Celestia Screenshot of Cassini's First Fly-by of Titan.
26th October 2004.
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Cassini's first close encounter (~1000 km) with the mysterious, cloud covered moon.
Firstly, the surface features are to be determined by the use of radar, before Cassini's passenger, the Huygens probe is due to be released into it's atmosphere on 14th January 2005.
In the year or so since this first fly-by, Titan's surface is slowly being revealed. By the end of the mission in 2008, we should have a fair idea what most of the surface looks like.
SEE THE FLY-BY in version 1.4.1 * Click here to go to a Celestia Cel://URL location, shortly before the flyby. ( WARNING: This will run your installation of Celestia.)
SEE THE FLY-BY in version 1.5.0 * Click here to go to a Celestia Cel://URL location, shortly before the flyby.
* Using Jestrs alternative trajectory. BACK to Cassini page