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Scripture Verse

There came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to Him, and awoke Him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. Then He arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And He said unto them, Where is your faith? Luke 8:23–25


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, 2006.

Music: Net­tle­ton Wy­eth’s Re­po­si­to­ry of Sac­red Mu­sic, Part Se­cond John Wy­eth, 1813 (🔊 pdf nwc).


When the storms of life sur­round me,
And the world seems dark and cold,
When the rain beats down upon me,
And the light­ning stabs my soul,
I cry out to my Sav­ior,
Lord, help me, lest I die!
Do You care not that the bil­lows
Push my boat to­ward the shoal?

When the rag­ing winds and tem­pest,
And the nox­ious clouds of sin,
Whirl around me like an ar­my,
And my faith is wear­ing thin,
In a whis­per­ing dist­ant thun­der,
Comes a voice like morn­ing calm:
“Fear not, I am with you ev­er,
Till the world shall see its end.

I com­mand the winds of heav­en,
And the light­ning does My will,
I who walked up­on the wa­ters,
And who bid the storm be still.
I seek not your de­struc­tion,
But to strength­en and make pure;
Keep your faith in Me, be­liev­ing
I My pro­mises ful­fill.

He is great­er than the thun­der,
He is migh­ti­er than the storm;
He ex­tends His hand to lift me,
And pro­tect my soul from harm.
He will see me safe to har­bor,
To the hav­en of my rest,
Sheltered by the Rock of Ag­es,
Held in His al­migh­ty arm.

Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669)