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Attention: Have you gone through a divorce, breakup or loss?

"Discover How To Become Self-Empowered To Heal Your Emotional Wounds After A Divorce, Breakup Or Loss In Just 30 Minutes A Day With The Power Of Unconditional Love"

If you want to Heal Your Emotional Wounds, then you need to read every word of this exciting letter, because it would change your life…


Are you REALLY serious about ending the pain and heal your emotional wounds? Here’s a simple step-by-step daily plan that will take you from despair to wholeness in just 7 proven and simple steps!

Dear Wholeness Seeker,

Emotional wounds can wreak havoc on you, not only emotionally, but physically, mentally, as well as, socially. Whether your emotional wounds stem from loss of a loved one, divorce or breakup, the trauma can mentally, emotionally and physically displace you, uproot you from a place of stability into a state of upheaval.

Do your emotional wounds have you feeling:

  • Disappointed with life because you’ve spent so many years of your life building your dreams with the love of your life only to have it all fall apart?
  • Lonely, numb or empty inside because your loved one has gone on and now the hurt is so overwhelming you’re wondering how you’d ever get through this?
  •  Lost and confused not knowing which way to go from where you are?
  •   Hurt and bitter inside and you can’t seem to shake these negative emotions that seem to keep you down from rising upward and moving on with your life and reviving your dreams?
  •   Anger, depression and anxiety that have you locked in a whirlwind of negative emotions and you’re finding it difficult to escape?

You’re not alone and you don’t have to continue to stay in this place that does not uplift you and give you strength to move on and experience a life of joy, inner peace and inner healing.

Let me briefly share my story…

I’m Alicia Campbell, founder of Changing Inside Out Now! I am a wife and mother of 9 children, 8 girls, and 1 boy – yes, high energy, lots of singing, laughter, and love, and yes, we did really try to have another boy, but that wasn’t in the cards.  

When my first husband and I separated, it was a journey I knew that I needed help to take. I was left, not only hurt and disappointed, but also confused as to what direction I needed to go.

Things were not going so well with us for some time and I had hoped that everything would have turned around – we tried keeping it together, starting over in a new place, but that did not change the downward path our marriage was on.

I was still young and full of life and dreamed of having a long-lasting relationship and family. That was my dream and intention from my teens. I felt that I waited for this moment my whole life and for what. The disappointment set in even deeper.  

At the time, I didn’t realize that my spiritual journey was about to go to the next level.

It wasn’t always easy. I quickly found out the learning curve is steep when you’re trying to heal from a broken relationship through trial and error. Some days I got really frustrated and discouraged.

But I did it. I came through.

The steps I’m going to share with you are the ones I’ve used to heal my emotional wounds so I could move on with my life, fulfill my dreams of having a family, live my life purpose and become empowered from within.


Passing of My Dad


When my Dad passed a few years ago, I felt numb at first. When my brother called with the news that Dad had passed I couldn’t even speak. I was in shock and felt numb. My husband had to take the phone and continue the conversation because no words could come out of my mouth.

I thought I had more time. I thought I would be able to see him again. The feeling was so overwhelmingly muddled together that all I could feel at that moment was numbness.

As the day went on, the tears finally came. Part of me was happy, happy that my dad was no longer in pain and he’s free, but I was also sad. Sad and abandoned. Sad because he was gone and I hadn’t been able to visit with him. Abandoned because he was gone and he left me behind.

I knew that my family needed me – my husband, my children - and I want to stay with them, but my Dad was gone and I couldn't go with him.

I know what it’s like to feel the pain of loss

So believe me when I say I know what it’s like to suffer emotional wounds. It wasn’t very long ago that I was struggling the pain of loss when my father died and more recently when one of my elder sister passed.

But discovering the secret of healing my emotional wounds with the Power of Unconditional Love, elevated me from a place of despair to wholeness.

