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Abide in Christ Mission Teams

Abide in Christ Missions in Action

"Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!

Abide in Christ is a faith ministry dependent upon the Lord and Bible believing Christians to provide free of charge Bible teaching ministries to build up His church and to reach unbelievers for Jesus Christ.  Mission Statement 

Abide in Christ, Inc.
P. O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7921


Missions Index

A New Work of Faith in San Juan Guaboc, Ecuador

God's Chosen Instruments in Ecuador   PDF

How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher in Ecuador?

Peniel Seminary Students with a Missionary Vision

Unto the Ends of the Earth  PDF

Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Advancing the Gospel in New Frontiers in Nicaragua

NEW Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Revitalizing a Shuar Church in Ecuador

Preaching the Gospel at the Devil's Nose Ecuador  PDF

Personal Evangelism in the Banana Capital of the World   PDF

Quichua Pastor's Conference on Sound Doctrine   PDF

Abide in Christ Baptist Church Esteli, Nicaragua

Annual Quichua Pastors Leadership Conference Riobamba, Ecuador    PDF

A Fruitful Harvest by Abide in Christ Evangelism Team in Nicaragua   PDF

Continuing Theological Education in Ecuador     PDF

Divine Encounter in Guayaquil

Study to Show Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador  PDF

Seminary Extension in Guaranda, Ecuador    PDF

Workmen Approved of God     PDF 

Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012    PDF

Teaching Evangelism by Doing It   PDF

Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua PDF

Where Would You Begin?   PDF

Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas   PDF

Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hunger for God's Word in Ecuador 

UPDATE Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua   PDF 

Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador

Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011    PDF 

Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa, Ecuador in  June, 2011    PDF

Born to Multiply in Santo Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador    PDF 
Evangelism Workshops in Wiwili, San Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte    PDF 

Ministry to Quechuas

Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua    PDF 

Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in Teupasente

Powerful Personal Witness for Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions

Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru

Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010

Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga

Evangelism  Workshops four cities in Nicaragua

Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras

Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal

Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo

 Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009

Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua

Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell

Church that Meets in Pablo's House

Two New Missions Completed in Honduras

God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras

Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua

Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond

Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth

Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches

Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out

Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras

Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo

Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras

God in a
Cigar Factory!

Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras

Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras

Bible Institute Courses by Extension

Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony

First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005

Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua



Who are we?

La Esperanza

La Brea



San Francisco

Deaf Community



San Lucia

Tererro Blanco

El Playon de Paz

Report by Rex Henderson

Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol


"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible"
-- F. B. Meyer


"We must do something!

Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.


"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us" - A. W. Tozer

Non-profit faith based Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church planting in rural areas of the world.

I Saw God Do It!
Wil & Ann Pounds

Celebrating Five Years
Peniel Theological Seminary
Riobamba, Ecuador Peniel Theological Seminary Pastor's Conference

Lenin, Nellie de Janon, and Wil Pounds were featured speakers at the 5th Anniversary of Peniel Theological Seminary Leadership Conference

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).

The 5th Annual Quichua Pastors and Wives' Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador celebrated the fifth anniversary of the seminary's ministry.

The seminary began with 13 students and now has over 170 students in Riobamba and extensions in Guayaquil, Quito, Pallatanga and Guaranda. New centers are planned this year for Cuenca and another in Quito.  

Wil serves as International Coordinator and a Bible and theology professor at the extensions. At the pastors’ conference he gave six presentations on the church, missions and personal evangelism. Each participant received a copy of Wil's manual on personal witnessing, Evangelismo en Profundidad. This manual is used in the three-day and five-day evangelism conferences in Latin America.

Wil speaking at Peniel Seminary pastor Conference
Wil speaking at the Abide in Christ Pastor's Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary.

“If a church is not involved in world missions, it will die. The pastor is the key to world missions. If a pastor does not have a passion for world missions, his congregation won’t either.”

Lenin and Nellie de Janon joined Wil in giving presentations at the Pastor and Wives Conference. Lenin and Nellie served as missionaries for 33 years in the Spanish language broadcast at H.C.J.B., the Voice of the Andes, Quito, Ecuador. Lenin's radio programs were heard around the world. He pastored Tabernáculo de Fe Evangelical Church in Quito for many years. Lenin also served as the Spanish voice and producer of Adrian Roger's radio program El Amor que Vale for another 20 years. Nellie spoke to pastors' wives on the ministry of the a pastor's wife. Lenin preached on the call of God, the infiltration of false doctrines in the churches, and family foundations. Lenin's messages and teaching were well received by the pastors.

Lenin de Janon speaking at Peniel Pastor's Conference
Lenin de Janon is the speaker on Adrian Roger’s program in Spanish,  El Amor que Vale. He is shown here speaking to pastors at our conference.

Alberto Copa Rector Peniel Theological Seminary
Alberto Copa, Rector of the Seminary teaching First Corinthians each morning.

