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Bobble Head 

To see a bobble head in your dream represents your tendency to go along with what other people do or say. You need to start thinking for yourself. Alternatively, the bobble head indicates indecision.   TOP

Bobby Pin

To see or use a bobby pin your dream represents your need for order and neatness. Everything needs to be in placed. You are feeling insecure about something.   TOP


To see a bobcat in your dream suggests that you need to pay close attention to what you see and hear in your daily life.   TOP

*Please see also Cat.


To wear a bodice in your dream suggests that you are holding in your emotions and not fully expressing yourself.    TOP


To dream about your own body signifies your level of self-worth and self-esteem. Often times, these qualities are dependent on your physical appearance or how your perceive yourself. The dream body also reflects your conscious identity or is representative of your state of health.

To dream about dead bodies implies that you are feeling detached from those around you. It may also mean that you are feeling emotionally drained.

To see a decomposing body in your dream refers to a situation that has long been dead. It is time to move on. 

To see or find a bloody dead body in your dream refers to a situation or issue that you can no longer avoid. You need to make an important decision and act on it immediately.   TOP

Body Bag

To see a body bag in your dream indicates that you are feeling distant or disconnected. You are out of touch.   TOP

Body Builder

To see a body builder in your dream suggests that you need to develop a better sense of power or be more flexible in some situation. 

To dream that you are a body builder means that you are feeling empowered.    TOP

Body Odor

To dream that you have body order suggests that you are being offensive to others without realizing it. You need to adjust your attitude.

To smell body odor in your dream signifies an issue or problem that needs to be addressed. Alternatively, the dream implies not to take too many things personally.   TOP

Body Paint

To dream that you are covered in body paint represents acceptance of yourself. You are proud of your body.  

Dreaming that you or someone is covered in blue paint indicates a state of calm and relaxation. You don't want to be judged by your appearance. Alternatively, it may reflect sadness or depression.   TOP

Body Piercing

*Please See Piercing.

Body Swap 

To dream that you switch bodies with someone implies that you secretly want what the other person has. Alternatively, dreaming of switching bodies with someone suggests that you are trying to understand the other person and see things from their perspective.


To dream that you have a bodyguard indicates that you are uneasy about some situation in your waking life. You are feeling insecure, either physically or emotionally. Perhaps you have been hurt recently. 

To dream that you are a bodyguard represents your desire to protect others from emotional hurt. It highlights your sympathetic and nurturing side.   TOP


*Please See Swamp.


To see a bogeyman in your dream symbolizes the repressed and rejected aspect of yourself. It also signifies fear. For children, to dream of the bogeyman represents the disciplinary aspects of the parents that brings about fear and punishment.   TOP


To dream that you are a bohemian or that you are living a bohemian lifestyle symbolizes your carefree and easy going attitude. Alternatively, it signifies a lack of direction or motivation.   TOP


To see a boiler in your dream represents rage that is on the verge of being expressed in a dramatic way.    TOP

Boiler Room 

To dream that you are in a boiler room refers to your ability to keep your temper and aggression contained. You are trying hard to keep your cool. TOP


To dream that something is boiling represents transformation and/or sacrifice.  There is something that you need to get down to the heart of. In particular to dream that water is boiling suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. It also may mean that feelings from your subconscious are surfacing and ready to be acknowledged.    TOP

Bok Choy 

To see or eat bok choy in your dream suggests that you need to stop dwelling on minor things in your life. You need to move ahead and look at the overall picture.   TOP


To eat bologna in your dream  indicates financial insecurities. Alternatively, the dream may be a reference on something that is phony or nonsense.   TOP


To see a bolt in your dream suggests that you are protecting yourself from difficult emotions and experiences. The dream may also be a pun on your tendency or desire to flee from a situation.   TOP


To see a bomb in your dream indicates that you are going through a potentially explosive situation in your waking life. The bomb could represent repressed desires and unexpressed emotions that are on the verge of exploding or bursting if not dealt with soon. 

To dream that you are unable to disarm a bomb suggests that your anger is out of control.

To dream of a bomb threat suggests that you are experiencing some inner anger and/or pressures which are on the verge of exploding into violence.  

