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Apollo ATM
Part of Skylab

Apollo OWS + ATM

Apollo OWS + ATM
Credit: NASA

American manned space station. Study 1966. The Apollo Telescope Mount began as a solar telescope built into the spaceframe of an Apollo lunar module.

AKA: Apollo Telescope Mount. Status: Study 1966.

Initially it was to be either free-flying (operated by a visiting crew in an Apollo CSM) or launched separately and docked to a Saturn S-IVB orbital workshop. Over many years it evolved into a piece of hardware unrelated to the Apollo LM and integrated into the Skylab space station.

Family: Space station, Space station orbit, USA - Space Stations. Country: USA. Bibliography: 2374.

1963 June 20 - .
1964 September 24 - .
1964 December 11 - .
1966 February 11 - .
1966 March 11 - .
1966 March 17 - .
1966 April 9 - .
1966 April 22 - .
1966 June 10 - .
1966 July 11 - .
1966 July 13 - .
1966 July 19 - .
1966 July 22 - .
1966 July 25 - .
1966 August 2 - .
1966 August 29 - .
1966 November 2 - .
1966 November 5 - .
1966 November 28 - .
1966 December 5 - .
1966 December 16 - .
1967 February 1 - .
1967 March 15 - .
1967 March 20 - .
1967 March 24 - .
1967 May 1 - .
1967 May 5 - .
1967 May 5 - .
1967 May 24 - .
1967 June 19-21 - .
1967 July 5 - .
1967 July 11 - .
1967 July 26 - .
1967 August 23 - .
1967 October 26 - .
1967 December 1 - .
1968 January 5 - .
1968 January 9 - .
1968 February 5 - .
1968 February 12 - .
1968 February 26 - .
1968 February 29 - .
1968 March 9 - .
1968 March 18 - .
1968 May 25 - .
1968 August 9 - .
1968 September 23-26 - .
1969 January 28 - .
1969 February 4-5 - .
1969 February 18 - .
1969 March 4-22 - .
1969 April - .
1969 April 7 - .
1969 April 15-16 - .
1969 May 21 - .
1969 May 22-23 - .
1969 June 10 - .
1969 July 1 - .
1969 July 18 - .
1969 July 22 - .
1969 July 29-31 - .
1969 July 30 - .
1969 August 6-21 - .
1969 August 7 - .
1969 August 13 - .
1969 August 29 - .
1969 September 3 - .
1969 September 4 - .
1969 September 16 - .
1969 September 17 - .
1969 September 23 - .
1969 October 27 - .
1969 December 2-4 - .
1969 December 15 - .
1970 January 22 - .
1970 February 4 - .
1970 February 9 - .
1970 February 17 - .
1970 April 8-9 - .
1970 May 26 - .
1970 June 3 - .
1970 July 16 - .
1970 July 30 - .
1970 September 25 - .
1970 December 20 - .
1971 January 26-27 - .
1971 March 15 - .
1971 June 16 - .
1971 June 17 - .
1971 June 17 - .
1971 June 24 - .
1971 June 25 - .
1971 September 14 - .
1971 September 30 - .
1971 October 8 - .
1971 November 11 - .
1971 December 15 - .
1972 January 13 - .
1972 February 1 - .
1972 February 3 - .
1972 February 18 - .
1972 May 11 - .
1972 June 1 - .
1972 July 17 - .
1972 September 22 - .
1972 October 2-3 - .
1972 October 11 - .
1973 January 10 - .
1973 January 22 - .
1973 January 24 - .
1973 January 29-30 - .
1973 February 20 - .
1973 April 3 - .
1973 April 16 - May 13 - .
1973 May 26 - .
1973 July 28 - September 25 - .
1973 September 25 - .
1973 November 17 - February 7 - .
1974 January 24 - .

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