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Cape Canaveral LC34
Part of Cape Canaveral
Saturn I launch complex. Saturn I and IB program launch complex, built 1959-1961. Four Saturn I and three Saturn IB vehicles were launched from Complex 34 between 27 October 1961 and 12 October 1968.

First Launch: 1961-10-27. Last Launch: 1968-10-11. Number: 7 . Longitude: -80.56 deg. Latitude: 28.52 deg.

Complexes 34 and 37 were designed to support NASA's Saturn I and Saturn IB program. Construction started on Complex 34 in June 1959, and NASA accepted the site from the contractor on 10 January 1962. Four Saturn I and three Saturn IB vehicles were launched from Complex 34 between 27 October 1961 and 12 October 1968. Though Complex 34 was held in standby status for possible use in the Skylab program, NASA finally decided to use Complex 39B on Merritt Island instead. Complexes 34 and 37 were mothballed in November 1971, and their service structures were scrapped in April 1972. NASA retained control of both complexes, and both sites became NASA tour stops. Complex 34 was declared a national historic landmark in April 1984.

Country: USA. Spacecraft: Apollo CSM. Launch Vehicles: Saturn C-1, Saturn I, Saturn IB, Uprated Saturn I. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral.

1961 June 5 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 October 27 - . 15:06 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-1.
1962 April 25 - . 14:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-1.
1962 November 16 - . 17:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-1.
1963 March 28 - . 20:11 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1966 February 26 - . 16:12 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1966 August 25 - . 17:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Uprated Saturn I.
1968 October 11 - . 15:02 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.

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