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Basilis G. Mamalis


University of West Attica []

Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering []





[Full CV in Greek]



He was born in 1970. He obtained his Diploma (in Computer Engineering and Informatics) as well as his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras (Greece), in 1993 and 1998 respectively. He has worked for almost ten years (from 1994 to 2004) in Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RACTI) of Patras, as a researcher / computer engineer. He currently teaches at the University of West Attica (UniWA), Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, as a full Professor. He also teaches in the Hellenic Open University (HOU), Department of Informatics, as an external academic partner. His research interests include information retrieval, document & knowledge management, parallel algorithms & architectures, distributed systems & databases, multiprocessor operating systems, wireless sensor networks, cloud computing and internet of things. He has a lot of publications in international journals, books and conferences, and also he has been a reviewer of many articles of international journals and conference proceedings in the above mentioned research areas. He has also participated in many research programs of the European Union and the Greek Government.






1988-1993:      Diploma, Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, Polytechnic School, University of Patras (Greece)

1994-1998:      Ph.D, Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, Polytechnic School, University of Patras (Greece)




2018-today:     University of West Attica – Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering: Professor

2015-2018:     Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Department of Informatics:  Professor

2009-2015:     Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Department of Informatics:  Associate Professor

2004-2009:      Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Department of Informatics:  Assistant Professor

2000-2004:      Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Department of Informatics:  External Academic Partner

2001-today:     Hellenic Open University (H.O.U.) – Informatics/Computer Science Course: External Academic Partner

1994-2004:      Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (R.A.C.T.I. – Patras/Athens): Researcher / Computer Engineer




University of West Attica – Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering

(former T.E.I. of Athens – Department of Informatics):

Undergraduate Courses (2000-today)

- Operating Systems I

- Operating Systems II

- Introduction to Parallel Computing

- Parallel Systems

- Distributed Systems

- Wireless Sensor Networks

- Cloud Computing and Services


Postgraduate Courses (2006-2013)

- Parallelism I

- Parallelism II


Postgraduate Courses (2014-today)

- Operating Systems Principles

- Cloud Computing and Services

- Parallel and Distributed Systems

- Sensor Networks and Internet of Things


Hellenic Open University (H.O.U.) – Department of Informatics:

Undergraduate Courses (2001-today)

- Software Engineering I

- Operating Systems I

- Database Systems




D1.  Journals


1.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Optimal High Performance Parallel Text Retrieval via Fat Trees”, Intl. Journal on Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS), Volume 32, pp. 591-623, March 1999.

2.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “High Performance Parallel Text Retrieval Over Large Scale Document Collections: The PFIRE System”, Intl. Journal on Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 130-147, September 1999.

3.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Parallel Processing of Multiple Text Queries on Hypercube Interconnection Networks”, Intl. Journal on Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 50-66, March 2003.

4.        D. Kehagias, M. Grivas, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Dyner: A Dynamic Cluster For Education And Research”, Intl. Journal on Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS), Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 92-101, March 2006.

5.        D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “LIDAR: A Protocol for Stable and Energy-Efficient Clustering of Ad-Hoc Multihop Networks”, Intl. Journal of Telecommunications Systems, Springer, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 13-25, November 2007.

6.        B. Mamalis, D. Kehagias and G. Pantziou, “Efficient Techniques For Parallel Text Retrieval on PC-Cluster Environments”, Intl. Journal on Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 27-42, March, 2008.

7.        D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “ABP: A Low-Cost, Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Relatively Static and Quasi-Static MANETs”, in International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2008.

8.        D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Efficient Parallel Text Retrieval Techniques on BSP/CGM Multicomputers”, in the Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 286-318, June 2009.

9.        P. Belsis, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou and C. Skourlas, “User-Directed, Cluster-Based Retrieval for Large Document Collections in Highly Parallel Environments”, Intl. Journal on Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 47-60, March 2012.

