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Metal Caído del Cielo

Album: ''Metal Caído del Cielo'' (1985 EP)
1. El Ángel de la Lujuria
2. El Loco
3. Esta Noche Es Nuestra
4. La Gran Ciudad

Pasaporte al Infierno

Album: ''Pasaporte al Infierno'' (1986)
1. Pasaporte al Infierno
2. Por Piedad
3. Hijos del Metal
4. Dejate Ser
5. Atrapado en el Metal
6. Kirieleison
7. Guerrero Verde
8. Advertencia
9. La Ultima Cena

¡¿Otra vez?!

Album: ''¡¿Otra vez?!'' (1989)
1. La noche sigue igual
2. Utopia
3. Souvenir
4. Por nadie
5. Criaturas de la noche
6. Se que no sabes
7. Infierno privado
8. La noche del hechizero
9. La piel de Judas
10. Plegaria de un loco

Album: ''La Rebelion de los Desgraciados'' (1994)
1. Generacion Pasiva
2. Contrato Suicida
3. Alarido Nocturno
4. Contigo
5. Resucitando el Sentido
6. Las Nueve Lunas
7. En el Filo de la Oscuridad
8. Sombras de Asfalto
9. Identidad Perdida
10. Bromas Locas
11. Eso No Vale la Pena
12. Nos Veremos Siempre

Lo Mejor de Luzbel

Album: ''Lo Mejor de Luzbel'' (2000 Best of/Compilation)
1. El Ángel de la Lujuria
2. El Loco
3. Esta Noche es Nuestra
4. Déjate Ser
5. Por Piedad
6. Pasaporte al Infierno
7. Advertencia
8. Guerrero Verde
9. Hijos del Metal
10. Pecador
11. Juegos de Pasión
12. Prisionero del Tiempo
13. R.I.P.



Luzbel is one of a handful of formative Mexican metal bands, forming in the eighties and helping to jump-start an apparently healthy underground metal scene in their country. Their story is no doubt similar to other metal bands from non-mainstream countries, in that they release countless albums that are well-received locally but rarely are heard outside their homeland. As demonstrated on their 2000 release 'El Tiempo De La Bestia', Luzbel's sound is rough, raw, a bit thrashy in places, and clearly early 80's-inspired, almost bordering on NWOBHM in feel, though the Spanish lyrics set them apart from British bands. Despite a rather low-budget sound, this is an enjoyable album. Given that their last releases were compilations, it's not quite clear if they're still active.

Heavy Metal

anti-christianity, apocalypse, rebellion

Mexico (Mexico City), formed in 1982

Denver Records


Juan Bolaños - Vocals (Poker, Farnux)
Raúl Greñas - Guitars (Argus (Mex), Red , Proyecto Millenium)
Paco "Rock" Yescas - Guitars (Raxas (Mex), Atril, Especimen)
Daniel Kano - Bass (Athelas, ex-Calvaria (Mex), Especimen)
Armando "Magnus" Bolaños - Drums (Athelas, Aceria)

Arturo Huizar - Vocals (Lvzbel, Raxas (Mex), Transmetal, Huizar, Ultratumba (Mex))
Fernando Laderos - Guitars
Paco Hernandez - Guitars
Zito Martínez - Bass (Especimen, Proyecto Millenium)
Antonio ``La Rana`` Moranter - Bass
Marcos Ramirez - Bass (Panic (Mex))
Alejandro Vázquez - Drums (Argus (Mex), Cuero y Metal)
Sergio Lopez - Drums
Antonio Vasquez - Drums
Hugo Tamés - Drums
Víctor Herrera - Drums (Especimen)
Ricardo III - guitar (Ultratumba (Mex), Ricter)


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