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Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer
NCOER Bullets

o participated in the first Recovery Live Fire Exercise as recovery operator; validated training, techniques and procedures

o supported the NATO multinational exercise Dragon 24 and water crossing; successfully completed exercise with zero safety incidents

o maintained 8 Bradley Fighting Vehicles while deployed to Syria; sustained 100% availability

o assisted with maintenance and recovery missions; reclaimed over $1M in inoperable assets

o evaluated and towed vehicles to maintenance shops; accurate diagnostics reduced downtime by 50%

o selected as CFMT member; troubleshot, verified, and solved problems within the Bradley

o his performance during the June NTC rotation validated him as an essential element

o went on over 12 recovery missions and assisted FSC with vehicle turn-in; all paperwork up-to-date

o improved equipment readiness by taking the lead on 11 vehicles, some of which were outside his MOS

o monitored dozens of fighting vehicles on the Bradley Range during extreme temperatures; proactive maintenance prevented failures

o coordinated the movement of 288 pieces of equipment in preparation for deployment for Iraq 10-11

o planned ahead, put in long hours on Bradleys, armored personnel carriers, and Humvees

o ensured all Bravo Co vehicles were fully mission capable

o played a key and indispensable part in accomplishing the battalion's overall mission

Bradley Fighting Vehicle in the field

o key to unit winning second place in the first annual Bulldog maintenance rodeo

o filled in for the Motor Sergeant and assumed his duties in addition to his own

o assisted in the turn-in of over $4 million in Class IX parts and excess equipment

o went above and beyond to ensure all A Co 1-8 infantry wheeled vehicles were ready to complete all combat missions

o repaired 60kW generator, rewired, restored power and security to 13 COP TJ buildings and a raid tower

o guided the transition from Unit Level Logistic System - ground (ULLS-G) to the Standard Army Maintenance System - IE (SAMS-1E) Maintenance Supply system

o assisted the Shop Office for over 90 days when only one shop office soldier was available; helped the shop office meet its operational requirements

o aided in the in-processing of class II and IX and in dispatching vehicles; ensured all equipment was prepared for the unit

o alerted MNB-TK to indirect fire attack; actions crucial to effective response; checked on potential casualties despite immediate risk

o planned and coordinated the operational, logistical and administrative requirements for the turn-in and consolidation of Connexs

o trained Soldiers and NCOs on building a sustained and successful scheduled maintenance program

o provided expert technical expertise on tracked vehicle carriers during the Table VI and Table XII Gunnery at Fort Riley

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