10.    C. Konstantopoulos, G. Pantziou, D. Gavalas, A. Mpitziopoulos and B. Mamalis, “A Rendezvous-Based Approach Enabling Energy-Efficient Sensory Data Collection from Mobile Sinks”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 809-817, May 2012.

11.    B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou, G. Dimitropoulos and D. Kremmydas, “Highly Scalable Parallelization of Standard Simplex Method on a Myrinet Connected Cluster Platform”, ACTA Press International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 152-161, October 2013.

12.    B. Mamalis, “Prolonging Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks with Path-Constrained Mobile Sink”, in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 82-91, 2014.

13.    C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou and V. Thanasias, “An Image Processing Inspired Mobile Sink Solution for Energy Efficient Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wireless Networks Journal (WINE), Springer, Vol. 21. No. 1, pp. 227-249, January 2015.

14.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Simplex Parallelization in a Fully Hybrid Hardware Platform”, in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 356-365, 2017.

15.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Energy Balanced Two-level Clustering for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks based on the Gravitational Search Algorithm”, in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 32-41, December 2019.

16.    S. Gerakidis, S. Megarchioti and B. Mamalis, “Efficient Big Text Data Clustering Algorithms using Hadoop and Spark”, in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 174, No. 15, pp. 13-21, Januray 2021.

17.    B. Mamalis, S. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Efficient Multi-level Clustering for Very Large Wireless Sensor Networks with Gateways Support and Meta-heuristic Integration”, in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 183, No. 7, pp. 30-38, June 2021.

18.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “A Hybrid Multi-GPU Implementation of Simplex Algorithm with CPU Collaboration”, in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 41-54, March 2022.

19.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Improved Task Scheduling for Virtual Machines in the Cloud based on the Gravitational Search Algorithm”, in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 184, No. 40, pp. 41-48, December 2022.

20.    S. Gerakidis and B. Mamalis, “A Combined Environmental Monitoring Framework based on WSN Clustering and VANET Edge Computation Offloading”, in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 186, No. 2, pp. 33-41, January 2024.


D2.  Books & Book Chapters


1.         B. Mamalis, “Operating Systems Practice”, Hellenic Open University (HOU) Publications, ISBN: 960–538–211–3, 2003. (book in greek)

2.         G. Pantziou, B. Mamalis and A. Tomaras, “Introduction to Parallel Computing: Models, Algorithms and Programming”, New Technologies Publications, ISBN: 978-960-6759-89-5, 2013. (book in greek)

3.         G. Pantziou, B. Mamalis and A. Tomaras, “Introduction to Parallel Computing: Models, Algorithms and Programming”, 2nd edition, New Technologies Publications, ISBN: 978-960-5781-06-4, 2023. (book in greek)

4.         B. Mamalis, D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos and G. Pantziou, “Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in: ‘RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Security and Integrations’, Y. Zhang, L. T. Yang, J. Chen (Eds.), Chap. 12, pp. 324-353, CRC Press, November 2009. (book chapter)

5.        D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou , “Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, included in the “Encyclopedia of Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Computing”, edited by Samuel Pierre, IGI Global, Chapter 21, pp. 226-240, June 2010. (book chapter)

6.        N. Karanikolas, B. Mamalis, J. Kontos, G. Pantziou, S. Gritzalis, C. Douligeris, Proceedings of the 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2018, Athens, Greece, November 29 - December 1, 2018. ACM ICPS 2018, ISBN 978-1-4503-6610-6. (proceedings editor)


D3.  Conference Proceedings


1.        M. Lafazanis, B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis, B. Tampakas and A. Tsakalidis, “FIRE: A Flexible Tool for Efficient Information Retrieval”, RIAO '94 Conference, New York, October 11-13, pp. 132-140,  (accepted for prototype demonstrations), 1994.

