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Zoo School


Wild Life Training Conducted at AAZP.

S.No Name of the College/Institute No. of trainees/Students Date
1 International trainees - Wildlife Institute of India 25 13.1.2020
2 Forest Range Officer - Tamilnadu Forest Department 43 1.10.2019
3 Civil judge trainees - Tamilnadu Judical Academy 213 trainees in 4 batches 23.9.2019
4 Forest Range Officer - Karnataka Forest department 45 21.9.2019
5 Forest Guard trainees from Tamilnadu Forest Department 562 trainees in 12 batches 7.7.2019 to 20.7.2019
6 Forest Range Officer - Karnataka Forest department 45 21.9.2019
7 Civil judge trainees - Tamilnadu Judical Academy 213 trainees in 4 batches 23.9.2019
8 Forest Range Officer - Tamilnadu Forest Department 43 1.10.2019
9 Central Academy SFS Assam-Training Programme Forest Range Officers 31 28.1.2019
10 CASFS Coimbatore 2018-2020 SFS Trainees 30 9.3.2019 To 11.3.2019
11 Officers Trainees SFS 2018-2019 32 14.5.2019
12 AVC College 10 26.9.2019 To 27.9.2018
13 State Forest Service Case Study Of South India Tour - Coimbatore 24 13.10.2019 To 14 .10.2018
14 Karanabak Forest Academy- Forest Range Officer Trainees 26 28.11.2018
15 SouthIndia Tour Programme Of Forest Range Officers 26 28.11.2018
16 Gujarat Forest Department - Range Officer Trainee 35 15.12.2018
17 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy -IFS Probationary Officier 2017-2018 45 15.12.2018
18 Central Academy for State Forest Service, Burnihat, Assam 40 21.01.2017
19 P.G.Diploma course in Advanced Wildlife Management, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun 20 22.02.2017
21 Dr.Ambedkar Law college, Chennai 60 08.09.2017