I know two correct things about scorpions.
I hate them and they are evil. I’ve been stung and let me tell you, it hurts! One little pin prick can turn into an agonizing stinging and burning feeling that can last for days. Did you hear me? I said DAYS. When I was stung on my foot, I felt the stinging rise up my leg to my heart, and that burning feeling lasted for a good 3 days. I couldn’t sleep and no amount of medication could ease my pain.
Living here in Arizona, coming across scorpions is pretty common. During the summer months, the scorpions rise out of their evil caves to torture us humans. There IS an anti-toxin that can be administered, but it is typically reserved for children only.
So, what is my natural solution for scorpion stings? Well, let me tell you, when I found this solution I ran around screaming in excitement. Every year we find a few scorpions in the house, and I’m always afraid one of the kids is going to get stung.
Enter the essential oil Frankincense
Frankincense (also known as Boswelia frereana) is native to northern Somalia. The locals use it by grinding it into a paste to support healthy joints & muscles, as well as support a healthy immune response. It has been used by physicians & priests, with notes of its uses dating back thousands of years. In 3000 B.C, Frankincense was more valuable than gold.
Most of the world’s frankincense comes from the gum resin tears extracted from trees in Oman, India, Somalia, Yemen and other areas of North Africa. The best Frankincense oil comes from Oman.
So how does Frankincense work on scorpion stings?
Because Frankincense (& other essential oils) are lipophilic, they can absorb into the skin, pass through the cell membrane and work at a molecular level. Frankincense has a very special set of compounds called sesquiterpenes. Frankincense is cherished because of it’s unique ability to help with even the worst bites & stings. Many countries use Frankincense for toxic bites of various insects & snakes.
By applying ONE drop to the skin, you can feel normal once again within seconds!
How much does Frankincense Cost?
Frankincense costs 23 cents per drop.
Because Frankincense is so valued, a bottle can cost you $93. The benefit of purchasing through me means you can get it for $69.75 instead of paying the $93 retail price. Paying $69.75 for a 15 ml bottle of anything may seem expensive to you, but to relieve a scorpion sting in seconds for only 23 cents, trust me, it’s worth it! The good news is that Frankincense has many other uses and shouldn’t expire for 15 years!
What other uses does Frankincense have?
- Promotes healthy immune response
- Immune support
- Supports mood stabilization
- Support Memory & Focus
- Support healthy cell function
- Promotes Circulation
- Balances emotions
- Bug bites, bee stings, scorpion stings
It goes, “When in doubt, use Frankincense.”
Trust me, if you keep Frankincense on hand, you won’t be worried about scorpion stings anymore.
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Ok. I thought I would leave my scientific findings on Frankincense oil vs. Arizona Bark Scorpion sting. I did not find this article until my bite was around 24 hrs old. I had been limping all day..sweaty, not feeling too great (probably from the searing pain on my foot). I had frankincense oil already so I thought “hey why not”. I applied it to the area and it did not feel any different. A few hours later I decided to apply again before heading to bed. This time, it did feel a little better right away (3 drops to entire surrounding area). I headed for bed. I woke up at 3am as always to use the restroom and my foot didn’t hurt anymore! Nothing! No pain..no burning nothing. I was so sleepy I decided to wait until morning to really give it a look and pain test. NO PAIN! I grabbed the sting sight, no pain! Walking? No pain. I’m so happy! Thank you for this advice! I’m passing it on..
Living in Mesa, AZ, I was stung by a scorpion hiding near the baseboards of my kitchen cabinets. I read about the scorpions size and location found being an indicator of how bad the venom is.
Let me tell you, I cried like a baby, I have a high tolerance for pain. I do not take pain meds even having had past hip replacement.
The sting on my 2nd toe caused pain all the way up to my knee. Wishing I could temporarily remove my leg until the pain passed. I was never going to sleep that night. I google researched what to do and how serious it actually was.The scorpion was less than an inch long. The location however was an indication that it was a more dangerous variety. I had been icing for hours and took a chance on frankenscense, that was a gift. It smells horrible and I thought it was a rude gift. Why would I ever want to use an oil that was so pungent? The only other essential oil I have is lavender.
The relief was unbelievable! I couldn’t locate any pain the next morning. The location of the sting was unremarkable.
