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Energy Saving Scheme with an Extra Active Period for LAN Switches

Yuji OIE

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E93-B    No.12    pp.3542-3554
Publication Date: 2010/12/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E93.B.3542
Print ISSN: 0916-8516
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Fundamental Theories for Communications
power-saving,  LAN switch,  sleep control,  queueing analysis,  number of turn-on instances,  

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An immense number of LAN switches are currently in use worldwide. Therefore, methods that can reduce the energy consumption of these devices are of great practical interest. A simple way to save power in LAN switches is to switch the interfaces to sleep mode when no packets are buffered and to keep the interfaces in active mode while there are packets to be transmitted. Although this would appear to be the most effective energy saving scheme, mode switching gives rise to in-rush current, which can cause electrical damage to devices. This problem arises from excessive mode switching, which should be avoided. Thus, the main objective is to develop a method by which to reduce the number of mode switchings that result in short-duration sleep modes because these switchings do not contribute greatly to energy efficiency but can damage the device. To this end, a method is adopted whereby the interface is kept in active mode for an "extra" period of time after all packets have been flushed from the buffer. This period is the "extra active period (EAP)" and this scheme protects the device at the expense of energy saving efficiency. In this paper, this scheme is evaluated analytically in terms of its power reduction ratio and frequency of mode changes by modifying the M/M/1 and IPP/M/1 queuing models. The numerical results show how the duration of the extra active period degrades the energy saving performance while reducing the number of mode changes. We analytically show an exact trade-off between the power reduction ratio and the average number of turn-ons in the EAP model with Poisson packet arrival. Furthermore, we extend the scheme to determine the EAP dynamically and adaptively depending on the short-term utilization of the interface and demonstrate the effectiveness of the extended scheme by simulation. The newly developed scheme will enable LAN switches to be designed with energy savings in mind without exceeding the constraints of the device.