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Scripture Verse

This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown Me three times. Matthew 26:33-35


Words: P. U. Green, in Glad News, ed­it­ed by W. N. Cook (Hud­son, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1916), num­ber 133.

Music: C. C. Al­ex­an­der (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Green or Al­ex­an­der’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Someone is be­tray­ing the Sav­ior and Lord,
Who free­ly thro’ love died each soul to re­deem;
Someone is de­ny­ing, re­ject­ing His word,
Tho’ tread­ing the banks of death’s tur­bu­lent stream.


Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Betraying and sell­ing Thee day af­ter day?
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Convict and con­vert me, I ear­nest­ly pray!

Someone is re­ceiv­ing the price of the Christ,
And guilt­ily turn­ing in tri­umph away;
By riches and world­ly al­lure­ments en­ticed,
Disdaining al­le­giance the Sav­ior to pay.


Someone still is bind­ing the Fa­ther’s own Son,
And plat­ting the thorns as a crown for His brow;
The mul­ti­tude join­ing, tho’ lost and un­done,
To mock and re­vile, as be­fore Him they bow.


Oh! yes, I have sold Him, my Sa­vior and friend,
Who for me His life on dark Cal­va­ry gave;
But now in con­tri­tion and ang­uish I bend,
Confessing, sur­render­ing, be­liev­ing He’ll save!
