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Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (Z6): 38-44.

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Study and Implementation on Cache Algorithms

QIAN Pei-jie, WU Juan and GAO Cheng-ying   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: In video on demand system,the speed of users accessing the videos is the key to improve the user experience.The speed of the users accessing the videos is related to the response speed of the servers,the net transmission and so on,among which the response speed of the servers is the main factor.As an important application to improve the user access speed in video on demand system,the cache technology attracts much attention in industry and academia.This paper focused on the comparison and analysis of LRU,LFU,LRFU,SC and some other classic algorithms.Simulated data and actual data were both used to demonstrate and research.The actual performance of the algorithms was observed in order to help select the right cache algorithm in video on demand system,which provides theory evidence to improve the hit ratio of cache in video on demand system.

Key words: Video on demand system,Cache algorithms,Simulation experiment,Empirical research

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