2.        P. Efraimidis, C. Glymidakis, B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Parallel Text Retrieval on a High Performance Supercomputer Using the Vector Space Model”, ACM SIGIR'95 Conference, July 9-13, Seattle, pp. 58-66, 1995.

3.        K. Antonis, K. Govopoulos, K. Koumousis, B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “New High Performance Features in FIRE Text Retrieval System”, (“Νέα Χαρακτηριστικά Υψηλής Απόδοσης στο σύστημα Ανάκτησης Κειμένων FIRE”), Fifth Hellenic Conference in Informatics, HCI'95 (ΕΠΥ’95), December 7-9, Athens, Greece, pp. 383-392, 1995.

4.        K. Antonis, B. Mamalis, B. Papakostas, P. Spirakis, A. Stamoulis and B. Tampakas, “Distributed Document Management & Retrieval Techniques over LAN & WAN Network Environments” (“Τεχνικές Κατανεμημένης Διαχείρισης και Ανάκτησης Ελεύθερων Κειμένων πάνω από Τοπικά και Ευρείας Περιοχής Δίκτυα”), 1st Hellenic Information Society Conference, December 5-7, Athens, Greece,  (TEE'95), pp. 81-90, 1995.

5.        K. Antonis, B. Mamalis, B. Papakostas, P. Spirakis, A. Stamoulis and B. Tampakas, “Effective Distributed Information Retrieval Techniques with the Vector Space Model”, ISCA PDCS'96 Conference, September 25-27, Dijon, France, pp. 726-731, 1996.

6.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Parallel Techniques for Efficient Searching Over Very Large Text Collections”, Fifth Text REtrieval Conference, TREC'96, November 20-22, Gaithersburg, Md. USA, NIST Special Publication, pp. 377-389, 1996.

7.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Optimal High Performance Parallel Text Retrieval via Fat Trees”, in Proceedings of the ISCA PDCS'97 Conference, October 1-3, New Orleans, USA, pp. 29-34, 1997.

8.        C. Bouras, V. Kapoulas and B. Mamalis, “Tele-working services from the Greek PTT”, 4'th International Conference on Networking Entities - The organizational impact of telematics (Neties '99), Krems, Austria, March 18-19, pp. 69-74, 1999.

9.        B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis and B. Tampakas, “Parallel Processing of Multiple Text Queries on Hypercube Interconnection Networks”, in Proceedings of EUROPAR’99 Conf., (Springer), LNCS Vol. 1685, Aug. 31 – Sept. 3, Toulouse, France, pp. 482-486, 1999.

10.    D. Kehagias, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Efficient VSM-based Parallel Text Retrieval on a PC-Cluster Environment using MPI”, in Proceedings of ISCA 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS’05), pp. 334-341, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Sept. 12-14, 2005.

11.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “Efficient Active Clustering of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, Proceedings, 10th Panhellenic Conf. on Informatics (PCI’2005), (Springer), LNCS Vol. 3746, pp. 820-827, Volos, Greece, Nov. 11-13, 2005.

12.    D. Kehagias, M. Grivas, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Evaluating the Use of a Dynamic Cluster as an Educational and Research Infrastructure”, in Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Education Engineering (EE), pp. 11-15, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 8-10, 2005.

13.    D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Efficient BSP/CGM Algorithms for Text Retrieval”, in Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’05), pp. 301-306, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 14-16, 2005.

14.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, B. Mamalis and C. Konstantopoulos, “An Efficient and Scalable Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proceedings of the 1st  IASTED Intl. Workshop on Distributed Algorithms and Applications for Wireless and Mobile Systems (DAAWMS’05), pp. 761-766, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Nov. 14-16, 2005.

15.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “Lowest-ID with Adaptive ID Reassignment: A Novel Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Clustering Algorithm”, in Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Intl. Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC’06), Phuket, Thailand, January 16-18, 2006.

16.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, 'Clustering of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: An Adaptive Broadcast Period Approach', in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2006), Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-15, 2006.

