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/ohd/, n.
1. a lyric poem typically of elaborate or irregular metrical form and expressive of exalted or enthusiastic emotion.
2. (originally) a poem intended to be sung. Cf. Horatian ode, Pindaric ode.
[1580-90; < MF < LL oda < Gk oidé, contr. of aoidé song, deriv. of aeídein to sing]

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Ceremonious lyric poem on an occasion of dignity in which personal emotion and universal themes are united.

The form is usually marked by exalted feeling and style, varying line length, and complex stanza forms. The term ode derives from a Greek word alluding to a choric song, usually accompanied by a dance. Forms of odes include the Pindaric ode, written to celebrate public events such as the Olympic games, and the form associated with Horace, whose intimate, reflective odes have two-or four-line stanzas and polished metres. Both were revived during the Renaissance and influenced Western lyric poetry into the 20th century. The ode (qaṣīdah) also flourished in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry.

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▪ poetic form
      ceremonious poem on an occasion of public or private dignity in which personal emotion and general meditation are united. The Greek word ōdē, which has been accepted in most modern European languages, meant a choric song, usually accompanied by a dance. Alcman (7th century BC) originated the strophic arrangement of the ode, which is a rhythmic system composed of two or more lines repeated as a unit; and Stesichorus (7th–6th centuries BC) invented the triadic, or three-part, structure (strophic lines followed by antistrophic lines in the same metre, concluding with a summary line, called an epode, in a different metre) that characterizes the odes of Pindar and Bacchylides. Choral odes were also an integral part of the Greek drama. In Latin the word was not used until about the time of Horace, in the 1st century BC. His carmina (“songs”), written in stanzas of two or four lines of polished Greek metres, are now universally called odes, although the implication that they were to be sung to the accompaniment of a lyre is probably only a literary convention. Both Pindaric and Horatian ode forms were revived during the Renaissance and continued to influence lyric poetry into the 20th century. The first version of Allen Tate's widely acclaimed “Ode to the Confederate Dead,” for example, was published in 1926.

      In pre-Islāmic Arabic poetry, the ode flourished in the form of the qaṣīdah (qasida). Two great collections date from the 8th and 9th centuries. The qaṣīdah was also used in Persian poetry for panegyric and elegies in the 10th century, gradually being replaced by the shorter ghazal for bacchic odes and love poetry. In the hands of Indian poets from the 14th century onward, Persian forms became increasingly obscure and artificial.

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