Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christ-Centered fraternity. In other words, it is a brotherhood founded on the teachings and principles of Jesus Christ. It is a community of men with a common mind of sharing the gospel. With that unity of mind, we eagerly seek to grow true relationships on the foundation of our personal relationships with God. We desire to mature spiritually, excel in academics, and expand our connections through social events. Since we share this common belief in Jesus Christ, we take pride in the fact that we will share this brotherhood in Heaven. Our motto, after all, is “Fraternity for Eternity”.
Our History
During the 1926-27 school year, E. Harlan Fischer, Frank Young, and James Carter would meet during lunch for prayer and fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles. They looked forward to establishing a Christian club on campus, so Fischer sent out 35 letters over Christmas break. 16 men responded and met up at the Green Dragon Cafe on January 7, 1927.
Those present at the cafe felt that a Christian fraternity, founded on Christian ideals and fellowship, would be more reputable than a Christian club. A constitution was drawn up and signed by 12 charter members on February 25, 1927.
In a 1944 letter to the Alpha Chapter at UCLA, founder E. Harlan Fischer wrote, “the primary purpose of AGO is to provide Christian fellowship for born again men thrown into an atmosphere of Godlessness and to give forth a testimony to others of the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Nearly 90 years later, Alpha Gamma Omega is still thriving and committed to serving Jesus Christ. Thousands of men have served Christ at our chapters in California and Colorado, and now serve him around the world.
The Alpha Chapter
The Alpha chapter of Alpha Gamma Omega at UCLA is one of the oldest fraternities on campus, with a legacy of academic success and campus-wide recognition. From sweeping the annual Spring Sing competition to Thursday night burgers, Alpha Gamma Omega is widely active on campus and in our community. Through our studies and fellowship together, we make it our aim to actively pursue God and make his name known.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15.
Our Purposes As A Fraternity
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we, as Christian young men of Alpha Gamma Omega Fraternity purpose that it shall be the aim of this fraternity
- To win others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ,
- To promote Christian fellowship,
- To present Christian ideals in word and deed,
- To search reverently for the truth,
- To uphold the traditions and ideals of the University,
- And to deepen the spiritual lives of the members.
How to Join
If you’re looking to become apart of a lasting Christian brotherhood that has thrived for over 90 years, come to our rush event!
Click the Rush button to find out more about this quarter’s rush events. We’d love to hang out with you, or if you have any questions about the whole rush process, please reach out through social media or email us at [email protected].