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See, Elliot McKay Jr
American test pilot astronaut, 1962-1966. Died in crash of his T-38 trainer into the McDonnell Aircraft plant.

Status: Deceased; Active 1962-1966. Born: 1927-07-23. Died: 1966-02-28. Birth Place: Dallas, Texas.

Educated Merchant Marine Academy; UCLA.

Official NASA Biography as of June 2016:Elliot M. See, Jr.
NASA Astronaut (Deceased)

PERSONAL DATA: Born in Dallas, Texas, on July 23, 1927. Died February 28, 1966, in St. Louis Missouri in the crash of a T-38 jet. He is survived by his wife Marilyn and their three children.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science degree, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; Master of Science degree in engineering, University of California at Los Angeles.

ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots; Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

EXPERIENCE: Naval Aviator from 1953 to 1956.

General Electric Company from 1949 to 1953 and 1956 to 1962 as a flight test engineer, group leader, and experimental test pilot. Served as project pilot on J79-8 engine development program in connection with F4H aircraft. Conducted powerplant flight tests on the J-47, J-73, J-79, CJ805 and CJ805 aft-fan engines. This work involved flying in F-86, XF4D, F-104, F11F-1F, RB-66, F4H, and T-38 aircraft.

See logged over 3,700 hours flying time, including 3,200 hours in jet aircraft.

NASA EXPERIENCE: See was one of nine pilot astronauts selected in September 1962. He participated in all phases of the astronaut training program and was subsequently given responsibility for monitoring the design and development of guidance and navigation systems. He also aided in the coordination for mission planning. He was selected as pilot of the back-up crew for the Gemini 5 mission, and the command pilot for the Gemini 9 flight.

Mr. See died on February 28, 1966, in St. Louis, Missouri, in the crash of a T-38 aircraft.


Official NASA Biography

NAME: Elliott M. See, Jr. NASA Astronaut (Deceased)

PERSONAL DATA: Born in Dallas, Texas, on July 23, 1927. Died February 28, 1966, in St. Louis Missouri in the crash of a T-38 jet. He is survived by his wife Marilyn and their three children.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science degree, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; Master of Science degree in engineering, University of California at Los Angeles.

ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots; Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

EXPERIENCE: Naval Aviator from 1953 to 1956.

General Electric Company from 1949 to 1953 and 1956 to 1962 as a flight test engineer, group leader, and experimental test pilot. Served as project pilot on J79-8 engine development program in connection with F4H aircraft. Conducted powerplant flight tests on the J-47, J-73, J-79, CJ805 and CJ805 aft-fan engines. This work involved flying in F-86, XF4D, F-104, F11F-1F, RB-66, F4H, and T-38 aircraft.

See logged over 3,700 hours flying time, including 3,200 hours in jet aircraft.

NASA EXPERIENCE: See was one of nine pilot astronauts selected in September 1962. He participated in all phases of the astronaut training program and was subsequently given responsibility for monitoring the design and development of guidance and navigation systems. He also aided in the coordination for mission planning. He was selected as pilot of the back-up crew for the Gemini 5 mission, and the command pilot for the Gemini 9 flight.

Mr. See died on February 28, 1966, in St. Louis, Missouri, in the crash of a T-38 aircraft.


More at: See.

Family: Astronaut. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Gemini. Flights: Gemini 5, Gemini 9A. Agency: USN. Bibliography: 12, 6001.

1927 July 23 - .
1962 April 18 - .
1962 September 11 - .
1962 September 17 - .
1963 January 26 - .
1963 January 26 - .
1963 May 6 - .
1964 April 24 - .
1965 August 21 - . 14:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC19. LV Family: Titan. Launch Vehicle: Titan II GLV.
1966 February 28 - .
1966 February 28 - .
1966 June - .

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