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N1 Block V
LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. As flown.

Status: Retired 1972. Thrust: 1,608.00 kN (361,492 lbf). Gross mass: 188,700 kg (416,000 lb). Unfuelled mass: 13,700 kg (30,200 lb). Specific impulse: 353 s. Burn time: 370 s. Height: 14.10 m (46.20 ft). Diameter: 4.80 m (15.70 ft). Span: 6.40 m (20.90 ft).

No Engines: 4.


N1 1962 - V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Compared to total fuelled mass excludes 1,000 kg in propellants lost to boil-off prior to stage ignition. Values as in draft project as defended on 2-16 July 1962.

N-111-A LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Variant of N1 Block V for first stage use. Number of engines would have to be increased and reduced expansion ratio nozzles fitted for sea level use. Least attractive of N1 variants and seems not to have been pursued after draft project.

N-11 Block B LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Derived from N1 Block V.

N1 1964 - V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. As per draft project for N1-L3, 1964. Thrust said to be increased 2% but not reflected in figures given.

N1 Block V-III LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. N1 improvement study, 1965. LOx/LH2 replacement for Block V third stage. Pursued into 1966 and later, but later efforts concentrated on Block S, R, and SR cryogenic stages.

N1F 1965 - V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. As per N1 improvement study, 1965. Engine thrust increased and stretched propellant tanks with almost 50% increase.

N1M 1965 - V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. As per N1 improvement study, 1965. Further stretch of Block V.

N1U 1965 - V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. As per N1 improvement study, 1965. Primarily improved reliability and produceability compared to first model.

N1F Block V LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. .

N-111-Ab LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Alternate weight breakdown.

Country: Russia. Engines: NK-21, RD-54. Launch Vehicles: N1, N1 1969. Propellants: Lox/Kerosene.

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