Multiplayer maps
Hey all! Glad to see a lot of interest so far!
This has been a pet project of mine for a long time, and although I've only actually started full development in the past week, I've been spending a much longer time learned the source coding, modeling, and the like. As such, now that I've got most of "The Hang" with the engine, production should be moderately paced.
Doom: Source is a mod for the HL2 Source Engine, intended to replicate the Weapons, Enemies, Sounds, Themes, and Atmospheres of the original Doom game. While maps/chapters/story progression will not be identical to the original game, it will be based around it (So expect original maps, with one or two 'classics' thrown in, or plenty of easter egg hat-tips to the original levels they're themed around).
Currently, the progress made on is relatively low, but there is a lot on the plate. The project at the time is mostly conceptual (Sketching of models, monsters, etc), with the outline being laid out. The current project plan is in this order:
Please note this list is subject to change, and time frames are currently estimated at about 2 months on each (Obviously some will be longer, and some will be shorter).
It can be said that any good developer/modder or group rewards the people interested, and as such, expect to see this page updated as much as possible for me. While some of the content uploaded (Images/videos) may be trivial (Such as WIP models, Texture WIPs, etc) a little something is always better than nothing, right? I plan to have at the least one new image uploaded once a week, and/or one new video uploaded biweekly. There will also be common questions posed in the news sections asking for player input as to what you like, what you want to see, opinions, etc. These questions will be listed at the bottom of News entries as "Community Question", please leave comments on anything you can!
Want to work on this project, too? Well keep checking back! I will almost constantly have a list up of desired people to join, as there will always be something that can be better. This section will be just above the Community Question, named "Wanted!" with details.
Well, release is a long way off (Currently projected at a finished mod in 2012, however alpha/beta testings may be earlier). However, expect this mod to be continually updated as I have time for. Bug fixes, expansions, and more are all necessary parts to making a mod successful.
Send me a message, or leave a comment, and I'll answer it ASAP! :)
That about wraps up this first overview. Please check back regularly for new images, videos, and other teasers. I'll leave you with a very rough sketch for the shotgun animation from the HUD, and the wanted/community questions for this article.
Currently I am looking for the following. If you have interest, please send me a message.
Community Question:
As per the picture; Should I make DoomGuy right- or left-handed? He holds every weapon in a right-handed post, except the pistol, which he holds and fires left-handed.
I want play it
yo revive this project
imma revive this ****. lets build a team
hit me up on discord
Jali Peño#1777
ayy look another abandond project
This mod is forever dead.
I wish this was still in development :(
Damn... this mod is dead, it would have been pretty cool to play DooM on the Source Engine... oh well. I guess I'll just wait for DooM 3: BFG Edition to come out.
its all redy .... ooooooooohhhh