17.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “A Method for Incremental Data Fusion in Distributed Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations (AIAI’2006), (Springer), Book Chapter, Vol. 204, pp. 635-642, June 7-9, Athens, Greece, 2006.

18.    D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “Stable and Energy Efficient Clustering of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks with LIDAR Algorithm”, in Proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC), (Springer), LNCS Vol. 4217, pp. 100-110, September 20-22, Albacete, Spain, 2007.

19.    D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “New Techniques for Incremental Data Fusion in Distributed Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conf. on Informatics (PCI’2007), Patras, Greece, pp. 599-608, May 18-20, 2007.

20.    P. Belsis, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou and C. Skourlas, “Interactive Cluster-based Personalized Retrieval on Large Document Collections”, in Proceedings of KES-IIMSS 08 Conf. (Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems & Services), Univ. of Piraeus, (Springer), Book Chapter, Vol. 142, pp.211-220, Greece, July 9-11, 2008.

21.    G. Pantziou, P. Belsis, D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis, “A Scheme for On-Site Service Provision in Pervasive Assistive Environments”, in Proceedings of ACM PETRA (Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments) Conference, July 9-13, Corfu, Greece, 2009.

22.    G. Pantziou, A. Mpitziopoulos, D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos and B. Mamalis, “Mobile Sinks for Information Retrieval from Cluster-Based WSN Islands”, in Proceedings of ADHOC NOW 2009 Conference, September 22-25, Murcia, Spain, pp. 213-226, 2009.

23.    B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou, D. Kremmydas and G. Dimitropoulos, “Reexamining the Parallelization Schemes for Standard Full Tableau Simplex Method on Distributed Memory Environments”, in Proceedings of IASTED PDCN 2011 Conference, pp. 115-123, February 15-17, Innsbruck, Austria, 2011.

24.    C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis, G. Pantziou and V. Thanasias, “Watershed-based Clustering for Energy Efficient Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Collector”, in Proceedings of EURO-PAR 2012 Conference, pp. 754-766, August 27-31, Rhodes Island, Greece, 2012.

25.    B. Mamalis, “A Residual Energy-based Data Gathering Solution for Wireless Sensor Networks with Delay Constraints”, in Proceedings of ISCA ACC (Advanced Computing & Communications) 2013 Conference, pp. 59-66, September 25-27, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2013.

26.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Hybrid Parallelization of Standard Full Tableau Simplex Method with MPI and OpenMP”, in Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2014), ACM ICPS Series, pp. 1-6, October 2-4, Athens, Greece, 2014.

27.    B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Advances in the Parallelization of the Simplex Method”, ALGO 2015 Annual Event: Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games, LNCS 9295, Springer, Festschrift (P. Spirakis), pp 281-307, September 14-18, Patras, Greece, 2015.

28.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “A Hybrid Parallelization Scheme for Standard Simplex Method based on CPU/GPU Collaboration”, in Proceedings of the 20th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2016), ACM ICPS Series, 12, November 10-12, Patras, Greece, 2016.

29.    B. Mamalis and M. Perlitis, “Energy Balanced Clustering and Data Gathering for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of the 21st Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2017), ACM ICPS Series, 53:1-53:6, September 28-30, Larisa, Greece, 2017.

30.    S. Megarchioti and B. Mamalis, “The BigKClustering Approach for Document Clustering using Hadoop MapReduce”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2018), ACM ICPS Series, Athens, Greece, Nov 29 - Dec 1, pp. 261-266, 2018.

31.    C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Secure and Trust-aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2018), ACM ICPS Series, Athens, Greece, Nov 29 - Dec 1, pp. 312-317, 2018.

32.    S. Gerakidis and B. Mamalis, “Utilizing the Buckshot Algorithm for Efficient Big Data Clustering in the MapReduce Model”, in Proceedings of the 23rd Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2019), ACM ICPS Series, Nicosia, Cyprus, Nov 28-30, pp. 112-117, 2019.

