I am one of the recipients of Distinguished Young Scientist 2016 award (GEBIP) given by Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA). Follow this link for more (in Turkish) for this GEBIP award program.
I am one of the recipients of 2013 Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP) award. In 2013, 27 researchers from 24 countries over the world are selected to receive this award. Please visit here for this exciting program and more details!
- Most recent works (see all publications
- K. D. Onal, I. S. Altingovde, P. Karagoz, M. de Rijke: Getting Started with Neural Models for Semantic Matching in Web Search. CoRR abs/1611.03305, 2016 (pdf)
- K. Djafari Naini, I. S. Altingovde, Wolf Siberski: Scalable and Efficient Web Search Result Diversification. ACM Trans. on the WEB, 2016 (pdf)
- B. Kahveci, I. S. Altingovde, O. Ulusoy: Integrating social features into mobile local search. Journal of Systems and Software, 2016 (pdf)
- E. Sarigil, O. Yilmaz, I. S. Altingovde, R. Ozcan, O. Ulusoy: A "Suggested" Picture of Web Search in Turkish. ACM Trans. Asian & Low-Resource Lang. Inf. Process. (TALLIP), 2016 (pdf)
- S. Yigit-Sert, I. S. Altingovde, O. Ulusoy: Towards detecting media bias by utilizing user comments. ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci'16) (pdf)
- E. Sener, I.H. Toroslu, I. S. Altingovde: An Analysis of Resource Selection with Rank Cut-off Estimation in Meta-Search, SIGIR'16 Heterogeneous Information Access Workshop (slides and paper)
- Ozdemiray, A. M., Altingovde, I. S.: Explicit search result diversification using score and rank aggregation methods. JASIST 66(6), 2015 (publisher link) (Also see Score and rank aggregation methods for explicit search result diversification. Tech. Rep. No. METU-CENG-2013-01. Middle East Technical University, Turkey, September 2013.
- Most recent professional activities:
- Co-chair in ECIR 2017 short paper track!
- PC member in 2nd International Workshop on On line Safety, Trust and Fraud Prevention (OnST’17)
- PC member in CIKM 2016, SIGIR 2017...
I got my B.S. and M.S. degrees from Computer Engineering Dept. of Bilkent University, at May 1999 and September 2001, respectively.
In July 2009, I got my PhD degree from Bilkent University. Topic of my thesis is "Improving The Efficiency of Search Engines: Strategies for Focused Crawling, Searching, and Index Pruning", supervised by Prof. Özgür Ulusoy.
I served as a post-doc researcher at Computer Engineering Dept. of Bilkent University between July 2009-March 2011, and at L3S Research Center in Hannover/Germany between March 2011 and December 2012. Since then I am affiliated with METU CENG department.
My research interests include:
- Big Data,
- Web Search and Mining,
- Information retrieval,
- Data Mining,
- Recommendation Systems,
- Database Management Systems.
Click here for my CV.