Route of Line B

Logo of Prague metro Line BLogo of Prague metro Line BLine B is the yellow line of Prague metro system. It contains 24 stations and is 26 kilometres long. It takes exactly 42 minutes to get from Černý Most to Zličín. Its peak transit capacity is 21 000 passengers in an hour. It is the longest as well as the most recent line of the Prague metro system.

Route of Line B – Headway

Mo – Thu Fri (mins) Sat (mins) Sun (mins)
5:00 – 6:30 AM 3 – 10 (mins) 3 – 10 10 10
6:30 – 8:30 2 – 3 2 – 3 7.5 – 10 10
8:30- 9:45 2 – 4 2 – 4 7.5 10
9:45 – 1:30 PM 5 5 7.5 10
1:30 – 3:30 3 – 4 3 – 5 7.5 7.5
3:30 – 5:30 3 – 4 4 – 5 7.5 7.5
5:30 – 7:00 3 – 5 5 – 6 7.5 7.5
7:00 – 8:00 5 – 7 5 – 7 7.5 7.5
8:00 – 12:00 AM 10 10 10 10
Timetables for individual stations can be found HERE

Map of the Line

Stations on Line B
Name Barrier-free access Transfer
Zličín YES
Stodůlky YES
Luka YES
Lužiny YES
Hůrka YES
Nové Butovice YES
Smíchovské nádraží YES
Karlovo náměstí
Národní třída
Můstek A
Náměstí Republiky
Florenc C
Vysočanská YES
Kolbenova YES
Hloubětín YES
Rajská zahrada YES
Černý Most YES


The newest line began its construction in 1979. It entered operation 6 years later, but with only 7 stations being operational. It ran from Florenc to Smíchovské Nádraží with total length being only about 5 kilometres.

Interesting is, that third section of the line was finished before the second one. It was only 3 stations (Radlická, Jinonice, Nové Butovice) but the total distance between them was equal to the first section of the Line B.

The second section was finished 2 years later and was half a kilometer shorter than the third one. It added 4 new stations to the system. Fifth section introduced 5 new stations (Hůrka, Lužiny, Luka, Stodůlky and Zličín).

The last one to be finished was a fourth section of the line. Interesting fact is, that the rails are running on top of each other, not next to each other. Length of new section is 6.3 kilometers and runs from Českomoravská to Černý Most. It contains 5 stations.

By finishing the fourth section, Line B became the longest of the three.