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'Horizon Zero Dawn': An Appreciation

Updated Nov 6, 2017, 07:00am EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

In the late 1970s, I discovered Colossal Cave Adventure while poking around the file structure on a PDP-10 mainframe. I’ve been an avid computer/video game player ever since. Through the years, I’ve played thousands - probably tens of thousands - of games, and I can count the games that, for me, stand head and shoulders above the rest on the fingers of one hand. Horizon Zero Dawn owns the index finger on that hand.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

The story

With its derelict and overgrown buildings and rusted out vehicles, Horizon Zero Dawn (HZD) takes place in a world that shows clear signs of having once been similar to our own. Yet the people who live in HZD's world have no knowledge of the world as we know it.

The technology that is ubiquitous today is almost completely absent. Almost. The land is filled with dinosaur-like machines that are so far advanced over anything else in the world that their presence appears to make no sense at all. These machines have recently gone from more or less docile to hostile and aggressive. No one knows why.

There is a reason. There are reasons for all of it: Where the dinosaur machines originally came from; where they come from now, how they survive, and why they turned hostile. The reasons are plausible; it all makes sense.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

Making sense of the machines is just the beginning. The demise of our world was precipitated by a terrifying event that put the existence of life on earth at risk. HZD’s world is the way it is because of the steps taken to preserve life in response to that event.

What happened to our world? How did it happen? Why is it so terrifying? How did people try to stop it? What did they have to do to carry out their plan? What sacrifices did they have to make? How were the people who carried out the plan affected? It’s all there to be discovered in the game.

The reason the story is so good is that the writers did more than string together a series of main story beats. They thought through how the world must have been for each of those beats to occur. They thought about the situations people found themselves in when faced with critical problems and difficult decisions that had a profound impact on life as we know it. They worked out the consequences of those decisions and how the people who were affected by them coped with the consequences.

Horizon Zero Dawn's story is a nuanced, complex and detailed exercise in world building that rivals the very best in science fiction and fantasy. It’s brilliant.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

The world

Horizon Zero Dawn is a perfect example of why I’ve bypassed several opportunities to professionally review video games. Professional reviewers are often faced with the difficult and sometimes impossible task of having to race through long, complex games in the unreasonably brief period of time between the arrival of the review copy and the lifting of the the review embargo. Grinding through a game that intensely and that fast can suck the life out of games like HZD that richly reward taking the time to slowly sink into their world. HZD is too good to let that happen.

Some game worlds feel like patchwork quilts with cool stuff stuck here and there but little overall coherence. HZD’s world feels like an organic whole where everything fits together seamlessly.

The inhabitants of HZD's world are members of distinct cultures with architectural styles that fit their lifestyles and belief systems. The building technologies they use fit the materials in their environment and their culturally-embedded skill sets. Both the dinosaur machines and the hunting and gathering activities that replenish your character’s supplies are organically connected to the natural environment.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn

The hunting, gathering and crafting system illustrates the organic nature of HZD’s world. In many games, the need to gather and craft necessary supplies is a tedious chore. HZD permits buying supplies from vendors for players who come to the game with this mind set. I never bought from the vendors, however, because hunting and gathering fit so well in HZD’s world and felt so right for the character you play.

The different plants you need grow in areas of the world where you would expect plants of different types to grow. The animals you hunt live in expected environments and behave in expected ways. The character you play is a hunter, and she is so fully realized that the idea of having her pay someone for supplies seemed as foreign to me as paying someone to chew your food before you swallow it.

Like the story, the world all fits together because the details have been carefully thought through. The result is a level of immersion that feels like living in a fully realized alternate reality.

My first experience of entering into a fictional world that seemed more real than the one I lived in every day occurred when I first read J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy in 1966. I had the same experience 50 years later while playing HZD. Horizon Zero Dawn’s world is so well realized it feels like a real place.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube


Aloy is one of the most fully developed and compelling characters I’ve come across in a video game. Her strength of spirit, courage, and refusal to quit in the face of crushing disappointments are inspiring. Her unrelenting drive to do the right thing is always tempered by deep empathy for the difficulty and loss others have endured. She is a complex, compassionate, sympathetic character that earns admiration by walking the walk every step of the way.

Aloy never plays like a point of view or a character sketch inhabiting an artfully designed skin. She comes across as a real person. HZD never makes an issue of Aloy being a woman but the fact that she is a woman is as central to her character as the fact that she’s a skilled hunter. This alone is an achievement in a medium that is minutely scrutinized and roundly criticized for its portrayal of women, and which has done a great deal to deserve much of that criticism.

The complexity and depth of Aloy’s character is well illustrated by her reactions to the men and women who are attracted to her. Her interactions with several of the women she meets are a hoot and are far more relaxed than some of her interactions with men. She treats a man who falls for her for the wrong reasons gently but honestly and firmly. She takes a respectful and caring stance toward another man who falls for her for the right reasons, and treats him with sympathy and compassion while maintaining her distance. A guy who ogles her body is treated with the disdain he deserves.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

Aloy is brought to life by Hannah Hoekstra (facial capture), Kezia Burrows and others (motion capture), the outstanding animators at Guerrilla Games, and the brilliant collaboration between lead writer John Gonzalez and voice actress Ashly Burch.

Burch’s contribution is key, for it’s her voice that turns Aloy into a multidimensional woman instead of a cartoon that looks good, moves well, and has a lot of smart things to say. There’s a scene where Burch’s delivery of Aloy’s “My eyes are up here” line should serve as a wake-up call to all the breast oglers out there that their behavior is wearisome and juvenile.

Aloy seems less like a character you’ve played, and more like a person you’ve come to know. While I'm looking forward to playing more HZD when The Frozen Wilds releases tomorrow, I'm also looking forward to the opportunity to spend more time with Aloy. She's awesome.

Credit: Horizon Zero Dawn/YouTube

Putting it all together

In Horizon Zero Dawn the pillars of character, world and story are richly detailed, fully fleshed out, and seamlessly integrated into a coherent whole. Aloy is a product of her world, and her world is the living embodiment of the story that unfolds through her voyage of discovery. The difficulty of pulling something like this off is evidenced by how rarely attempts to do it are successful. 

The creators at Guerrilla Games succeeded by thinking through every aspect of the game, driving down to refined levels of detail, and making sure that all of the parts fit together seamlessly. It’s that devoted attention to every aspect of the game that makes Horizon Zero Dawn such a success.

It’s an extraordinary achievement.

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