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What's New?

The following are some new articles or studies that we have posted on the website:

Remembering Lot's Wife - Devotional Thought

Is the Sinner's Prayer Necessary for Salvation? - by Pastor Kelly Sensenig

Keeping Truth Fresh (2 Peter 1:12) - Devotional Thought

Stay Calm and Do Not Acts Rashly (Acts 19:35-36) - Devotional Thought

What's Your Scent? (2 Corinthians 2:14-16) - Devotional Thought

The Apostle Paul's Three Great "I Am's" (Romans 1:14-16) - Devotional Thought

I Am Willing or Am I? - Devotional Thought

Religious Executions, Fierce Antisemitism, and Killing the Witches - How Dispensationalism Would Have Prevented Such Atrocities - John Calvin, Martin Luther, Cotton Mather and the Salem Witch Trials

How Then Shall We Walk? - Devotional Thought

The Four "Fear Not's" Relating to the Birth of Christ - Devotional Thought

Don't Relish the Relics!  - The worship of the Diana goddess, the worship of the bronze serpent and the worship of the cross

Studies on Eternal Security and Assurance of Salvation by Pastor Kelly Sensenig
Assurance of Salvation
- Very helpful study on how a person can know that he has eternal life; good overview of the pillars of asssurance
Eternal Security and Assurance of Salvation - A longer study (162 pages) on these vitally important topics
Identification With Christ and Victory Over Doubting Our Salvation  - This study is geared towards those who are really struggling with assurance.

Questions for Those Not Sure About Eternal Security by Pastor Kelly Sensenig

Will Only Faithful Believers Enter and Rule in the Millennium?   An important study by Pastor Kelly Sensenig

The Gospel and Your Salvation - A very helpful explanation of God's way of salvation by Pastor Kelly Sensenig

Two Kings, Two Scrolls, Two Burnings (2 Kings 22; Jeremiah 36) - Devotional Thought

How Firm a Foundation (The Church is Built on a Rock Solid Foundation) - Devotional Thought

Do I Really Believe God's Word? (Especially Concerning Death and the Rapture) - Devotional Thought

A Heart Examination Every Believer Should Take - Devotional Thought

Minced Oaths - Euphemistic Speech to Soften our Cursing [4 page pamphlet]

For Whom Did Christ Die? - Devotional Thought

Don't Forget Adam's Third Son! (Seth) - Devotional Thought

The Heart is Deceitful (A Study of Jeremiah Chapter 42) - Devotional Thought

Walking as He Walked (1 John 2:6) - Devotional Thought

Serving the LORD and serving Jeremiah (Baruch) - Devotional Thought

What Accompanies the Fear of the Lord? - Devotional Thought

Is God Qualified to Help Me? (Remembering the Mighty Acts of God) - Devotional Thought

Intense Angelic Curiosity and Fascination (1 Peter 1:12) - Devotional Thought

Life Has Purpose Now It Never Had Before (2 Cor. 5:15) - Devotional Thought

Man's Rebellion Displayed (Pride, LGBT) - Devotional Thought

Seeing Ourselves Properly (Rom. 12:3; Gal. 6:3) - Devotional Thought

"No" Truth (How the Word "no" Expresses the Gospel) - Devotional Thought

David's Sin of Numbering His Military Forces (2 Samuel 24) - Devotional Thought

Hades--Where is Sheol/Hades Located? (A Study of Ephesians 4:8-10)

Replacement Theology - 13-page paper exposing this most serious error

The Jews - Why Are They So Hated?

Can a Christian Be Carnal?

Verse by Verse Study in the Book of Acts by Dr. John Whitcomb - Complete through Chapter 17

Baits and Hooks  - Object lesson to warn about temptations

Book of Romans Salvation Bible Study [booklet format]- An 8-page simple fill-in-the-blanks study of God's plan of salvation using only the book of Romans

Being Thankful FOR WHAT? - Bible examples of what people are to be thankful for

Our Blessed Savior! One Person Having Two Natures - Our Savior Was Fully God and Fully Man

John 17:3 - Does John 17:3 Prove That Jesus Is Not God? --A Jehovah's Witness Argument Answered

My Heart Christ's Home - A classic illustration of what it means to allow Christ to be Lord of every area of your life

Does Matthew 21:43 Support Replacement Theology?

What American Presidents Have Said About the Bible

Biblical Race Theory 

The Death Penalty for Mankind and for Christ Our Substitute -- What Does It Involve?

The Cross-Work of Christ According to the Scriptures  - May we be eternally grateful for what the Lord Jesus did for us!

The Twelve Disciples  - Thirteen Chapters on the Twelve Disciples, also including James and Paul (newly revised) 

Numbers 22 - Why Was God Angry With Balaam?

Majestic Mountains of Sacred Scriptures - Dr. Manfred Kober's fascinating study of the key mountains in Scripture (Ararat, Moriah, Sinai, Nebo, Carmel, Gerizim, Hermon, Seir, Mount of Olives

The Christian Life and How It Is To Be Lived - This booklet has been completely rewritten and should be helpful and practical.

Sentence Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs (Hundreds of These) - More will be added week by week.

Object Lessons to Teach Bible Truths - Great for children and adults appreciate them also.

Is It Wrong to Question a Person's Profession of Faith?  --Or, is it dangerous to give a person false assurance of salvation?

Bulletin Inserts - Devotional Thoughts and Short Bible Studies Formatted to be Used as Bulletin Inserts. New ones are added weekly.


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The Middletown Bible Church
349 East Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 346-0907

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