Sunaina Kumar-Giebel was appointed as the Network Director of Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 19 on June 4, 2023. She is responsible for the direction and management of all operations, finances, and clinical programs of eight healthcare systems and more than 100 additional sites of care, 20,000 employees, serving nearly 1,000,000 eligible Veterans, and an annual budget of $5 billion.
She previously served as the VISN 19 Deputy Network Director (DND) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) since July 2014, responsible for the operations, management, planning, budgeting, and service delivery in the provision of health care throughout the five primary states of Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as portions of Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, and Texas.
Prior to her role as DND/COO, she served in the VHA Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (DUSHOM) in Washington, DC, directly impacting VA’s mission, organization, programs, and systems.
Mrs. Kumar-Giebel completed the Graduate Healthcare Administrative Training Program (GHATP) and multiple federal leadership programs. She is an active member in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and a member of the VHA Regents Advisory Council. She has been serving as the Chair of the GHATP Board since 2014. She is also a graduate of Leadership VA (LVA) in 2015.
2023 – Present Network Director, VA Rocky Mountain Network (VISN 19), Glendale, CO
2014 – 2022 Deputy Network Director, VA Rocky Mountain Network (VISN 19), Glendale, CO
2011 – 2014 Health Systems Specialist, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management, Washington, DC
2006 Master of Health Administration, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2004 Combined Bachelor of Science in Corporate Financial Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, and University of Akron, Akron, OH