What is this?

The inlabru R package is was initially developed as part of a research project entitled “Modelling spatial distribution and change from wildlife survey data”, which is  funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, to develop and implement innovative methods to model spatial distribution and change from ecological survey data.  It involved developing Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) methods for fitting realistically complex spatial models to data obtained from surveys on which the probability of detecting population members is unknown.

The project is a collaborative effort between the Universities of St Andrews (David Borchers, Janine Illian, Steve Buckland and Joyce Yuan) and Edinburgh (Finn Lindgren and Fabian E. Bachl).

The package has since been extended to (nearly) the entire range of models that can be estimated with INLA, as well as extended to  a wider range of models and a simplified interface for specifying and estimating  complex models.

The latest information about the package , and the latest versions of the examples, can be found at