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Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 28-31.

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Programming Factors about Efficiency of Parallel Program in Multi-core System and its Research

WANG Wen-yi and RAN Xiao-long   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: This paper emphatically analyzed the effects of the memory alignment technology,cache using ratio and such as these factors on parallel program performance in the multi-core architecture system.This paper used shared memory environment OpenMP to analyze the relationship between parallel amount of calculation and the number of the processor core.The results of experiment,which were programmed by MPI to implement the row-divided algorithm and CANNON algorithm of matrix multiplication,point out that only in the comprehensive consideration of the architecture feature of multi-core system,system software,multi-core programming language environment and the correct use of algorithm can we design a better parallel application—being capable of high efficiency and small energy consumption.

Key words: Green computing,Memory alignment,OpenMP,CANNON algorithm,Multi-core processor

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