Alberto Copa, the Rector of Peniel Theological Seminary, gave excellent expositions on Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians. He addressed many of the problems facing the Quichua churches in Ecuador. One of the greatest joys of my life is team teaching and working together in mission projects with Alberto. Lenin said to me, "Wil, you can see the hand of God on Peniel Theological Seminary. It is definitely a work of God."

Alberto Copa teaching First Corinthians
Alberto teaching First Corinthians at conference.

Peniel Pastor Leadership Confernece
Lenin speaking to pastors and wives.

Lenin jotted off this summary of the Peniel trip.

"It was a privilege and a blessing for both of us to be invited by Wil Pounds as conference speakers during the 5th Congreso Internacional del Seminario Teológico Peniel. Also, it was a tremendous challenge to bring before faculty and students a variety of topics that were thoroughly explained in the light of what the Bible and Jesus´ teachings.

"Nélida was very much at home talking about the women´s role as wife, mother, pastor´s wife and friend. Her conferences, personal testimony and  her experiences as missionary at HCJB, pastor´s wife, mother of 3 children and her passion for handicapped children that developed into the formation on “Campamento Esperanza”, was the forerunner (latter on) of Fundacion FUNNVAQ, the group of ladies of different evangelical churches that worked as “voluntarias” at the Hospital Vozandes in Quito.

"Overall, the participation of the ladies was outstanding, especially during the conference based on 1 Cor. 1:3:1-4.

Peniel Theological Seminary Pastor Wives Seminar
Lenin, Nellie and Gloria Gusnay Greek professor at Peniel.

"Lenin tackled the following themes: Infiltration of false doctrines in the church; basis principles for a Christian family; the purpose of the church and missions; autopsy of dead church; women´s ministry in the church and the reality of today´s church.

"Although some of the themes were debatable from the human standpoint they were not from the Bible´s standpoint.

"The graduation ceremony was very moving, and I thank God for those who now are well trained and prepared for the sowing of the Word of God.

"Thanks so very much for allowing us to be part of your precious ministry.

"Pastor Lenin De Janon and Lcda. Nélida De Janon."

Wil also gave the challenge to the new seminary graduates on Wednesday night. This was his second year to give the commencement address at graduation.

Wil Pounds speaking at Peniel Theological Seminary graduation
Wil speaking at Peniel graduation.

Peniel Theological Seminary 2015 graduation
Evening service at Pastor and Wives' Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary.

Over 400 pastors and wives came from all areas of Ecuador.

Pastor Wives Conference Peniel Theological Seminary
Nellie de Janon speaking at the women's conference at Peniel.

After the Leadership Conference, Alberto Copa, Alejandro Guacho and I drove to Puyo and held a two day evangelism and leadership training workshop in a large Quichua church. Puyo is the gateway to the eastern jungle of Ecuador.  

Quichua Evangelical Christians Riobamba, Ecuador
Always a joy to have a pastor’s child running around!

Quichua Evangelical Church Puyo, Ecuador
Abide in Christ Evangelism and Church Leadership workshop in Quichua Evangelical Church in Puyo, Ecuador

Alejandro, Damaso Francisco and I spent four days in Chivias, a Shuar community, teaching Bible classes, and preparing for a Vacation Bible School team coming from Alejandro's Quichua church to share Christ with children. Two hundred children are  expected to attend. Wil will return to Chivias in September with Dr. John Howell and Don Dumas to attend to dental needs in the community, and share Christ through personal witnessing and Bible teaching.

Shuar children at Bible class in Chivias, Ecuador
Alejandro giving refreshments to Shuar children at Bible study in Chivias, Ecuador.

One of the greatest joys was having Nancy Copa with us for the conference. Nancy was seriously injured in an automobile accident in November 2014. We continue to pray for her recovery. Her desire is to be back serving alongside her husband in the Quichua Churches.

Peniel Theological Seminary 2015 Pastor Leadership Conference
Everyone wanted to hug Nancy and give warm prayers at the conference.

what you can do

Partnership missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions.

Pray daily for the work in Ecuador, Nicaragua and Honduras.

Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission.  As long as the Lord provides I will give … $25 ___  $50___  $100 $___  or $ ____monthly or a one-time gift of $ _____.

Current Needs:

q     Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $4,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

q     Pray for Alberto Copa as he coordinates our work in Ecuador.   

q     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to come for door-to-door evangelism and nightly rallies.

q     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Theological Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

q     Pray for Aristides Bustillo and his ministry in Nicaragua. Pray for Evangelism in Depth workshops with   Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

q     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops, and where to focus teaching  ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.

q     Pray for an open door to begin a church in the hometown of Pablo Servion  in Lepaterique, Honduras.

q     We are presenting one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops in churches in Latin America.  These are proven practical and effective personal evangelism workshops for pastors and church leaders. The vision for training rural pastors began with a course on personal evangelism while serving as a missionary in Honduras.

Alberto Copa Rector Peniel Theological Seminary

Alberto and Nancy Copa coordinate Abide in Christ in Ecuador. Alberto is a Quichua pastor with 20 years' experience and Rector of Peniel Theological Seminary.

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921

Hattiesburg, MS 39404

Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:



Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions