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Part of VKS series
RKK Energia's proposed solution to the Soviet government's MVKS requirement for a single-stage-to-orbit reusable aerospaceplane system was this 700-metric-ton, turboramjet/rocket propulsion design. Work began in 1986 but abandoned when the Soviet Union collapsed.

AKA: VKS. Status: Design 1986. Payload: 25,000 kg (55,000 lb). Gross mass: 700,000 kg (1,540,000 lb). Unfuelled mass: 200,000 kg (440,000 lb). Height: 71.00 m (232.00 ft). Diameter: 10.00 m (32.00 ft). Span: 42.00 m (137.00 ft). Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).

At NPO Energia Tsybin was appointed the Chief Designer for the project. The Energia VKS was designed as a hypersonic rocketplane with multi-regime engines. These engines were turbo-ramjet with in-line rocket chambers. The VKS was sketched out as having a 700 metric ton takeoff mass, of which 140 metric tons was structure. A 25 metric ton payload could be delivered to a 200 km / 51 degree orbit. Length would have been 71 m, wingspan 42 m, and height 10 m to the top of the fuselage.

Work was abandoned as the Soviet Union broke up. In any case the Tupolev Tu-2000 seemed the preferred solution and had been funded for development of a subscale prototype.

Family: orbital launch vehicle, Spaceplane, SSTO, Winged. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: MVKS. Agency: Korolev bureau. Bibliography: 301, 458, 89.

1986 January 27 - . LV Family: MVKS. Launch Vehicle: Tu-2000, Yakovlev MVKS.
1986 July 19 - . LV Family: MVKS. Launch Vehicle: Tu-2000, Yakovlev MVKS.
1986 September - . LV Family: MVKS. Launch Vehicle: Tu-2000, Yakovlev MVKS.

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