Edited Date/Time
1/25/2012 10:47am
hey guys, how do u tell the year of a vintage dt 175 yamie? frame and engine no. matches . i think it may be a 1974, but im not sure.if u could help a brother out, i would appreciate it alot.thanx guys. sazookdude. oh, by the way,ther are 3 digits, then a -hyphen and then 5 or 6 more nos. thanx again....
BTW, DTs are 250s. CTs are 175s. (LTs 100s, RTs 360s and ATs 125s)
The Shop
Well, here's a 73 [img:166bf]…]
Another 73 [img:166bf][/img:166bf]
And here's a 72 [img:166bf][/img:166bf]
And a 70 [img:166bf][/img:166bf]
And this sez it's a 74 [img:166bf]…]
What are the first 3 digits?
It's one of those TRIPOD hosted pics. They never appear on someone else's site.
But just go to and search on '1970 CT1 YAMAHA' and '1970 YAMAHA 175 Enduro' and what not and you should be able to find some shots.
I still think they kept the plastic badges through '71.
The tank description combined with the part no. sounds like the 1974. The 1975 shares some of the same numbers but I think the tank looks like this:[img:a37d0]…]
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