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Boats for Sale 

Inboard Marine Engines  LaPointes Restoration Shop


Classic Boats and Antique Boats
LaPointes Classic Boat & Motor, Inc.

1940 16' Chris Craft Special Race Boat

Excellent condition. Award-winning boat with red leather interior, new 5200 bottom, new sides and new decks. Great attention to detail, sides are original-style, full-length bookmatched planks. Restored blue & cream instruments. This is the only year that Chris-Craft used blue & cream on this model. Rebuilt KBL 131 hp engine. Water-line cover and single-axle trailer included. $59,900. (41h) See Scamp in our Minnesota showroom.
Call Mitch Now: 952-471-3300

1940 16' Chris-Craft Special Race Boat
Chris Craft Special Race Boat Decks
16 ft Chris Craft Special Race Boat Classic Boat overhead view
Classic boats for sale: 16 ft Special Race Boat 6g
Classic Chris Craft 16 ft Special Race Boat Starboard Side
   Mitch LaPointe out for a cruise on Lake Minnetonka
  "Scamp" is the perfect name for this litte one-cockpit Barrel-Back
Classic Chris Craft 16' Barrel Back in water

  Above: Mitch LaPointe taking "Scamp" out for a spin
16 ft Chris Craft Special Race Boat Barrel Back port side
16' Special Race Boat Single Cockpit Barrel Back on trailer
16' 1940 Single Cockpit Barrel Back on trailer, starboard side

1940 16' Chris Craft Race Boat Dash Board and Gauges
Chris Craft Blue and Cream Gauges
  Above: Chris-Craft used blue and cream gauges in 1940

Chris Craft KBL Engine

Get EMAIL ALERTS of New Antique Boats!
LaPointe's Classic Boat & Motor, Inc.

OFFICE: No Boats Here!)
Spring Park, MN. 55384 USA

Please call for directions to the boat showroom.
Don't just drive to the office, there are no boats here!
The showroom is 45 minutes west of our office.

PHONE: 952-471-3300
10:00 am - 5:00 pm CST