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Tsybin, Paver Vladimirovich
Russian Chief Designer OKB-256 1945-1959. Designs: LL rocketplanes, RS Mach 3 ramjet aircraft, PKA spaceplane. Bureau closed, worked for Korolev on Vostok, Soyuz, AMS and Molniya satellites. Deputy Designer of Buran space shuttle, 1974-1992.

Born: 1905-12-23. Died: 1992-02-04.

Tsybin's OKB-256 built the rocket-propelled transonic research aircraft LL-1, LL-2, and LL-3 from 1945. On 23 May 1955 they were selected to build the RS air-launched ramjet-powered Mach 3 intercontinental reconnaissance/strike aircraft. In 1957, in response to the USAF Dynasoar project, OKB-256 was one of two aviation bureaus tasked with producing draft project designs for a manned spaceplane. Tsybin's draft project for the PKA gliding spacecraft, undertaken in co-operation with Korolev's OKB-1, was signed by Tsybin on 17 May 1959. Meanwhile a subsonic aerodynamic test vehicle for the RSR was built and first flown on 7 April 1959.

The Tsybin bureau was closed in October 1959. Tsybin and his staff transferred to the Myasishchev bureau in October 1959 (which had its own on-going VKA-23 winged spacecraft project). The Myasishchev bureau was then in turn closed and the staff transferred to Filial 1 of Chelomei's OKB-52 bureau in 1960. Construction of RSR prototypes was stopped in the spring of 1961, with three airframes nearly finished. Tsybin went to work for Korolev at OKB-1. Tsybin's work on the PKA was passed to the Mikoyan bureau and formed the starting point for the design of the Spiral spaceplane. At OKB-1 Tsybin worked on the Vostok, Soyuz, and Soyuz-T manned spacecraft; AMS planetary probes; and Molniya communications satellite. He was finally Deputy Designer of the Buran space shuttle project from 1974 until his death in 1992.


Tsybin bureau Russian manufacturer of rocketplanes and missiles.

Country: Russia. Projects: Lunar L1. Bibliography: 21.

1905 December 23 - .
1955 May 23 - . LV Family: Buran M. Launch Vehicle: Buran RSS-52.
1958 June 1 - .
1959 May 17 - .
1959 September - .
1960 October 1 - .
1960 November 1 - .
1961 March - . Launch Vehicle: RS.
1963 December 16 - .
1964 September 16 - .
1965 February 6 - .
1965 October 4 - .
1965 November 1 - .
1965 November 1 - .
1965 December 23 - .
1966 February 10 - .
1966 March 23 - .
1966 May 12 - . Launch Vehicle: R-7.
1966 July 2 - .
1966 July 12 - .
1966 July 26 - .
1966 July 30 - .
1966 August 5 - .
1966 September 21 - .
1966 December 9 - .
1967 April 8 - . 09:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/D. FAILURE: Block D ullage rocket failure; no restart.. Failed Stage: U.
1967 July 29 - .
1970 June 18 - .
1976 December 18 - . Launch Vehicle: Buran.
1992 February 4 - .

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