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Credit: Manufacturer Image
South Korean technology satellite. South Korean indigenous 50-kg-class small satellite series, developed originally with technology transfer from Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

AKA: Kaitsat. Status: Operational 1993. First Launch: 1993-09-26. Last Launch: 1999-05-26. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 50 kg (110 lb).

In August 1992 South Korea's first completely indigenous satellite was launched as a piggyback payload on the Topex/Poseidon mission. The 50-kg microsat was known variously as Kitsat 1, Oscar 23, and Uribyol 1 (Our Star).

The Kitsat-1 satellite's experimental payloads included:

Earth Imaging System (EIS) - The KITSAT-A EIS consisted of two charge-coupled device (CCD) imagers, two lenses, and a Transputer Image Processing Experiment. One of the imagers would provide a wide field of view with approximately 4km-ground resolution. The second imager would provide telephoto facility giving approximately 400 meters ground resolution.

Digital Signal Processing Experiment (DPSE) - The DPSE comprised two Texas Instruments DSP microprocessors which could work separately or in parallel. The DPSE would broadcast stored speech; relay compressed speech in real time; and implement advanced data link modulation techniques.

PACSAT Communications System (PCS) - The KITSAT-A PCS would provide store-and-forward digital communications for stations in the Amateur Satellite service. This system would use standard protocols for message forwarding. Storage would be in a 13 Mbyte CMOS SRAM bank.

Cosmic Ray Experiment (CRE) - KITSAT-A would continue the radiation environment and effects monitoring which was currently ongoing on the UoSAT-3 and UoSAT-5 satellites. A total dose experiment would measure total ionizing dose and a Cosmic Particle Experiment would monitor energetic particle events. The data collected from KITSAT-A's high-altitude, inclined orbit would be compared with that available in the 800-km polar orbits already monitored.

The collaboration has also encompassed the installation of ground station facilities in Korea, participation of Korean engineers in the UoSAT-5 mission, technology transfer and training of students on the MSc courses at Surrey.

More at: IRS-P4.

Family: Communications, Earth, Sun synchronous orbit, Technology, Technology satellite. Country: Korea South. Spacecraft: Oscar. Launch Vehicles: Kosmos 11K65M, Ariane, Ariane 40, PSLV. Launch Sites: Kourou, Sriharikota, Kourou ELA2, Sriharikota PSLV. Agency: KAIST. Bibliography: 2, 4, 6, 12733.

1993 September 26 - . 01:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2. LV Family: Ariane. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 40.
1999 May 26 - . 06:22 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota PSLV. Launch Vehicle: PSLV.

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