33.    L. Sotiriadis and B. Mamalis, “A Hierarchical Fog-based Architecture for IoT-enabled Intelligent Traffic Lights System Services”, in Proceedings of the 24th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2020), ACM ICPS Series, Athens, Greece, Nov 20-22, pp. 1-6, 2020.

34.    V. Giannou and B. Mamalis, “Utilizing Fog Computing for the Efficient Support of Innovative Teaching Scenarios in Primary and Secondary Education”, in Proceedings of the 25th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2021), ACM ICPS Series, pp. 98-101, Volos, Greece, Nov. 26-28, 2021.

35.    L. Sotiriadis, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Stable and Secure Clustering for Internet of Vehicles with RSU-assisted Maintenance and Trust Management”, in Proceedings of the 25th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2021), ACM ICPS Series, pp. 124-129, Volos, Greece, Nov. 26-28, 2021.

36.    V. Giannou and B. Mamalis, “An Indicative Demanding Teaching Scenario for Primary Education with the Support of a Multi-layer Fog Computing Architecture”, in Proceedings of the 26th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2022), ACM ICPS Series, Athens, Greece, Nov. 27-29, 2022.

37.    L. Sotiriadis, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “A Cluster-based Virtual Edge Computation Offloading Scheme for MEC-enabled Vehicular Networks”, in Proceedings of the 26th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2022), ACM ICPS Series, Athens, Greece, Nov. 27-29, 2022.

38.    S. Karagiannakis, I. Theodoropoulos, A. Anagnostopoulos and B. Mamalis, "Smart Waste Management Using Microservices and Container-based Virtualization", in Proceedings of the 27th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI 2023), ACM ICPS Series, Lamia, Greece, Nov. 24-26, 2023.


D4.  Other Publications


1.         B. Mamalis and C. Pierakeas, “The Use of New Technologies and Internet in the Daily Practice of Open and Distance Learning”, in proc. of the 2nd HOU (Hellenic Open University) Conference in Open and Distance Learning, 28-30 March, Patras, 2003.

2.         D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Efficient Algorithms for Node Clustering in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, in proc. of the 1st EPEAEK-ARCHIMEDES Conference, 24-26 November, TEI of Athens, pp. 102-105, 2005.

3.         D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, B. Mamalis and G. Pantziou, “Lowest-ID with Adaptive ID Reassignment: A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, in proc. of the 2nd EPEAEK-ARCHIMEDES Conference, 22-24 November, TEI of Athens, 2006.

4.         G. Pantziou and B. Mamalis, “Parallel Algorithms and Parallel Computing Standards for Information Retrieval”, TEI of Athens, EPEAEK-ARCHIMEDES, Special Edition “Parallel Content-Based Information Retrieval”, Editor: Prof. C. Skourlas, pp.189-200, 2006.

5.         S. Megarchioti and B. Mamalis, “Efficient Clustering of Big Text Data using the MapReduce Model”, presented at the 1st Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2019, organized by the Greek ACM-W Chapter), Poster Session, June 7, 2019, Athens, Greece.

6.         V. Giannou and B. Mamalis, "A Fog-based Architecture for the Efficient Support of Innovative Teaching Scenarios in Primary and Secondary Education”, presented at the 3rd Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2021, organized by the Greek ACM-W Chapter), Poster Session, July 2, 2021, Athens, Greece.





