A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | |
1 | PENCARIAN KOLEKSI YANG DILANGGAN UGM BISA MELALUI ugm.id/ss. Jika mengalami kesulitan, bisa kontak ke perpusft@ugm.ac.id | ||||||||||||
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7 | NO | TITLES | Publisher | Publisher_ID | Platform | Proprietary_ID | Print_ISSN | Online_ISSN | URI | ||||
8 | 1 | Before I Forget: Journal of the Poyntzpass and District Local History Society | Poyntzpass and District Local History Society | JSTOR=pdlhs | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000272 | 2040-0101 | www.jstor.org/journal/befoforgjpoyndis | |||||
9 | 2 | 'Atiqot / עתיקות | Israel Antiquities Authority / רשות העתיקות | JSTOR=iaa | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50007431 | 0792-8424 | www.jstor.org/journal/atiqot | |||||
10 | 3 | 14th Century English Mystics Newsletter | Penn State University Press | JSTOR=psup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000837 | 0737-5840 | www.jstor.org/journal/14centengmystnew | |||||
11 | 4 | 19th-Century Music | University of California Press | JSTOR=ucal | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100530 | 0148-2076 | 1533-8606 | www.jstor.org/journal/19thcenturymusic | ||||
12 | 5 | 4S Review | Sage Publications, Inc. | JSTOR=sage | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100741 | 0738-0526 | www.jstor.org/journal/4sreview | |||||
13 | 6 | AA Files | Architectural Association School of Architecture | JSTOR=aasa | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000927 | 0261-6823 | www.jstor.org/journal/aafiles | |||||
14 | 7 | AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH Co. KG | JSTOR=nfav | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50010948 | 0171-5410 | www.jstor.org/journal/aaaarbeanglamer | |||||
15 | 8 | AAUP Bulletin | American Association of University Professors | JSTOR=aaup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000477 | 0001-026X | www.jstor.org/journal/aaupbulletin | |||||
16 | 9 | ABA Journal | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000852 | 0747-0088 | 2162-7983 | www.jstor.org/journal/abaj | ||||
17 | 10 | ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50014399 | 1061-4354 | 2163-0305 | www.jstor.org/journal/abajafhocodela | ||||
18 | 11 | ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000938 | 2156-4809 | 2329-4604 | www.jstor.org/journal/abajlabemplaw | ||||
19 | 12 | AIBS Bulletin | Oxford University Press; American Institute of Biological Sciences | JSTOR=oup; aibs | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100506 | 0096-7645 | www.jstor.org/journal/aibsbulletin | |||||
20 | 13 | AJS Review | Cambridge University Press; Association for Jewish Studies | JSTOR=cup; ajs | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100683 | 0364-0094 | 1475-4541 | www.jstor.org/journal/ajsreview | ||||
21 | 14 | ALA Bulletin | American Library Association | JSTOR=ala | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000705 | 0364-4006 | www.jstor.org/journal/alabulletin | |||||
22 | 15 | ANY: Architecture New York | Anyone Corporation | JSTOR=anycorp | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50005510 | 1068-4220 | 2331-4877 | www.jstor.org/journal/anyarchnewyork | ||||
23 | 16 | APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology | Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) | JSTOR=aptech | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100759 | 0848-8525 | www.jstor.org/journal/aptbulletin | |||||
24 | 17 | AQ: Australian Quarterly | Australian Institute of Policy and Science | JSTOR=aips | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000640 | 1443-3605 | 1837-1892 | www.jstor.org/journal/aqjcontanaly | ||||
25 | 18 | ARSP: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy | Franz Steiner Verlag | JSTOR=fsv | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50009653 | 0001-2343 | www.jstor.org/journal/arsparchrechsozi | |||||
26 | 19 | ASA Review of Books | Cambridge University Press | JSTOR=cup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100684 | 0364-1686 | www.jstor.org/journal/asareviewbooks | |||||
27 | 20 | ASEAN Economic Bulletin | ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute | JSTOR=iseas | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50001065 | 0217-4472 | www.jstor.org/journal/aseaeconbull | |||||
28 | 21 | ASEE Prism | American Society for Engineering Education | JSTOR=asee | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50016600 | 1056-8077 | 1930-6148 | www.jstor.org/journal/aseeprism | ||||
29 | 22 | AV Communication Review | Springer | JSTOR=springer | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000393 | 0001-2890 | www.jstor.org/journal/avcommrev | |||||
30 | 23 | Aboriginal History | ANU Press | JSTOR=anuepress | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50016529 | 0314-8769 | 1837-9389 | www.jstor.org/journal/aborhist | ||||
31 | 24 | Abstracta Botanica | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50012219 | 0133-6215 | www.jstor.org/journal/abstbota | |||||