Dreaming of a church bombing implies that you are not catering to your spiritual needs. Alternatively, to see or read about a church being bombed indicates that you are rejecting an aspect of yourself. You are harboring feelings of hostility.  TOP

Bomb Shelter

To dream that you are in a bomb shelter suggests that you are being overly protective with some emotion or aspect of your waking life.  You are trying to keep your unexpressed feeling from coming to the surface.   TOP


To dream that you are in bondage signifies that aspects of your emotions and/or character are too tightly controlled or that are repressed. You may be restricting your need for self-expression or feel that you are a prisoner of your circumstances.

In a sexual sense, dreams of bondage represents your desires to be more sexually submissive. Perhaps you have not acknowledged these sexual passions.   TOP


To see bones in your dream represent the discovery of your personal, family, or cultural secrets. It is also symbolic of your underlying strengths that you have not yet recognized. Consider the symbolism of getting to the "bare bones" or the significance of "having a bone to pick with someone."

Dreaming that you are burying the bones of someone who is living means that there are secrets that this person knows about and you are trying to keep those secrets from coming out.

To dream of broken bones represents the discovery or realization that that there is a weakness in your plans or in your thinking.  Your dream may call for your immediate attention to a particular situation or relationship.

To see a dog eating or chewing a bone represents your basic desires and instincts.    TOP


To see a bonfire in your dream suggests that you need to find a new path and set forth toward a different goal. It is time to express yourself more freely and let go of the old outdated ways of thinking.   TOP


To see or smoke a bong in your dream suggests that you are not confronting your feelings head on. You are trying to downplay your own emotions and are looking for an escape.   TOP


To see or wear a bonnet in your dream represents your sheltered ideals and old-fashioned beliefs. Your close-mindedness is restricting your vision and plans.    TOP

Bonsai Tree

To see a bonsai tree in your dream indicates the limitations of your own conscious mind. You need to consider what your instincts are telling you.   TOP


To dream that you are picking a booger out of your nose indicates that you are ready to confront some subconscious material.

To dream that your nose is full of boogers implies that you are being stuffy, unyielding and rigid. If you try, but cannot get the boogers out of your nose, then it means that you are unable to be your true self. Something or someone is restricting you from fully expressing yourself.   TOP

Boogie Board

To see or ride a boogie board in your dream indicates that you are riding out the difficulties and taking each day one day at a time.   TOP


To hear booing or dream that you are being booed indicates that you are seeking approval and affirmation from others. Alternatively, you may find yourself in an embarrassing or shameful situation.   TOP

Book Bag

*Please See Knapsack


To dream that you are a bookkeeper represents a need to keep you life in balance and in harmony. Alternatively, it may indicate that you should be held accountable for some condition or circumstance.   TOP


To see a bookmark in your dream represents memories and aspects of your past. It serves as a reminder of where you've been and where you are headed. The dream may also be a metaphor that you should not forget your place. Perhaps you are overstepping certain boundaries.   TOP


To see books in your dream indicate calmness. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. In particular, to see an open book in your dream, means that you are able to grasp new ideas with ease. If the book is closed, then it represents your allure and mysteriousness. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The dream may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you need to devote more study to. Alternatively, the dream could be telling you not to judge a book by its cover. 

To see dusty books in your dream denotes forgotten knowledge or previous "chapters" of your life.

To see children's books in your dream symbolize memories from your own childhood.  It may also suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world.

To see a satanic book in your dream represents your one-sided way of thinking and looking at things. You are trying to denounce any responsibility in your actions and are putting forth as little effort as possible.   TOP


To see a bookshelf in your dream represents the various levels of your mind where ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. It also suggests your need to acquire some information or knowledge in a situation before making your decision.   TOP


To dream that you are at a bookstore symbolizes your quest for knowledge and ideas. You want to develop your mental sharpness.   TOP


To see or throw a boomerang in your dream indicates that what you do to others will come back to you, whether it is positive or negative.   TOP

Booster Cables

To see or use booster cables in your dream suggests that you need to get a jumpstart on your goals. Stop wasting your life away and start getting a move on.   TOP

Boot Camp

To dream that you are in a boot camp represents your need for discipline and rigid rules. You need to have a better focus on your goals. If you have been through boot camp, then the dream may represent the feelings you were going through at the time. Something in your current life is triggering those similar feelings. Alternatively, the dream may represent your need for a new start or fresh beginning.   TOP


To dream that you are a bootlegger suggests that you feel that you are above the law. You feel that the rules do not apply to you.   TOP


To see or dream that you are wearing boots refers to the power in your movement and the boldness of your position. You are taking a firm stance. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are getting the boot. Are you getting kicked out somewhere?

