BGG's Amanda Dyar as TED |
Dragon Con has rose to popularity since the convention's introduction in 1987 thanks in large part to the ability of the convention managers to bring together some of the best guest lists for fans of pop culture in the world. Dragon Con 2014 was no exception, and the headlining guests for the show seemed to all come from different forms of media. Some of the famous movie actors at the show included the previously mentioned Patrick Stewart of the Summer 2014 hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, Karl Urban from films such as Judge Dredd and Star Trek and Adam Baldwin, who rose to fame in films such as Full Metal Jacket and Predator 2. Television was well represented at the show as well including Doc Hammer, Dana Snyder and others from the animated series The Venture Bros., various members of the Mythbusters television show, Julie Benz from the television series Dexter and a couple of cast members from the video game themed The Guild. No other event we've attended in 2014 has featured as many well known guests as Dragon Con 2014, and it was impossible to walk around the show floor without bumping into some celebrity an attendee would recognize from their current work or as a childhood hero.
Dragon Con is the first convention we've heard of that holds its own annual parade to kickoff the festivities at the show, and this year's was bigger and better than ever. Fans were in for a treat with the various costumed characters, floats and even some guest appearances during the parade. Dragon Con 2014 also hosted some brand new events this year including the Cosplay Life Drawing, where aspiring artists competed by creating art work of two cosplay models for a chance at some cool prizes. The show also featured The Rocky Horror Picture Show Live to present fans with an awesome reenactment of one of the biggest cult films of all-time. Dragon Con 2014 was a very cool event to say the least, and there was never a dull moment at the convention through the entire weekend.
There were several great moments from the show floor at Dragon Con 2014. One of our favorite moments at the show had to be the special women in the gaming industry panel. The special session included some of the most prominent, female voice actors and developers in the video games industry. A couple of unique costume contests for both Star Trek and Star Wars also stood out with some of the most unique and well put together cosplay costumes of the entire event. Dragon Con 2014 was an event that should not have been missed, and is the last few conventions are any indicator, fans should already be making plans to attend Dragon Con in 2015 as well. If this sounds like fun then fans must check out Dragon Con on Labor day, which is the final day of the event, for a chance to attend You Know More That We Do (A Mystery Science Theater trivia game), Comic Book Quick Sketch Contest, TMNT 30th Anniversary, live performance by Emerald Rose and much more.
For more information on the event and full programming, check out the official Dragon Con 2014 website.