32 | 25 | Academe | American Association of University Professors | JSTOR=aaup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000478 | 0190-2946 | 2162-5247 | www.jstor.org/journal/academe | ||||
33 | 26 | Academy of Management Learning & Education | Academy of Management | JSTOR=aom | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000458 | 1537-260X | 1944-9585 | www.jstor.org/journal/acadmanaleareduc | ||||
34 | 27 | Academy of Management Perspectives | Academy of Management | JSTOR=aom | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101421 | 1558-9080 | 1943-4529 | www.jstor.org/journal/acadmanapers | ||||
35 | 28 | Acadiensis | Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region | JSTOR=acadiensis | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000842 | 0044-5851 | 1712-7432 | www.jstor.org/journal/acadiensis | ||||
36 | 29 | Acta Botánica Venezuélica | Instituto Experimental Jardín Botánico "Dr. Tobías Lasser" | JSTOR=fibv | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50005270 | 0084-5906 | 2443-4264 | www.jstor.org/journal/actabotavene | ||||
37 | 30 | Acta Classica | Classical Association of South Africa | JSTOR=casa | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50017790 | 0065-1141 | 2227-538X | www.jstor.org/journal/actaclassica | ||||
38 | 31 | Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50013661 | 0001-5946 | www.jstor.org/journal/actalingacadscie | |||||
39 | 32 | Acta Linguistica Academica | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50020362 | 2559-8201 | 2560-1016 | www.jstor.org/journal/actalingacad | ||||
40 | 33 | Acta Linguistica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50013660 | 1216-8076 | 1588-2624 | www.jstor.org/journal/actalinghung | ||||
41 | 34 | Acta Musicologica | International Musicological Society | JSTOR=inmuso | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100042 | 0001-6241 | 2296-4339 | www.jstor.org/journal/actamusicologica | ||||
42 | 35 | Acta Oeconomica | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000840 | 0001-6373 | 1588-2659 | www.jstor.org/journal/actaoeco | ||||
43 | 36 | Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | JSTOR=ak | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50009190 | 0001-6446 | 1588-2667 | www.jstor.org/journal/actaorieacadscie | ||||
44 | 37 | Acta Sociologica | Sage Publications, Ltd. | JSTOR=sageltd | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101300 | 0001-6993 | www.jstor.org/journal/actasoci | |||||
45 | 38 | Acta Turistica | Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb | JSTOR=febzagreb | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50003910 | 0353-4316 | 1848-6061 | www.jstor.org/journal/actaturistica | ||||
46 | 39 | Administrative Law Bulletin | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000845 | 2157-1147 | www.jstor.org/journal/adminlawbull | |||||
47 | 40 | Administrative Law Review | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000844 | 0001-8368 | 2326-9154 | www.jstor.org/journal/adminlawrev | ||||
48 | 41 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Sage Publications, Inc.; Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University | JSTOR=sage; cjohn | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100043 | 0001-8392 | www.jstor.org/journal/admisciequar | |||||
49 | 42 | Administrative Theory & Praxis | Taylor & Francis, Ltd. | JSTOR=taylorfrancis | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000653 | 1084-1806 | www.jstor.org/journal/admintheoprax | |||||
50 | 43 | Advances in Applied Probability | Applied Probability Trust | JSTOR=apt | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100044 | 0001-8678 | www.jstor.org/journal/advaapplprob | |||||
51 | 44 | Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory | Springer | JSTOR=springer | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000247 | 0162-8003 | www.jstor.org/journal/advarchmeththeo | |||||
52 | 45 | Advances in Horticultural Science | Dipartimento Di Scienze Delle Produzioni Vegetali, Del Suolo E Dell'Ambiente Agroforestale – DiPSA – University of Florence | JSTOR=dipsa | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50010052 | 0394-6169 | 1592-1573 | www.jstor.org/journal/advahortscie | ||||
53 | 46 | Advocate of Peace (1847-1884) | Sage Publications, Inc. | JSTOR=sage | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000984 | 2154-8390 | www.jstor.org/journal/advopeace1847 | |||||
54 | 47 | Advocate of Peace through Justice | Sage Publications, Inc. | JSTOR=sage | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000719 | 2155-7802 | www.jstor.org/journal/advopeacjust | |||||
55 | 48 | Aequatoria | Honoré Vinck | JSTOR=vinck | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50002428 | 0304-257X | www.jstor.org/journal/aequatoria | |||||
56 | 49 | Aevum | Vita e Pensiero – Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | JSTOR=vitaepensiero | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50002244 | 0001-9593 | 1827-787X | www.jstor.org/journal/aevum | ||||
