Today my friend Ikuto and I found this song on youtube by a Korean Vocaloid named See U. The song was called 'Hide and Seek'. Honestly, I am not really a big fan of Korean songs but it was really catchy, even though I understood nothing See U was saying. I scrolled through the comments and saw that people were saying that it was based off a game called "Hide and Seek Alone." Of course, being the big gamers we are, we tried to find a download for this game online.
When we tried to find the download, we realized that it isn't a digital game, but a game played in real life. We clicked on a link and it showed what is needed and the directions used to play the game. We needed a stuffed animal, red thread, a knife, salt water, rice, and a sample of something from ourselves'. (blood, hair, skin, etc.)
We must admit, the steps to the game were very interesting and, in a way, sorta sounded like fun. After we finished reading the directions, Ikuto looked at me and asked "You want to try?" I looked at the clock, that said 2:50, then I looked back at him and nodded, since the game starts at 3. "We must start getting prepared now, Ikuto" I told him.
"Okay," He replied as I got up, and started walking. "Wait," He called out at me as he saw me walk.
"There are warnings written here," he said to me, pointing at the warnings on the computer screen , "Don't you think we should look at them first."
"Ehh, it's probably just says stuff like don't play this or something about what the spirit would do," I said as I walked toward the computer and turned it off. "It's obviously nothing."
"Now lets go and get prepared. You turn off all the lights and lock all the doors and windows as I get everything ready, okay?" I requested as I walked out the room. "Okay," he replied as he followed me out.
Now, my whole house is dark, no technology is on anywhere, and every door is locked shut perfectly. Right before we started, I handed Ikuto the keys to my parents room, because he said that where he was hiding. I kept the keys to my room with me at all times. My parents were actually out tonight, out on a business trip and won't be back for another week. It was the perfect opportunity to play the game peacefully.
I finished gathering everything, the clock said 2:58. "Ikuto," I called out for him, "It's time." I did the steps to preparation as Ikuto watches. Since I am a Sonic fan and I would love to see my Tails doll come to life, just like in the urban legends, I decided to use it. So first, I took my doll, stabbed it and took out the stuffing. I replaced all the stuffing with rice and put a sample of mine and Ikuto's hair into it. Later, I took the doll and sewed it back together with red thread.
Next, I said, "Hiroshi is the first it! Hiroshi is the first it! Hiroshi is the first it!," as Ikuto said, "Ikuto is the first it! Ikuto is the first it! Ikuto is the first it," to the doll. We walked into the bathroom and put the doll nicely, floating over the water filled bathtub. Ikuto put the keys on the sink as he saw me do this because he had no space in his pocket. There were tubes of salt water in them. We closed our eyes and counted to 10.
Then, we chanted, "I found Tails! I found Tails! I found Tails!," and stabbed the doll with the knife. "You are the next it, Tails," we said together as I took the doll, put it on the sink with the knife next to it. Finally, we ran to our hiding spots. Luckily, I was planning to hide in my room, which was next to the bathroom. I ran in, locked the door, and ran in to the closet and kept the door close as I quietly hid.
Ikuto kept running until, finally, he reached my parents room. He looked through his right pocket, but it's not there. "WHAT?!" Ikuto started thinking to himself in pressure, "Look into my right pocket, it's not there.... look into my left pocket, its not there! Look at back pockets, IT'S NOT THERE!? WHERE DID IT GO?! WHERE?!" At that very second, he made a run for it, back to the bathroom with tears of fear running down his cheeks.
He stepped into the bathroom and instantly started looking for it. "Where...? Where?! WHERE?!," he thinks to himself pressured. He looked for it, and he noticed the doll isn't there. "Oh my god," he thought to himself with his hands on his mouth, eyes wide open with, and his face is pale with fear. "Where did the doll go?!"
At that very second, he hear the sound of keys ringing. "What?" he thought to himself with his heart beating fast in fear. He looked out the bathroom and noticed, the doll was standing accross the hall, staring at him, with a creepy smile on his face. He stared blankly in fear, till he noticed something....
The doll was moving towards him so slowly that it took him to register. "OH NO," he thought to himself as he ran to my door and started banging on it.
"HIROSHI!!" he started yelling. "HIROSHI OPEN THE DOOR."
I.... wasn't sure of what to do in that second. I thought this game was nothing but I have a really bad feeling about opening the door. I don't know what it was.... it felt like a bad idea.
"HIROSHIII!" he yelled with fear. "PLEASE," he said as he sounded like he was sobbing,"Please open the door."
I.... I don't know.... Should I...? This is so confusing.... The doll came so soon.... Shouldn't it have came a little later....? Tears started running down my cheek in fear. I.... should have listen to him.... I should have listen to Ikuto and read the warnings.... Why did I have to be so stupid....? WHY?! I shouldn't have said yes when he asked if I wanted to play. What's going to happen now....? What's going to happen to us? WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?! I felt so pressured with my heart beating fast.
"HIROSHI!" Ikuto yelled again as he banged on my door. "HIRO-"
I heard a huge bang at the door. He didn't finish yelling my name... What happened? Is he okay? I hope he's okay. I don't want to play anymore. My face was pale with fear as my eyes are watering. What have I done?
There was a moment of silence for a short amount of time. Then finally.... Something, odd happened.
The door creaked open very slowly. WHAT?! The door was locked... How...? Maybe... the doll took Ikuto's keys and opened it.... But, how did I not hear the lock opening...? I heard loud foot steps slowly coming towards the closet door slowly. Oh no... I guess I am done. But when the foot steps stopped, I heard the computer turned on. It's so weird... Who turned it on.... isn't Ikuto dead?
I heard the computer clicking and typing so fast. Who was it and what was it doing? Finally when all the clicking stopped... A song was put on... It was Hide and Seek. But it put on the english dub and it made no noise at all. Other then the song, there was no noise anywhere. The only other thing I could hear was my heart beating hard. But finally the song started looping at 'Ding Dong Here you are and...'
What....? What's... going.... on...? After one minute of looping, I finally heard something else.
"Ding Dong Here you are and...."
I heard it, whispering to me at a very close distance. As if it were right next to my face. My heart dropped as my eyes brimmed with tears. With a pale face, I stood there frozen. That voice.... It.... Sounded so familiar.... It sounded like.... Ikuto's voice...
My eyes grew wide. I slowly turned my head to the side.
And there it was. Ikuto. His eyes were as red as the devil and he had the most frightening smile. And, upon his hand, was my Tail's doll. The doll's smile resembled Ikuto's smile and it was holding a knife.
Then.... Finally.....................................
wAnT tO pLaY?!?!?