Now I know that those Frankenscense and Myrrh of the bible were a first aid kit.
After reading for home remedies,
I moved into a new home with my elderly parents and found the home to be plagued with Arizona bark scorpions. My mother was stung within a month of living there. I immediately applied vinegar as a neighbor had suggested as he has the same scorpion problem and had been stung many times. Then I decided to apply frankincense oil as well because it seemed like a good idea. My mother said it must have worked because she felt hardly any pain and the numbness went away immediately after applying the oil.
I live in southern UtH. Arizona scorpians have made it up here. My friend had to be admitted to the hospital for a severe reaction. I was stung a couple of hours ago and have been writhing in pain. I found this post and had Frankincense in hand. I messaged my whole foot with it. I’m still in a lot of pain, but I think it helped a little, not as much as I was hoping.
Thanks for the informative post, DaNelle! I wondered why you chose Boswellia Frereana rather than Carterii, the species used most often medicinally. Frankincense is my favorite essential oil and I keep several species of Frankincense on my essential oil shelf but using it for scorpion stings is new to me. I guess I’ll be moving at least one bottle into my first aid box.
While fresh mint leaves are safe to use, peppermint essential oil should never be used in its undiluted form as it can cause severe skin irritations, especially for people with sensitive skin. It is not advisable for pregnant women and infants to use peppermint essential oil.
How can I purchase the frankincense?
Hi Lydia, you can now purchase from my online store here: https://store.weedemandreap.com/product/frankincense/
My wife bought what I thought was some expensive oils, and I am glad she did. We live in the Hill Country of Texas, lots of scorpions, today she was sting by one. I went to open her “expense oils” package to find that she included Frankincense in the purchase. I applied several drops and within minutes the pain dropped at least 50%. I am now a believer in this oils…expensive or not, they are essential in my household from now on.
That’s so great!
I have been stung 3 times now by a scorpion. I found sites listing Frankincense essential oil and I applied it and it really helped. But if you don’t have it on hand, using ammonia on the sting immediately will neutralize the venom also. I only had ammonia in the form of Windex and that really helped me when I got stung the second time.
Wonderful! My husband just got stung so I searched the web for an essential oil to help. Found your site, applied the oil, and before I got it put back up, he said it felt better. Pain wasn’t gone, but his toe felt better! Amazing! Thank you!
Thank you SO much for sharing the Frankincense treeatment for scorpion stings! My husband and I live on a ranch in West Texas, and each summer, we unfortunately encounter tons of scorpions.
Knowing it was just a matter of time before one of us or our animals was stung, I was searching for natural remedies last summer and came across your blog. I have tons of essential oils, but was out of Frankincense, so I stocked up after reading your post, and boy am I glad I did…..
TWO days after getting my oil in the mail, boom…my husband got stung by a scorpion on his hand. Now, his tolerance for pain is truly something, but that sting had him screaming like I’ve never heard. I ran to my essential oils kit, put some Frankincense oil on a q-tip, swabbed his sting good, and in less than a minute, the pain was 90% GONE!
So now we keep a sample vile of Frankincense oil in every bathroom, and one in each of our barns; in case our Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats or other animals get stung.
I have absolutely no affliation with any essential oil company, but will tell you that Eden Botanicals sells a WONDERFUL Organic Frankincense essential oil, and you can order small “perfume sample” size viles (of any of their oils) for only $2-3.00 each. Those samples are the ones we keep tucked everywhere, and are perfect to have within reach!
Thanks again for this post….you saved us a lot of pain already! 😉
Big hugs from the 13 Point Ranch!!
Got stung by a scorpion that had crawled into my shoe during a rain storm in Arizona. Picked up the shoe, remembered too late to be careful doing that. Found this site, we have frankincense essential oil in the house, put a couple drops on it, and now I have a dull ache and slight tingling in my finger. Was hopping around pretty good before that. I am impressed by how fast the frankincense personally took effect with me.
Oh, I’m so glad it helped Marshall! Those scorpions stings are the worst, and it’s definitely the season for them:)
I just saw a story in the news today about a farmer in Cuba that uses scorpion stings as a pain reliver. Seriously. How does that even work!? Lol.
I won’t post a link but if you go to youtube and search for “cuba: forget painkillers” you’ll find the video.
