Linguistics Abstracts Online
This bibliographic database provides high-quality cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals encompassing the broad spectrum of linguistics and language study. It offers thousands of records with subject headings from EBSCO’s robust thesaurus, curated by subject matter experts.
Subjects Include
- Applied linguistics
- Communication
- Communication disorders
- Computational linguistics
- Computer assisted language learning
- Deaf studies and education
- Dyslexia
- English language teaching
- Fluency disorders
- Language and cognition
- Language and computers
- Language and cultures
- Language and dialogue
- Language and literature
- Language and politics
- Memory and language
- Phonetics and phonology
- Psychology
- Semantics
- Sign Language
- Speech and hearing
- Speech pathology
Linguistics Abstracts Online covers numerous fields related to synchronic approaches to linguistics, such as applied and computational linguistics, phonetics and phonology, deaf studies and education, psychology, communication, and speech pathology, among others.
— Charleston Advisor