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Nijntje #2

Miffy at the Zoo

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When Miffy visits the zoo, she sees parrots, zebras, kangaroos, and more. Find out what animal gives Miffy a special ride. In Miffy at the Zoo, children learn the names of different animals and can dream about their own trips to the zoo after reading this book.

24 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1963

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About the author

Dick Bruna

644 books57 followers
Hendrik Magdalenus Bruna was een Nederlandse grafisch vormgever, tekenaar en schrijver van kinderboeken. Hij werd wereldberoemd met zijn kinderboekjes over nijntje.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Eva.
267 reviews66 followers
October 29, 2009
Miffy is a miracle. Every single child loves her instantly. She's such a hit with my 18 month old daughter. We keep reading the books over and over again. They are fun, friendly, easy to understand for small children because they are close to home and very wonderfully illustrated. My daughter has two favorites: Miffy at the Zoo, and Miffy's House. We read them everyday. And ofcourse, Miffy is also one of my childhood heroes. She's allready over 50 years old.
10 reviews
July 7, 2020
Geweldig boek voor jonge kinderen!

Veelvuldig dit boek gelezen met mijn dochters. Nijntje gaat met papa nijntje in de trein richting de dierentuin en komt op elke bladzijde een nieuw dier tegen. Het is een kort en krachtig boek waarin een kind meegenomen wordt in een bepaalde belevingswereld. Mijn kinderen zijn er dol op. Ze zijn gek van de trein en dieren. Kortom een groot succes. Het boek wordt veel gebruikt thuis tot op heden.
Profile Image for Beth.
25 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2024
I read this because I kept seeing Miffy merch and needed to know who Miffy was. I feel about this book the same way I feel about Brown Bear, Brown Bear, which is I don't see the appeal. However, preschoolers love Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and they made me a believer in the power of Eric Carle. So the real question is how do three-year-olds feel about Miffy? The next character I need to learn about is Moomin.
Profile Image for blueisthenewpink.
512 reviews45 followers
December 18, 2019
Egyszerű, nagyon cuki. A 2 és 3/4 éves nagyon szereti Miffy-t, az állatokat is. Mármint az állatkertieket is. Ha belegondolok, kicsit fura, hogy a nyulak megnézik a vadállatokat a ketrecekben. Még jó, hogy háziállat-simogató nem volt ;)
Profile Image for Kate.
110 reviews
December 5, 2016
Mr 14 months didn't seem to like this as much as he likes other books that explore real world places etc. such as the Maisy books. Perhaps to young yet. Will try again when he is older.
Profile Image for Anita Max Wyn.
118 reviews
March 12, 2024
you like Miffy don't you? you think she's cute, adorable even......
now how would you feel if i told you that she committed over 3 million dollars worth of tax fraud?
2,262 reviews5 followers
November 5, 2011
Cute illustrations. Miffy goes to the zoo by train. Sees parrots, zebra, and other animals. She even rides a tortoise.
Profile Image for Jessica Thurlow.
149 reviews4 followers
August 11, 2017
This is a cute story and I'd be interested in reading more Miffy stories but I did find some of the dialogue clunky.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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