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Feoktistov, Konstantin Petrovich
Russian engineer cosmonaut 1964-1987. First spacecraft designer in space.

Status: Deceased; Active 1964-1987. Born: 1926-02-07. Died: 2009-11-21. Spaceflights: 1 . Total time in space: 1.01 days. Birth Place: Voronezh.

Graduated from E N Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU), 1949. Doctorate degree in physics, 1967. Participated in Second World War. Recruited after graduation as a civilian engineer, Korolev OKB. Rose to become head manned spacecraft designer under Korolev. Later bureau head and designed the civilian Salyut and Mir space stations. Professorial duties as well from 1969. Leading candidate put forward by Korolev for spaceflights aboard Voskhod and Soyuz spacecraft. Actually flew in space aboard Voskhod 1, put all further attempts to have him, as lead spacecraft designer, actually test his designs in orbit were unsuccessful. Attempts were made to get him in space as late as Soyuz T-3. Retired after a long career and authored several books on spacecraft design and his life. Died in Moscow, Russian Federation.

More at: Feoktistov.

Family: Cosmonaut. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Voskhod. Flights: Voskhod 1. Agency: Korolev bureau. Bibliography: 4452, 5374.

1926 February 7 - .
1954 May 26 - .
1956 June - . LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Vostok 8K72.
1957 During the Year - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1958 August 15 - .
1959 March 1 - .
1961 March 2 - .
1961 March 19 - .
1961 April 11 - .
1961 May 20 - .
1962 August 10 - .
1964 May 18 - .
1964 June 11 - .
1964 July 2 - .
1964 July 6 - .
1964 July 16 - .
1964 July 19 - .
1964 August 12 - .
1964 August 18 - .
1964 August 27 - .
1964 August 31 - .
1964 September 14 - .
1964 September 24 - .
1964 October 4 - .
1964 October 9 - .
1964 October 12 - . 07:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Voskhod 11A57.
1964 October 13 - .
1964 October 19 - .
1964 October 20 - .
1964 October 28 - .
1964 November 3 - .
1964 November 4 - .
1964 November 6 - .
1965 August 20 - .
1965 September 22 - .
1966 November 20 - .
1966 November 21 - .
1967 May 7 - .
1967 July 16 - .
1967 July 24 - .
1967 July 29 - .
1967 August 2 - .
1967 August 8 - .
1967 August 14 - .
1967 August 24 - .
1967 September 13 - .
1967 October 21 - .
1967 December 8 - .
1967 December 15 - .
1967 December 20 - .
1967 December 27 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1968 February 6 - .
1968 March 3 - .
1968 March 13 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1968 March 25 - .
1968 March 26 - .
1968 May 7 - .
1968 May 20 - .
1968 May 30 - .
1969 January 23 - .
1969 January 29 - .
1969 July 2 - .
1969 September 1 - .
1969 September 25 - .
1969 October 5 - .
1969 October 9 - .
1969 October 19 - .
1969 October 27 - .
1970 April 23 - .
1970 May 6 - .
1970 July 26 - .
1971 April 12 - .
1971 May 14 - .
1971 May 17 - .
1971 May 31 - .
2009 November 21 - .

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