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Released September 11, 1947
Featuring Moe, Larry and Shemp
16.75 min. (Short Subject)

Shemp is a singing instructor who must marry before six o'clock in order to inherit his late uncle's fortune. After proposing to all of his old girlfriends, who promptly turn him down, Moe and Larry try to set Shemp up with the new tenant across the hall (Christine McIntyre), who mistakes Shemp for her cousin Basil.

Remade as HUSBANDS BEWARE (1956), with stock footage.

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Avg. Rating: [9.69/10]

Dee Green
Fanny Dinkelmeyer

Bertha Priestley
Fat woman in hallway

Christine McIntyre
Lulu Hopkins

Emil Sitka
Justice of the Peace Benton

Doris Houck
Aggressive former girlfriend

Nancy Saunders
Former girlfriend

Judy Malcolm
Former girlfriend

Virginia Hunter
Former girlfriend

Alyn Lockwood
Former girlfriend

B. Edney
Moe's stand-in

Harold Breen
Shemp's stand-in

Joe Murphy
Larry's stand-in

Clyde Bruckman
Story and Screenplay

Vincent Farrar
Director of Photography

Henry DeMond
Film Editor

Charles Clague
Art Director

Carter DeHaven Jr.
Assistant Director

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