If you dream that your boots are dirty, then it points to your stamina, willpower, hard work and strong work ethic. To dream about cleaning your boots means that you are moving ahead by your own means.  TOP


To see or cross the border in your dream indicates that you are entering a new phase or transition in your life. You are encountering new territory. Alternatively, it represents the conversion of two states of mind or attitudes.   TOP


To dream that you are borrowing something suggests that you need to let go of your pride. It is okay to ask for help and lean on the support of friends and family. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to incorporate a certain quality into your own life that you are not utilizing currently.   TOP


* Please See Breasts.


To see your boss in your dream represents the bossy or authoritative side of your own personality. Your boss may reveal self-confidence and the assertive aspect of yourself. It is telling of your issues of control and authority. Alternatively, to see your boss in your dream may indicate your over-involvement or obsession with your work. Negatively, the boss in your dream may symbolize your limitations and lack of freedom/originality.

Dreaming that you are in trouble with your boss is a reminder that there is higher power that you will need to answer to.

To dream that you are afraid of your boss indicates your fear of authority. You may feel that someone else is running your life or dictating what you can and can not do. 

To dream that you are having sex with your boss signifies your desires for authority and control. You are feeling empowered. 

If you are a boss in your waking life, then dreaming that you are the boss means that you need to better assert your authority. Alternatively, dreaming of being the boss is just a reflection of how you identify yourself. If you are not a boss in your waking life, but dream that you are, then it means that you need to be in control of your destiny. It is time to take charge.

Consider also the relationship you have with your boss. This may provide clues to work-related stress or issues that need to be resolved.   TOP


To dream that you are getting botox injections suggests that you are trying to hide emotions or worries about a situation. More directly, the dream is about your concerns about aging and growing old.   TOP


To see a bottle in your dream indicates that you are pushing your feelings back inside, rather than expressing them. The content inside the bottle represents the nature of the emotions that you are experiencing. A bottle of champagne shows your need to socialize, while a bottle of poison signifies evil thoughts and a bottle of wine symbolizes sexuality.

To see an empty bottle denotes that you have exhausted your inner resources. You may be feeling drained and empty inside.    TOP

Bottle Brush 

To see or use a bottle brush in your dream refers to an emotional cleansing. You need to express your emotions instead of keeping it bottled up.  TOP

Bottomless Pit

To dream that you are falling into a bottomless pit suggests that you are unable to recover from a setback or that you are unable to overcome some problem.


To see bougainvilleas in your dream indicate protection.   TOP


To see a boulder in your dream symbolizes a major obstacle and problem in some component of your life.    TOP

Bounce House

To see or play in a bounce house in your dream indicates a lack of stability in your life.  You are also lacking focus in your life. TOP


To see a bouncer in your dream means that you are suppressing your desires.  TOP


To dream that you are bound or tied up represents your need to be free from some relationship or situation. According to Freud, this dream may be an indication of repressed sexual fantasy.   TOP


To see a boundary in your dream indicates that something is restricting your growth and hindering your goals. You are being limited.   TOP

Bounty Hunter

To dream that you are a bounty hunter is analogous to the pursuit of your goals. You are determined once you set your sight on a path. Alternatively, the dream may comment on how you are motivated by money. As a result, you may be feeling an emotional void in some area of your life.     TOP


To dream that you receive or give a floral bouquet signifies respect, affection, approval, graciousness, admiration, and love. It is indicative of some healing energy. Consider the flowers and their colors  in your bouquet for additional significance.   TOP


To see or wear a boutonniere in your dream represents some special occasion. You need to be on your best behavior. Alternatively, the dream means that you want others to see you in a different way.   TOP


To see or tie a bow in your dream symbolizes femininity. Alternatively, the bow can stand for a social cause. Consider the color the bow for additional significance.

To see an archer's bow in your dream refers to the pursuit and accomplishment of your goals.   TOP

Bow And Arrow

To see a bow and arrow in your dream represents a combination of female and male energies. It may refer to your libido or some sexual energy/desire. Alternatively, it symbolizes anger, aggression, or tension. This dream symbol may also be a metaphor that you are aiming for perfection.   TOP

Bowel Movement

To dream that you have a bowel movement signifies that you are successfully getting rid of your old habits/ways and thinking patterns. It is usually analogous to the release of strong emotions, such as anger or hatred.

To dream that you have a bowel movement in a public place suggests that you are expressing regret about something that you said. You may have spoken your mind a little too loudly.   TOP

*See Constipation or Diarrhea.