And now you too can learn these same secrets without all the trial and error…


HEWs (Healing Emotional Wounds) with the Power of Unconditional Love Coaching Program

The Quick and Easy Way for You to become Self-Empowered and Heal Your Emotional Wounds

What you’re about to discover are 7 fast and simple yet powerful steps proven to lift you up out of the rut of pain into wholeness, healing your emotional wounds with the Power of Unconditional Love.

The same steps I used to free me from the trap of emotional pain and rejection when my relationship fell apart and the same steps I used to rise up over the devastating emotions I felt after my father passed away and more recently one of my elder sisters.

Whether your emotional wounds are because of a loss, break-up or divorce, the steps you will learn here will empower you towards your healing. These simple doable steps, which can be implemented right away, can also be used for any emotional wounds caused by other circumstances not directly covered in this material.   

What is the Power of Unconditional Love?

Love is the Living Intelligent Being who fills the void and heals the hurt of any heart only when invited to do so. Perhaps I could stir within you the thirst for such love that dispels fear and invites boldness as this transforming presence radiates from within and enriches your life, taking you to higher planes you never thought possible.

Becoming self-empowered requires that you develop a routine which becomes your habit and your lifestyle. Every day you do things that are either empowering you or disempowering you.

When you use these 7 self-empowerment steps, you'll find yourself feeling more energized and ready to face each day with a fresh outlook on life and powered up with more life-energy from within.


What would it feel like if you could heal your emotional wounds? You could…

  •          find love again
  •          happiness again
  •          find your purpose and
  •          live your life fully with purpose and direction?

Introducing your life-altering daily application Coaching Program…


(Healing Emotional Wounds)

with the Power of Unconditional Love

Coaching Program


Here’s what’s included

You’ll dive into the 7 Daily Self-Empowerment Steps you need to Heal Your Emotional Wounds

    1.   Silence – Life begins in the silence. Ideas are birth in the silence. Rejuvenation comes about in the silence. Miracles happen in the silence. You’ll learn the power of silence, how to use this moment to ‘flip the switch’ from mental or outer chatter to focus your attention on the Source of your power. ($97.00 value)


    2.   Cleansing – We pick up a lot of emotional and mental debris which blocks the flow of our life-giving energy. You’ll learn simple yet powerful techniques to cleanse your inner and outer energies to free your spirit and empower you to freedom from within. You’ll literally feel the negative energy lifting off of you as you’re filled with life-giving energy. ($97.00 value)


    3.   Forgiveness – this powerful tool when used the right way can lift burdens off your heart and release you from the clutches of depression, resentment and anger. You’d be surprised to know who is the true person you should be forgiving. ($97.00 value)


    4.   Gratitude – Are you always complaining about things not going the right way? You’ll learn how to create the powerful habit of gratitude to shift your thinking, elevate your energy level to attract more good into your life and promote your emotional healing.  ($97.00 value)


    5.   Fill up with life energy – Unconditional Love is powerful. You learn how to allow the energy of this Love to free you, fill you, heal you, bring peace and joy into your life. When you walk with Love, you walk with power, comfort and wisdom for all areas of your life. You’ll learn how to connect with this life-giving power source and to stimulate the fire of Unconditional Love within you.  ($97.00 value)


    6.   Set your intentions – Having a direction for your life each day orders your daily activities. You’ll learn how to consciously set your intentions to what you want to achieve and how to release the outcome so you can move on from a place of feeling stuck in depression to focusing your attention on where you want your life to go, with purpose. ($97.00 value)


    7.   Be open to what the Spirit has to offer – Wisdom and knowledge reside in the Universal Mind of the Spirit. Your conscious mind has limited knowledge. You’ll learn to master the art of going with the flow and allow the Spirit’s wisdom to daily guide you. ($97.00 value)


All these steps have powerful simple doable action steps you can take right away to not only begin the process of healing your emotional wounds but give you directions to what steps you need to take so you can live an enriched and empowered life from the inside out now. Starting right now!

Application and repetition are the keys to success to creating new habits and making any changes you want to achieve in your life.