I found this site trying to find out how a scorpion sting can actually provide pain relief.
Just thought it was interesting.
I’ve been stung and it wasn’t fun. It was back before Google existed and you just suffered thru it. 🙁
Oh, I’m so glad this helped you! Seriously, scorpions stings can be THE WORST! And right on your derriere, too! That’s one great story for the dinner table 😉
Thank you for posting this!! I live in Alabama and the area where we live has a lot of little scorpions. They’re not big like yours, but they’re scorpions. I’m pretty sure I got stung by one tonight as I was throwing some clothes in the washer. I felt what felt like a knife stab my finger, but I never saw anything. The pain continued to grow. I did a quick search and your article popped up. Within a few minutes of applying one drop of frankincense, the pain was pretty much gone. Again, thank you!!
Awesome! I’m so glad it worked!
My son just got stung by a scorpion! I searched and found your site; Thank you! He said the pain before the frankincense was like being stabbed by a knife and now it is only like being pricked. It did work in seconds! Thank you.
Oh, I’m SO glad this helped!
I was wondering if you have actually used this yourself after a sting?
The last time I was stung was 6 years ago, so no. But my friend’s daughter was stung and we did the Frankincense trick and it worked for her!
My brother-in-law just texted some photos of his thumb after he got bit by a wasp – nasty! He asked me (b/c of my vast amount of natural health knowledge – haha) what to do for it. He only has baking soda in his house. I will recommend the frankincense as part of a soothing treatment, but I don’t know if he has any friends with essential oils on hand.
wasp and bee stings. Just for future reference, smear some honey directly into the sting and the pain will fail away immediately, and yes, I can attest to this working!
I would have to agree with Lanise, most scorpion stings are treatable at home. Only a minority of scorpion stings need anti-venom. Identifying the scorpion by size color and any other characteristics is a good thing no matter what. But, having worked in Emergency Rooms/Departments, We see way too many people who could have treated themselves at home with simple “home remedies.” Although I am somewhat uncomfortable with the “diagnosis” area of your favorite brand, I am impressed with all the research that they back up their claims with. Knowledge is power. Know what kind of scorpions are dangerous and act accordingly.
You don’t have to use my favorite brand, although that’s the one I recommend. As long as it’s Pure Therapeutic Grade, it will have a good effect on scorpion stings:)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you posting this. Most scorpion stings DO NOT need to be treated by a doctor. There’s really nothing a doctor can do except give pain meds. They will only administer anti-venom if the individual is having a bad reaction, regardless of age. My 9 year old son was stung by one last December. I had no idea what to do, so we took him to the emergency room. This is in Mesa, AZ, where they see a lot of scorpion stings, I trust they know what they are doing. They examined him and gave him so codeine, then released him. They said the only time to be concerned about a scorpion sting is when the person is having a hard time breathing, has strange head or neck movement, drooling, vomiting. Unfortunately the intense pain is a normal reaction. I’m not saying that a scorpion sting should never be treated by a doctor, I’m just saying that unless the person has severe symptoms, there is no reason why you can’t try an alternative treatment.
I am not sure what kind of scorpions you have there. Here in southern Midwest, when we get stung by scorpions we make a paste of baking soda and water, it cures it. But I am definitely interested in getting some frankincense oil and trying that with some other things. Thank you for posting this. I love your blog!
Thank you Kasha!
DaNelle, I’m sure you mean well but this post could get you into some serious hot water. I know you probably have a legal disclaimer that will cover you, but HARM of another person is something you will have to deal with. Not getting a scorpion sting treated by a Doc is just downright dangerous and foolish. Essential oils can’t do everything. Holistic and Natural health are great for most things, but a trauma type situation like a scorpion sting?! No. I think this post needs to be removed before someone gets seriously hurt or even dies.
Hi Angela,
Thanks for you concern. Living my entire life in Arizona, scorpion stings are VERY common. My family, friends, & neighbors are stung almost everyday in the summer. Unless there are extreme symptoms like shivering, fever, or delirium, most scorpion stings can be treated this way:)
I’m happy I don’t have scorpion problems where I live, but I can’t wait to get Frankincense and try it out! It’s such an awesome oil and you can’t beat the value! 🙂