To dream that you are bowing symbolizes respect, honor, humility, and reverence. You are acknowledging a greater and higher power. Or perhaps you need to be more submissive to another's wishes.    TOP


To see a bowl in your dream symbolizes the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl and how it is treated or handled in the dream. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a particular relationship.   TOP


To dream that you are bowling represents the strikes, hits, and misses in your life. If you are bowling a bad game, then you may be expressing some regrets. If you are bowling strike after strike, then it suggests that you are on your way toward a successful future. The dream may also be a pun on your striking performance and/or stellar ability.

To dream that you bowl a gutter ball suggests that you are stuck in a rut and need to make some changes of where your life is headed.

Alternatively, bowling and bowling alleys may also be a metaphor for sexual conquest.  Consider the sexual innuendos that are at play in the bowling alley. The pins and bowling balls can be viewed as masculine symbols. The pin deck is symbolic of the womb or vagina (as is with any dark receptacle like caves, bowls, containers, etc.).   TOP

Bowling Pin

To see a bowling pin in your dream symbolizes an issue that you are trying to address or knock down.   TOP


To see a box in your dream signifies your instinctual nature and destructive impulses.  Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions. Consider the pun of "being boxed in".

To dream that you are opening a box indicates an aspect of yourself that was once hidden is now being revealed. It symbolizes self discovery. Consider your feelings as you open the box. If opening the box fills you with fear, then you may be uncovering aspects of yourself that cause you to feel anxious.    TOP


To see a boxcar or a cable car in your dream signifies financial security.   TOP


To watch boxing or dream that you are a boxer suggests that you are experiencing some internal struggle or conflict. The dream may also be a pun on "boxing" things up. It suggests that you are limiting yourself and your goals/ideas. It may also indicate that you keep your emotions inside.    TOP

Boxing Gloves

To see boxing gloves in your dream represents a difficult or even violent situation in which you are trying your best to succeed or overcome.   TOP


If you are female and dream that you see or are a boy, then it indicates that you are developing the masculine aspects of character. Alternatively, it may represent your feelings about a real-life boy who is important and significant to you. You may have a crush on this boy and your waking thoughts of him has carried over into the dream world. Your motherly instincts may be taking over.

If you are an adult male and dream that you see or are a boy, then it suggests your playful, innocent, childlike nature. Alternatively, it can symbolize the immature aspects of yourself that still needs to grow. Your inner child may be trying to draw your attention to parts of yourself that you need to recognize and acknowledge.   TOP

Boy Band

To dream that you are in a boy band indicates that you have a specific role to fill or an image to uphold. Alternatively, being in a boy band means that you have something to contribute or offer Also consider the group name of the specific boy band in your dream and how it can be applied as some subconscious advice. More directly, the dream may just be your infatuation with a particular boy band.     TOP

Boy Scout

Your own experience as a boy scout will definitely affect this dream symbol. If you were never a boy scout and dream that you are, then it signifies your commitment and discipline toward some task. The dream may emphasize a sense of community, belonging, and helpfulness. 

To see a boy scout in your dream denotes that you or someone else has displayed exemplary behavior. You will gain the ranks necessary  to achieve your goals and success.   TOP


To see your boyfriend in your dream represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. If you dream that your boyfriend is walking away while you hang out with your friends, then the dream suggests that you are not spending enough time with your friends. You need time away from your boyfriend to spend with friends.

To dream that your boyfriend is dead indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". You are not being allowed to fully express yourself. It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship. Alternatively, your boyfriend's death may signal a new phase in your relationship. Perhaps you are getting engaged.

If your boyfriend is away and your dreams of him involve a lot of touching, then it signifies how much you are missing his presence and having him nearby. The dream is telling you not to take the day to day things for granted. Learn to cherish the smaller things in life. 

Dreaming that your boyfriend is getting married to another person represents a significant change in the relationship. It may mean that the relationship is moving forward into a new stage or that you are rethinking the longevity of the relationship. Perhaps deep inside you know that he is not the one for you.

To dream that your boyfriend tells you that he is gay or that he doesn't love your anymore represents your own insecurities with the relationship. It may also mean that the relationship is moving to a new level to which you are expressing some anxiety and fears about the changing situation.  You may feel left out it in his life or that you are unable to share in all his experiences. It boils down to trust and communication.   