1.        GEPPCOM (General Purpose Parallel Computing – European Union Basic Research Project, No. 9072 - (1994-1997) [Research Academic Computer Technology Institute – RACTI –]

2.        ALCOM-IT (Algorithms & Computation in Information Technology – European Union Basic Research Project, No. 20244 - (1995-1997) [Research Academic Computer Technology Institute – RACTI –]

3.        DELTA-CIME (Industrial Production Methods and Technologies – ESPRIT Special Action Project) (1995-1996) [Delta SA & Research Academic Computer Technology InstituteRACTI]

4.        ODL/EPEAEK (Patras University Open Distance Learning Programme / Information System) (1998-1999) [Patras University & Research Academic Computer Technology InstituteRACTI]

5.        FINE (Integration of Biomedical Information Database FINE – European Union Project) (1996-1997) [Institute of Biomedical Technology & Research Academic Computer Technology InstituteRACTI]

6.        European Union and Greek Government Project EPEAEK – Program Action: “Support of Computer Science Studies in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens” (2004-2008) [ΤΕΙ-Α]

7.        European Union and Greek Government Project EPEAEK - ARCHIMEDES: “Communication Protocols: Design, Analysis and Application in Parallel, Distributed and Mobile Environments (PROTEAS)” (2004-2006) [ΤΕΙ-Α]

8.        European Union and Greek Government Project EPEAEK - ARCHIMEDES: “Parallel Based on Content Cross Language Information Retrieval (PACOCLIR)” (2004-2006) [ΤΕΙ-Α]

9.        European Union and Greek Government Project EPEAEK - ARCHIMEDES III: “Data Communication and Processing in Wireless Sensor and Sensor/Actuator Networks (PROSENS)” (2012-2015) [ΤΕΙ-Α]

10.        European Union and Greek Government Project EPEAEK - ARCHIMEDES III: “Development of Advanced P2P Protocols for Mobile and Sensor Networks Based on Synthetic Network Coordinate Systems (P2PCOORD)” (2012-2015) [ΤΕΙ-Κρήτης]




1.        Ministry of Education: Feasibility Study, Design and Technical Specifications for the development of integrated Management Information System (MIS)

[1994-1995] [RACTI]

2.        Ministry of Education: Master Plan development for the integrated use of Computers & Information Technology in Secondary Education in Greece

[1994-1995] [RACTI]

3.        Hellenic Parliament: Feasibility Study, Design and Technical Specifications for the development of integrated Management Information System (MIS)

[1996-1997] [RACTI]

4.        Hellenic Parliament: Technical Consultancy, Monitoring & Coordination of the Development of the Integrated Management Information System (MIS)

[1996-2000] [RACTI]

5.        Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE SA): Feasibility Study, Design, Specifications and Development Plan of Tele-working Services

[1998-1999] [RACTI]

6.        Ministry of Commercial Shipping: Feasibility Studies, Design and Technical Specifications for Information Technology Projects

[1999-2000] [RACTI]

7.        Greek Organization of Football Prognostics (OPAP SA): Technical Consultancy – Master Plan for the development of Information Technology Projects

[2000-2001] [RACTI]

8.        Greek Organization of Football Prognostics (OPAP SA): Technical Consultancy – Studies, Specifications, Monitoring & Coordination of Information

Technology Projects [2001-2004] [RACTI]




Supervision of Doctoral Dissertations (in progress):

- Vasiliki Giannou (2020). The Impact of Cloud Computing on the Educational Process: Design and Evaluation of Innovative Services Based on Fog Computing

- Leontios Sotiriadis (2020). Resource Management and Data Processing Techniques in the Internet of Vehicles


Editorial Board Member:

- Journal of Balkan Libraries Union ( (2013-today)


Program Chair:

- Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI) (2018)


Program Committee Member:

- IADIS Intl. Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing (TPMC) (2012-today)

- Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI) (2014-today)

- SECRET DIDWE (PCI Workshop) (2013-2015)


Reviewer in Intl. Journals & Conferences:




Citations: > 850




-          Parallel Algorithms & Architectures

-          Distributed Systems & Algorithms

-          Multiprocessors Operating Systems

-          Information Retrieval & Data Mining

-          Wireless Sensor Networks & Internet of Things

-          Cluster, Grid & Cloud Computing


(*) Last updated: November 15, 2024