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Farmers' Market
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The Farmers' Market: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, fowl, cheeses, breads, prepared foods, and specialty foods. Mainly organic.

Related Pages

Local Marketplace

For a listing of neighbourhood services, see our neighbourhood Marketplace page.

Related websites

Toronto Farmers' Market Network website is a recently launched Toronto project to connect people with local food sources.

Small Farm Canada promotes small-scale farming as a legitimate and viable endeavour.

Local Flavour Plus, Promoting the use of local food

London (England) Farmers' Markets


  • Market Archives (articles)
  • posted January 25, 2005
    2005: The Winter Period of the Farmer's Market (with pictures from last year's winter market). Read more >>

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Farmers' Market (Main)

Hours: Every Thursday 3:00-7:00 all year around, outdoors around the rinkhouse in summer; on the rinkpad in fall; in and around the rinkhouse in winter.


The market has its own website:


See also: the Toronto Farmers' Market Network website:


Earlier market news archives from 2004 to 2006.

Dufferin Grove Park Newsletter: market excerpts 2015

Better food comes to the park’s market snack bar

Dufferin Grove Park market snack bar

A check of park finances showed CELOS in August that the park’s market snack bar was making considerable income by reselling non-organic hot dogs and drinks, against the organic market rules. On-site staff, CELOS, and market manager Anne Freeman met to find a way out of this situation. Then near the end of August, Anne was asked to a meeting with management (sadly, the park cooks were not invited). It was agreed that organic hot dogs would be tried again, and organic box drinks (Kiju) would be investigated. To address the problem of non-organic ingredients in other market snack bar offerings, the market would offer “market bucks” so park staff could buy fresh market produce for making the snack bar food.

Since then, there’s been progress. Beretta’s organic hot dogs have taken the place of the regular hot dogs, pop has been taken off the menu, and the cooks are now allowed to use $60 of “market bucks” every week to buy more market produce for the salads and soups sold at the park’s snack bar. Mary Sylwester, the park’s main market-soup-and-salad cook, was able to buy several flats of large ripe red peppers at the last market day in September. A few days later, Mary and park baker Heidrun Gabel-Koepff went to work roasting the peppers, to preserve them for Mary’s wintertime chili. The chili will be very tasty, and very local.

read more>>

For some views of the market, see the Berman Photo Gallery , Pinkus Gallery.

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