To dream that you have a new boyfriend different from the one you have in your waking life implies that your existing relationship has moved on to a higher level. The relationship has moved toward a more serious phase. 

To dream that you are pretending to be someone's boyfriend implies that you are not ready to settle down into a committed relationship. You don't want to be tied down.   TOP


To dream that you are wearing a bra signifies support and protection. Perhaps you need to have your spirits uplifted. Alternatively, it may represent your nurturing side and maternal feelings.

To dream that you are not wearing a bra indicates that you have no discipline or control. Alternative, it may reflect your sexual nature.   TOP


To see or wear a bracelet in your dream refers to an expression of deep passion and fire. The dream also highlights your need to reach out to others. It is a sign that you need to rekindle old friendships and to call up an old friend that you haven't heard from in awhile.

To see a broken bracelet in your dream suggests that you tend to sacrifice your own comfort and happiness for others.

Dreaming that you are eating a bracelet implies that you are not getting the help that you need. If the bracelet was a gift from a specific person, then it means that you feel this person is out of reach. Perhaps you are not able to connect with this person on some level.   TOP


To wear a bracer in your dream indicates that you are holding back in some area of your life instead of giving it your all. You are questioning your abilities.   TOP


To dream that you have braces indicates your brashness and critics of others. You should not be so quick to criticize.  You need to stop talking too much and listen to what others have to say. The dream may also be a pun on "brace yourself".   TOP

**See The Meaning In Action: "Braces"


To dream that you are bragging indicates that you are feeling insecure about yourself. You are trying to overcompensate for your shortcomings.   TOP


To dream that your hair is in braids represents your neat and orderly way of thinking. It symbolizes your determination and strong mindset.   TOP


To read Braille in your dream suggests that you are trying to express yourself without words. Perhaps the dream means that you need to learn to better verbalize your thoughts and express your emotions.   TOP


To dream of your brain suggests that you are under severe intellectual stress. You need to put your problem-solving abilities to use. Alternatively, it implies that your ideas are not receiving enough attention and validation. You are concerned that your knowledge and teachings are not be transmitted clearly.

To dream that you are undergoing brain surgery indicates that you need to rethink some important issue. You need to change your way of thinking and put aside any misconceived notions you have.   TOP

Brain Surgery

*Please See Lobotomy.


To dream that you are being brainwashed suggests that you need to think for yourself. Stand up for yourself and do not let others tell you what to do.    TOP


To dream that you are applying your brakes signifies that you should slow down in your business and/or personal affairs. You have been living on the fast lane and you need to take it easy. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "break". Perhaps you need to take a break or perhaps you need to break off some relationship.

To dream that your brakes fail or that you can't reach the brakes forewarns that you lack stability in your life. Now is not the time to take risks. Your life is out of control and you need to make some significant changes. It may also not a bad idea to check out the brakes in your car, as you mind might have picked up subtle cues and is manifesting the problem in your dream.   TOP


To see or be entangled in bramble indicates that you are feeling trapped in a relationship or emotionally.     TOP


To see branches in your dream symbolize good luck, growth, and new life. Alternatively, branches represent the relationships and communication between you and your family or relatives.

To see broken branches in your dream represents a personal or work-related problem.

To dream that a branch snaps indicates that you are under tremendous stress. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling emotionally insecure.   TOP

**See The Meaning In Action: "Scissors In The Forest"


To dream that you are getting branded means that you are being typecast or wrongfully labeled. Alternatively, it implies that you need to be more yielding in some area of your life. If you are willingly getting branded, then it means that you are being too submissive.   TOP


To drink brandy in your dream symbolizes your preoccupation with material gains and money.  You need to remember that there are more important things in life.    TOP


To see brass in your dream indicates deception, falsehood and deceitfulness.  It may also refer to your boldness.

To dream that you are polishing brass suggests that you need to smooth out the rough edges of your personality.   TOP


*Please See Courage. 


To see bread in your dream represents the basic needs of life. Bread may signify the positive qualities and great things you have learned on your journey of life. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to rise above the situation or rise for the occasion.    TOP


To dream that you break something indicates that changes are ahead for you. You need to "break" away from some situation and change the direction that your life is headed in. Alternatively, to break something suggests that you need to take things slower as in "take a break".  Or the dream may be a pun on being broke. Are money matters weighing on your mind?