57 | 50 | Africa Development / Afrique et Développement | CODESRIA | JSTOR=codesria | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50014718 | 0850-3907 | 2521-9863 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrdevafrdev | ||||
58 | 51 | Africa Spectrum | Institute of African Affairs at GIGA, Hamburg/Germany | JSTOR=iaagiga | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000361 | 0002-0397 | www.jstor.org/journal/africaspec | |||||
59 | 52 | Africa Today | Indiana University Press | JSTOR=iupress | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101301 | 0001-9887 | 1527-1978 | www.jstor.org/journal/africatoday | ||||
60 | 53 | Africa: Journal of the International African Institute | Cambridge University Press; International African Institute | JSTOR=cup; iai | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100045 | 0001-9720 | 1750-0184 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrijinteafriins | ||||
61 | 54 | Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell’Istituto italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente | Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO) | JSTOR=isiao | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000873 | 0001-9747 | www.jstor.org/journal/africa2 | |||||
62 | 55 | African Affairs | Oxford University Press; The Royal African Society | JSTOR=oup; ras | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100046 | 0001-9909 | 1468-2621 | www.jstor.org/journal/africanaffairs | ||||
63 | 56 | African American Review | The Johns Hopkins University Press; African American Review (St. Louis University) | JSTOR=jhup; slu | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100881 | 1062-4783 | www.jstor.org/journal/afriamerrevi | |||||
64 | 57 | African Arts | UCLA James S. Coleman African Studies Center | JSTOR=jscasc | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100047 | 0001-9933 | www.jstor.org/journal/africanarts | |||||
65 | 58 | African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review | Indiana University Press | JSTOR=iupress | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000936 | 2156-695X | 2156-7263 | www.jstor.org/journal/africonfpeacrevi | ||||
66 | 59 | African Economic History | University of Wisconsin Press | JSTOR=uwisc | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100523 | 0145-2258 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrieconhist | |||||
67 | 60 | African Issues | Cambridge University Press | JSTOR=cup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101013 | 1548-4505 | www.jstor.org/journal/africanissues | |||||
68 | 61 | African Journal of Political Science / Revue Africaine de Science Politique | African Association of Political Science | JSTOR=aaps | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50007970 | 1027-0353 | 1726-3727 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrijpoliscie | ||||
69 | 62 | African Journal of Reproductive Health / La Revue Africaine de la Santé Reproductive | Women's Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC) | JSTOR=wharc | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100903 | 1118-4841 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrijreprhealrev | |||||
70 | 63 | African Languages and Cultures | Taylor & Francis, Ltd. | JSTOR=taylorfrancis | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100824 | 0954-416X | www.jstor.org/journal/afrilangcult | |||||
71 | 64 | African Music | International Library of African Music | JSTOR=ilam | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000600 | 0065-4019 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrimusi | |||||
72 | 65 | African Review of Money Finance and Banking | Giordano Dell-Amore Foundation | JSTOR=fgda | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50002968 | 1124-3163 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrirevmonfinban | |||||
73 | 66 | African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie | CODESRIA | JSTOR=codesria | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50011417 | 1027-4332 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrisocirevi | |||||
74 | 67 | African Studies Bulletin | Cambridge University Press | JSTOR=cup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100718 | 0568-1537 | www.jstor.org/journal/afristudbull | |||||
75 | 68 | African Studies Review | Cambridge University Press | JSTOR=cup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100049 | 0002-0206 | 1555-2462 | www.jstor.org/journal/afristudrevi | ||||
76 | 69 | Afro-Hispanic Review | William Luis | JSTOR=williamluis | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50003268 | 0278-8969 | 2327-9648 | www.jstor.org/journal/afrohisprevi | ||||
77 | 70 | Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry | The University of Chicago Press; Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London | JSTOR=ucpress; csmual | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000754 | 1465-4253 | 2156-4914 | www.jstor.org/journal/afterall | ||||