Each step comes in a .pdf format so you can print it out and read at your leisure and comes along with:

  •            PowerPoint Video
  •          Audio so you can listen on your mp3

  •                 Slides
  •          Daily Checklist for quick reference at the start of your day
  •          Quick Access to Action Steps
  •          You’ll also receive weekly additional trainings and articles with step by step instructions and inspiration to help you stay focused and on track towards your healing and wholeness.



Have someone work alongside you if you get stuck

There is no question that these simple yet powerful steps can enhance the steps you need to heal your emotional wounds. But, as great as these steps are, there’s nothing better than when you have someone working alongside you if you get stuck on anything or need something clarified. Someone who you can ask questions to your specific needs.

If you need someone that will help you stay on track and get your personal questions answered to help you through this time to self-empowerment, then this is for you. 

So when you order, I’m also including two coaching elements to help you make the absolute most of this program.


That’s right. Take a look…

1. Group Coaching Q & A Session. Each month I’ll compile the most asked questions and have them answered. I’ll compile these questions and answers into a .pdf file that you’ll receive in your inbox.

This is a very important .pdf. As it’ll contain simple step by step strategies and ideas for helping you become self-empowered, connect with the source of your power and heal your emotional wounds. Each of these could have been a standalone product for $97.00, but I decided to include it at no extra charge.

2. Personal Coaching. You get to ask me five questions sent to me via my special email address (Monday to Thursday) which I’ll personally answer back by email. You’ve probably seen others charging $500.00 for this type of coaching.

This is real, one-on-one, personal coaching. You ask me a question and I answer it. There aren’t too many other well-known self-development coaches who are offering this kind of ACCESS at this price point.

If you get “stuck” and need help, I’m here to help!

Questions must be related to the specific topic/PowerPoint presentation (no “off topic” emails), used within 30 days, and reasonably answerable.


Disclaimer: As a mom with 9 children, my time is very valuable and this can be very time-consuming for me. I reserve the right to remove this personal coaching at any time without notice. With that said, I will still honour coaching for the month that’s already been purchased.

So let’s recap…

You have the 7 Steps Daily Self-Empowerment trainings. Each step is a complete packaged training in .pdf format with PointPoint video, mp3, slides, daily checklist for quick reference and quick access to action steps. $97.00 value each = $97.00 x 7 = $679.00

Plus, the Group Coaching Q & A Session - $97.00

Personal Coaching - $500.00 per month value

Total Value = $1276.00


How Much Is It?

I could have easily charged $500.00 per month for this type of one-on-one coaching and it would be worth it considering the total value of $1,276.00.  

At $197.00 monthly that would still be a steal.

But you only pay $97.00 per month. That’s right. That’s about $3.00 a day, the price of a small burger.

It’s your turn to get your hands on this life-altering program. It’s time to take out your credit card and click the “buy now” button now to get started.


Become a HEWs (Healing Emotional Wounds) Member

$97.00 monthly recurring payment

(includes email coaching)

You can cancel at any time.



30 Day Money Back Guarantee

30 day money back guarantee

If HEWs with the Power of Unconditional Love Coaching Program doesn’t make a difference in your life to help you begin and complete the process of healing your emotional wounds and become self-empowered, just contact me and I will give you a full and prompt refund without delay.

All I ask is that you spend 30 days trying out my HEWs with the Power of Unconditional Love Coaching Program.

I believe strongly in these tried and proven steps and strategies outlined in this program because I’ve developed and used them personally and know that they will make a tremendous impact on you when applied to your life.

If this is the kind of information you’d like to get your hands on, now you can. You don’t have to live years and years carrying around the debilitating effects of the pain of loss, divorce or breakup. You can heal your emotional wounds, let go of the past and continue on to LIVE your Life, empowered from within.


Enlightened in Love,


Alicia Campbell

Changing Inside Out Now!


P.S. Where will you be in 5 years if you don’t take this step today? Would you be still carrying along the same emotional baggage year after year inhibiting your emotional, spiritual, mental and even physical progress in life?

What would this mean for you if you broke free from these emotional chains so you can have the type of relationship you want? What would the long-term impact be for you if you took a chance?


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