Geno reported yesterday that Linda Hogan has ex-hubby and head Hulkamaniac Hulk Hogan bent over a barrel regarding their recent divorce. Not only did Linda get 70% of the couple's liquid assets, but she also released a tell-all book where she A) alleged that the Hulkster roughed her up from time to time and B) made claims that he and longtime friend Ed Leslie were on the down low, giving a whole new meaning to Leslie's "Booty Man" character.
Let's get one thing straight. I no longer carry a torch for the Hulkster like fellow Cageside editor Jesse Holland does. I think Hogan might be the worst influence on professional wrestling -- and in particular TNA -- today and his archaic, outdated views on the industry are crippling the Orlando promotion.
He still thinks only wrestlers that fit a similar mold to him -- tall, buff, and impossibly tan -- can be the only draws. Depending on what day you ask him, Andre the Giant weighed anywhere from 600 to 8,400 pounds when he bodyslammed him at WrestleMania III. And for some reason, he and his lackey Eric Bischoff are utterly obsessed with "working over" the internet, a tactic usually reserved for the most creatively bankrupt of wrestling personalities.
But despite all that, I can't help but feel bad for the Hulkster.
Losing nearly three-fourths of your cash is pretty harsh. Imagine going into work and having your boss tell you you're check will only be a quarter of what it usually is. That would suck, right?
And then also imagine that on top of docking your pay an exorbitant amount, your boss also started telling anyone who would listen that you beat the hell out of him on occasion and that you also have secret sexual trysts with your best friend.
It's almost enough to make me forgive Hogan for leeching as much money from TNA as he can.
I will never forgive him -- along with Bischoff and Dixie Carter -- for turning one of the most exciting promotions into the pile of mediocrity you see every Thursday on Spike.
Still, unlike "Easy E" and Dixie, at least Hogan has some semblance of an excuse for his money grubbing. Bischoff is just greedy and Carter is simply an idiot.
Let this be a lesson to all of you Cagesiders: follow Kanye's advice and get that prenup.