Alan Shore: I can't deny this one scared me, Denny. As illegal as her actions were, I would have been devastated had she gone to jail.
Denny Crane: And yet, as justified as you say she was, you're telling me you're still against the death penalty?
Alan Shore: Absolutely.
Denny Crane: Doesn't make any sense.
Alan Shore: Makes perfect sense.
Denny Crane: It's okay for her to execute him, but if the government does it for her...
Alan Shore: - That would be wrong.
Denny Crane: Leave it to you liberals to come up with research that says it's okay to be for revenge, and against the death penalty.
Alan Shore: It's a lot like being for the death penalty, and yet, pro-life.
Denny Crane: You wanna go there? I can go there.
Alan Shore: You started it.
Denny Crane: I didn't start it. I'm just saying that you are a hypocrite.
Alan Shore: [laughs] No I'm not.
Denny Crane: Yes, you are! You come up with these studies - and another thing about you Democrats, you all believe in science!
Alan Shore: You should remember that little gem for your testimony.
Denny Crane: I will. Don't you worry.
Denny Crane: Would you defend me? Since I'm a witness, I'll need a lawyer to defend me, would you defend me?
Alan Shore: I'll defend you Denny.
Denny Crane: Thank you.