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Chernobyl, Ukraine
540 x 540 JPEG
Published April 26, 2004
On April 26, 1986, the world’s worst nuclear power accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the Ukrainian-Belarus border. Toxic radionuclides like Cs137 and Sr90 contaminated an area of 155,000 square kilometers in what is today Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, sickened from radiation-induced illnesses, or resettled to uncontaminated land. This image, taken from the Russian Mir spacecraft, shows Chernobyl and the surrounding countryside.
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990 x 1000 552 KB - JPEG
Smoke Plume
540 x 583 JPEG
Published March 3, 2001
Can you guess what is shown in this photo? What is the plume extending upward from the ground? Why is the top of the plume brighter than its bottom? What is the bright object in the lower right-hand corner of the picture, and what is the dark, cone-shaped feature that seems to be leaving the plume and converging on the bright object? Examine the picture carefully, look at the high-resolution version if you want to, and see if you can figure out the answers to these questions.
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The Blue Marble from Apollo 17
540 x 540 80 KB - JPEG
Published January 31, 2001
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Polar Stratospheric Clouds
540 x 405 JPEG
Published May 26, 2000
1600 x 1200 351 KB - JPEG