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December 9, 2021

Tips to Safeguard your Online Privacy Unless you are careful, you may end up compromising your privacy, inadvertently of course, and may lose money, information that is very Private to you, be victim of extortion et all. The first step of this macabre menace is the "Sharing of your Number". While it is inevitable to share for essential purposes like Personal Doctors, Banks, Utilities etc. it is not necessary to share your number casually to any Tom, Dick and Harry. The Fraudsters first step is to get hold of your number and some relevant details about you, like your Bank Name, credit Card company you deal with etc. They then start calling you pretending to be either of these agencies and ask you to part with vital info like your PAN, AAdhaar, or OTP sent to your mobile to swindle your funds. Their apparent familiarity with your Bank Name, Credit Card details or Workplace often lures to fall in their trap, and you begin to trust them and part with Information sought by them. Well then how do you safeguard against this menace? Simple. Follow these steps: 1. Ensure that your Mobile Phone Contacts are only in respect of persons whom you know and are well acquainted with and trustworthy; In case of doubt, remove their name from the Contacts immediately and note it down elsewhere. 2. When you receive a call in your Mobile which does not show a name from your contacts, do not answer it. Just send a Msg asking "Who is This" and wait for the reply. This deters the Fraudsters mostly. The persistent ones may try and say something to convince you but you have now got the Upper hand as you know they are outsiders in the first place. This is very important because it is enough if the call is connected even for a couple of seconds, for the fraudster to Skim all the information he needs from your phone. When the caller hangs without sending a reply, immediately mark the call either as Blacklisted or spam folder to ensure he cannot bother again. 3. It is unfortunate that at times, very rarely of course, some insiders in Banks / Govt depts themselves try to misuse the data available with them by calling the customers with an intent to de-fraud them. These guys are more dangerous because they have full knowledge about your data, fund balance etc.,. Hence, they will confront you with details like your Phone Number, Address, Nominee name etc. to convince you. You should never share info like your Customer ID, Password, OTP etc. over phone to anyone whatsoever. No one has the authority to seek this sensitive info over phone. Remember. 4. Never store information like you Credit Card / Debit Card Pins, Passwords etc. in your mobile. It is extremely dangerous. Try to memorize them instead. I know you are saying, "I am over 65, I cannot remember Numbers". Well then you may have them written down in detail in a Notebook which is always in your personal Locker at home. Just note it down in apiece of paper before you go to your Bank / ATM without descriptions like ATM PIN / A/c Password Etc. I am 73 and I use a small technique. If my ATM PIN is 4569 for ex, I will remember it as DEFI (Sound like DEFY). You got it !! 5. Please ensure that you have a Good, Dependable brand of "VPN" for your laptop, and Mobile Phone. This is VERY ESSENTIAL for those who do online Net Banking, Online Purchases etc. often. Their affairs will remain anonymous to prying guys, thanks to the VPN.

February 9, 2021


 Design with Ease

“Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.”

Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. With Wix, building your online community has never been easier.

Create Relevant Content

You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them. Each category of your blog has its own page that’s fully customizable. Add a catchy title, a brief description and a beautiful image to the category page header to truly make it your own. You can also add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help readers search for relevant content. Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them. Go ahead, #hashtag away.

Stun Your Readers

Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.”

Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational ideas, or what your company culture is like. Add images, and videos to really spice it up, and pepper it with slang to keep readers interested. Are you a programmer? Stay on the more technical side by offering weekly tips, tricks, and hacks that show off your knowledge of the industry. No matter what type of business you have, one thing is for sure - blogging gives your business the opportunity to be heard in a way in a different and unconventional way.

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things Wix, including website building tips and interesting articles, head over to the Wix Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your own blog, adding unique content, and stunning images and videos. Start creating your own blog now. Good luck!

April 4, 2017

All this while ... and for What !

She protected herself from that
She had heard but she never tried
She believed that
'To try the doomed is to become an evil'

All this while 
she guarded the integrity
by displaying animosity

Pure as anyone could be
Senile as anything could be
Escaping the stains while walking in the dark streets
She managed to remain spotless above all

All this while and for what
She asks herself now
She fell and fell so hard 
that scattered pieces are now hard for her to find

She sits and weeps
and continuously asks only one thing
All this while ... and for what !!

March 27, 2017

I Fail...I Pass

I try
I try hard
I fail
I get scared when I fail

But so do everybody
Winners were once losers
And that is what made them a winner
So why get scarey and be worried

I fail
You fail
They fail
We all fail

But the aftermath
The constant fear of losing
Seperated and abandoned
Scares her a lot

I will continue
Continue to fail or pass
Results will keep burdening
In the worries of the past

March 11, 2017

Hunger Games

Nature at heart
is still is that of sharing
Nature at stomach
is what is driven by hungriness

Given food item
only for oneself
but having others around
raises the question of sharing

Few food options for oneself
Desire to eat it all
Are some of the clustering mind thoughts

Share or not?
Question arises
Yes or No
decisive power is tested

Evil at mind
yet can't decide
Wicked in thoughts
yet can't leave people alone

Share food and wish had more
to eat and not share
is the thought that finalizes in the mind.