78 | 71 | Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform | ANU Press | JSTOR=anuepress | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50011226 | 1322-1833 | 1447-4735 | www.jstor.org/journal/agenpolianalyref | ||||
79 | 72 | Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity | Taylor & Francis, Ltd.; Agenda Feminist Media | JSTOR=taylorfrancis; afm | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101252 | 1013-0950 | www.jstor.org/journal/agenda | |||||
80 | 73 | Agni | Agni | JSTOR=agni | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50002688 | 1046-218X | 2328-8574 | www.jstor.org/journal/agni | ||||
81 | 74 | Agricultural History | Agricultural History Society | JSTOR=ahs | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100050 | 0002-1482 | 1533-8290 | www.jstor.org/journal/agrihist | ||||
82 | 75 | Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies | The North American Conference on British Studies | JSTOR=nacbs | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101247 | 0095-1390 | www.jstor.org/journal/albiquarjconcbri | |||||
83 | 76 | Aleph | Indiana University Press | JSTOR=iupress | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000560 | 1565-1525 | 1553-3956 | www.jstor.org/journal/aleph | ||||
84 | 77 | Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics | Department of English and Comparative Literature, American University in Cairo and American University in Cairo Press | JSTOR=cairo | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100021 | 1110-8673 | www.jstor.org/journal/alifjcomppoet | |||||
85 | 78 | Allertonia | National Tropical Botanical Garden | JSTOR=ntbg | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50003670 | 0735-8032 | www.jstor.org/journal/allertonia | |||||
86 | 79 | Alternatives: Global, Local, Political | Sage Publications, Inc. | JSTOR=sage | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000805 | 0304-3754 | 2163-3150 | www.jstor.org/journal/alternatives | ||||
87 | 80 | Ambio | Springer; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | JSTOR=springer; rsas | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j101345 | 0044-7447 | 1654-7209 | www.jstor.org/journal/ambio | ||||
88 | 81 | Ambit | Ambit Magazine | JSTOR=ambitmagazine | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50019222 | 0002-6972 | www.jstor.org/journal/ambit | |||||
89 | 82 | American Annals of the Deaf | Gallaudet University Press | JSTOR=gallaudetup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50013925 | 0002-726X | 1543-0375 | www.jstor.org/journal/amerannadeaf | ||||
90 | 83 | American Anthropologist | Wiley; American Anthropological Association | JSTOR=black; anthro | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100028 | 0002-7294 | 1548-1433 | www.jstor.org/journal/ameranth | ||||
91 | 84 | American Antiquity | Cambridge University Press | JSTOR=cup | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100054 | 0002-7316 | 2325-5064 | www.jstor.org/journal/ameranti | ||||
92 | 85 | American Art | The University of Chicago Press; Smithsonian American Art Museum | JSTOR=ucpress; smith | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100891 | 1073-9300 | 1549-6503 | www.jstor.org/journal/americanart | ||||
93 | 86 | American Art Journal | Kennedy Galleries, Inc. | JSTOR=kgi | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100033 | 0002-7359 | www.jstor.org/journal/americanartj | |||||
94 | 87 | American Bar Association Journal | American Bar Association | JSTOR=aba | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50000851 | 0002-7596 | 2162-7975 | www.jstor.org/journal/amerbarassoj | ||||
95 | 88 | American Bar Foundation Research Journal | Wiley; American Bar Foundation | JSTOR=black; abf | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j100673 | 0361-9486 | www.jstor.org/journal/amerbarfounresej | |||||
96 | 89 | American Catholic Studies | American Catholic Historical Society | JSTOR=amcathhistsoc | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50015939 | 2161-8542 | 2161-8534 | www.jstor.org/journal/amercathstud | ||||
97 | 90 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | American Economic Association | JSTOR=aea | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50001040 | 1945-7782 | 1945-7790 | www.jstor.org/journal/aejapplecon | ||||
98 | 91 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | American Economic Association | JSTOR=aea | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50001041 | 1945-7731 | 1945-774X | www.jstor.org/journal/aejeconpoli | ||||
99 | 92 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | American Economic Association | JSTOR=aea | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50001042 | 1945-7707 | 1945-7715 | www.jstor.org/journal/aejmacrecon | ||||
100 | 93 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | American Economic Association | JSTOR=aea | JSTOR | JSTOR=10.2307/j50001043 | 1945-7669 | 1945-7685 | www.jstor.org/journal/aejmicrecon |