To dream that objects around you are breaking suggests that you are under tremendous stress. The dream could be a metaphor that you are literally at your breaking point.   TOP


To dream that someone is trying to break into your house indicates that some subconscious material is attempting to make itself known. You are in denial about some aspects of yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be about a current relationship or situation that is making you uncomfortable. You feel that you are losing your own identity or space.

Dreaming that you are breaking into someone's house suggests that you are looking for answers. It is also symbolic of self-exploration and expansion of the mind. Alternatively, the dream implies that you are ashamed about something.

If the birds are trying to break into your house, then it implies that you are not following your desired path in life. Others are meddling in your life and interfering with your life path.

To dream that someone is breaking into your car suggests that your plans are not working out how you have planned.   TOP


To dream that you break up with your significant other indicates that there is something in your life that you need to let go no matter how hard it may be.

To dream that your boyfriend or girlfriend is breaking up with you indicates that your relationship is moving to the next level. In a way, it is an end to something; you are leaving some past behind. At the same time, it is the start of something new or better. It is important to remember that such a dream is not an omen that the relationship is not working out. As a relationship evolves and grows, it also changes.

To dream that you did not break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend suggests that you are still in denial about the break-up. Your mind many not have accepted the notion that the relationship is over.    TOP


To dream that you are breakdancing suggests that you are deliberate and controlled in your actions.   

To see someone breaking means that you need to be more flexible in your thinking.  TOP


To dream that your vehicle breaks down suggests that you may be pushing yourself too hard and going beyond your limits. You are in danger of driving yourself toward physical difficulties, hardships, and even illness.  You need to take better care of yourself or reevaluate your choices and alternatives.   TOP


To dream about breakfast indicates the start of a new project or the beginning of a new stage in your life. Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to make for breakfast in the morning. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to be incorporated into your dream.   TOP

Breast Feeding

To dream that you are breast feeding or nursing symbolizes tenderness, love, nurturance, and motherly love. Good things will be at your grasp. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be careful in who you confide in.

To see someone breastfeeding indicates that you are nurturing a hidden aspect of yourself.    TOP

* Please See Also Lactating.

Breast Implants

To dream that you get or have breast implants refer to your body image issues. You are feeling insecure and self-conscious about the way you look. You are not measuring up to others. Alternatively, the dream is expressing your desires to be more sexual and/or sensual. The dream may also reflect your subconscious desires for bigger boobs.  TOP

Breast Pump

To see or use a breast pump in your dream refers to your ability to provide nurturance and give love.   TOP


To see or wear a breastplate in your dream suggests that you are trying to protect yourself from love and heartbreak. You feel that you need to protect yourself emotionally.   TOP


To see breasts in your dream symbolize primal nourishment and your need to be nursed and care for. The breasts represent motherhood, nurturance, and infantile dependency. Alternatively, breasts indicate sexual arousal and raw energy.

Seeing naked breasts can also denote a feeling of exposure and invasion of privacy. In particular, for a woman, the dream may indicate anxieties about becoming a woman/mother. 

Dreaming that one of your breasts is missing implies that you are feeling undesirable. If your breasts are lopsided or one is bigger than the other, then it indicates of a lack of satisfaction or imbalance in your sex life. You feel that you are giving more than you are receiving.   TOP


To dream that you are trying to catch your breath or that you are out of breath indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety, tension, or fear concerning a new situation in your waking life.

To dream that you have bad breath suggests that you are feeling enclosed or crowded in. Perhaps someone is invading your personal space.

To dream that you are holding your breath indicates your stubborn state of mind.  Your views are too one-sided. The dream is telling you  to be more open to the opinions of others.   TOP


To dream that you are breathing rapidly indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety, tension, or fear concerning a new situation in your waking life.

To dream that you are breathing underwater represents a retreat back into the womb. You want to return to a state where you were dependent and free from responsibilities. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to fulfill your own needs and caring for yourself.  Alternatively, you may be submerged in your own emotions.

To dream that you cannot breathe indicates that you are feeling exhausted. People who suffer from asthma often have dreams of not being able to breathe. 

To dream that someone is breathing into your mouth suggests that you need to incorporate aspects of this person within your own self. If this person is no longer alive, then it means that he or she still lives within you.   TOP

Breathalyzer Test

To dream that you are being administered a breathalyzer test indicates that your misdeeds or bad behavior will catch up with you. The dream may be telling you to slow down.    TOP


To feel a breeze in your dream represents the movement of ideas and minor changes.    TOP



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Last Updated: February 21, 2019