In mythology, werewolves, or lycanthropes, have the ability to shape-shift or transform into a wolf-man either after being cursed or bitten by another werewolf. They are attributed with super-human strength as well as retaining their wolf senses. Ever wanted to draw one? Well, these easy steps will show you how!

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

A Realistic Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Draw a circle for the head.
  2. Step 2 Draw a square for the snout.
  3. Step 3 Draw a series of ovals for the mouth eyes and ears.
  4. Step 4 Draw two larger ovals for body and part of the arm.
  5. Step 5 Draw a series of lines connecting the head and body.
  6. Step 6 Draw ovals to complete the arm outline of the werewolf.
    Add curve shapes for the claws.
  7. Step 7 Draw another set of ovals for the legs and feet, add curves with circles on the end for the feet.
  8. Step 8 Add curved lines to make the tail.
  9. Step 9 Based on the outline, draw the werewolf.
  10. Step 10 Add details such as fur, body marks, and body details.
  11. Step 11 Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  12. Step 12 Color your werewolf!
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

A Realistic Werewolf (Alternative)

  1. Step 1 Draw two ovals for the head and ears.
  2. Step 2 Draw a rough outline of the face.
  3. Step 3 Draw two ovals for the body.
  4. Step 4 Draw ovals to complete the arm outline of the werewolf.
    Add curve shapes for the claws.
  5. Step 5 Draw another set of ovals for the legs and feet, add curves on the feet for the claws
  6. Step 6 Draw a series of curved lines in the head for the hair of the werewolf.
  7. Step 7 Based on the outline, draw the werewolf.
  8. Step 8 Add details such as fur, body marks, ragged pants, and additional body details.
  9. Step 9 Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  10. Step 10 Color your werewolf!
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Cartoon Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Draw circles for the head and chest, and ovals for the snout and hips.
  2. Step 2 Draw more circles and ovals for the hands and legs, also lines to define the hands, legs and tail .
  3. Step 3 Draw circles for the eyes and an oval for the snout.
    Also create guide lines for the face.
  4. Step 4 Start outlining the drawing with darker lines giving the figure a furry werewolf appearance.
  5. Step 5 Add nails to the fingers and toes, a nose and teeth.
  6. Step 6 You can now start with the eyes adding color as you move ahead with coloring the drawing.
  7. Step 7 Give the picture depth with shades.
  8. Step 8 Give the werewolf some character by adding some clothing.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Simple Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Draw the guide lines of the body with circles and ovals for the head and torso.
  2. Step 2 Add more detail to the guide lines by adding more lines circles and ovals for the joints, palms of the hand and feet.
  3. Step 3 Add the guide lines for the posture of the face.
  4. Step 4 Start drawing the wolf like face, with ears and a large mouth.
  5. Step 5 Add more ovals to serve as guides for the muscles on the hands and legs.
  6. Step 6 Make the outline for the figure with darker lines.
  7. Step 7 Start coloring the drawing at this point of time.
  8. Step 8 Complete the coloring by adding fur on the figure's hands, back and feet.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I do this without eraser gum and just use a normal eraser/rubber?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the purpose for the eraser gum is not to always completely erase something, but to make the lines/shadows faint, or for small areas. If you want to make lines/shadows more faint with a normal eraser, just use it very gently (doesn't work as well), or for small areas use the corner of a fresh eraser or smaller eraser.
  • Question
    I want to draw a scary-looking werewolf, but I only know how to draw cute, cartoon-y things. How do I draw a scary one?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can add more fur lines and bigger/more teeth. Maybe coloring it darker and adding a night scene behind it would give it a scarier effect.
  • Question
    How do I draw a werewolf face that looks scary? I also want to know how I can draw the jaw and teeth
    Community Answer
    You can make it look scary by having sharper teeth, with a bit more space in between them. For the teeth, don't draw them as triangles, but try and make them a crooked cone shape. For the jaw, the jaw is just an angled shape.
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Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

About this article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 81,149 times.
79 votes - 64%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: January 12, 2021
Views: 81,149
Article SummaryX

If you want to draw a werewolf, start by drawing a circle for its head, and 2 large ovals for the body and arms. Next, draw the outlines of the facial features, and add lines connecting the head and body. Then, complete the arm before adding curved claws. To complete the outline, add ovals for the legs and feet, and curved lines for the tail. Finish by adding details, like fur and body marks, and coloring in your werewolf. For tips on how to draw a cartoon werewolf, read on!

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