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Arrowhead Farm in Newburyport MA

Home Page: Arrowhead Family Farm



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Welcome to the CSA at Arrowhead

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Established in 1683 along the Merrimack River in Newburyport, Mass, as the Moulton Farm, it was renamed by Charlie Moulton in the 1890s as Arrowhead. The farm is currently operating under the 11th generation of the Moulton Family, and has endured as one of the nation’s oldest family owned and continuously operated farms. Our farm was designated a National Bicentennial Farm by an Act of Congress in 1988 as part of the 200th Anniversary Celebration of the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution. We cooperate with U.S.D.A., the American Tree Farm System, and the Federal Natural Resource Conservation Service to maintain open space and as such were chosen as U.S.D.A. Conservation Farmer of the Year in 1988.

In keeping with sound environmental management, we rotate a diverse crop mix including fruits, vegetables, berries, fresh herbs, garden plants, cut flowers, forage crops, horse quality hay, beef cattle, hogs, poultry, honeybees, maple syrup, and forest products. Our main focus currently is to produce the finest quality retail farm and garden products possible, just the way Dick’s grandfather Charlie Moulton taught him, without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or livestock feed additives.

New in 2008 was our CSA at Arrowhead (Community Supported Agriculture). A CSA is a group of families who purchase a share of the farm’s crops and livestock and thereby become directly involved with the production of their food. During the harvest of each crop they receive a weekly share of seasonal fruits and veggies. You are more than welcome to join our C.S.A. group for a season filled with fun and good things to eat. After all locally grown, sustainably produced food is the future for any green community.

Arrowhead is a family friendly farm. We invite you to come by for a visit, bring the family or a friend, bring a picnic if you like, visit the livestock, walk the fields, and enjoy our historic New England family farm.


If you would like to make a payment to the CSA at Arrowhead, log into your PayPal account, click on the send money tab, and fill in the information. This will allow you to make your payment plan payments with your credit card. Our email address is


QUESTIONS? Click the tomato picture to read about how we grow your food at Arrowhead





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The CSA at Arrowhead
131 Old Ferry Road; Newburyport MA 01950

©Copyright 2017 all rights reserved.