[BOOK][B] UN-tied nations: the United Nations, peacekeeping and global governance
K Seaman - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
With the recent developments in Syria the United Nations is once again making headlines.
The failure to reach an agreement on a Security Council resolution demonstrates the …
The failure to reach an agreement on a Security Council resolution demonstrates the …
[BOOK][B] Exploring the Plausibility of Linking Notions of Terrorism and Sexual Violence by Using the Great Lakes Region as a Case Study
C Forster-Towne - 2011 - books.google.com
Sexual violence has been endemic during times of conflict but can it be considered a form
of terrorism? Despite being a very fluid term, Claudia Forster-Towne attempts to identify …
of terrorism? Despite being a very fluid term, Claudia Forster-Towne attempts to identify …
[BOOK][B] Statistical shape analysis for deep brain structures
Y Xu - 2008 - search.proquest.com
This work focuses on mathematical shape representation methods for analyzing brain deep
structural data from large human populations. Contemporary brain imaging technologies …
structural data from large human populations. Contemporary brain imaging technologies …
The Current-September 2018-Welcome Message from the study co-Chairs
R Morry - 2018 - policycommons.net
Welcome Message from the study co-Chairs The dates of the public meetings have been set!
We hope that you will join our Canadian and US study members this November to learn of …
We hope that you will join our Canadian and US study members this November to learn of …
IBG ESPINOSA - 2021 - ru.dgb.unam.mx
Antecedentes. La infección por COVID-19 afecta principalmente a los pulmones, sin embargo,
en algunos casos puede ocasionar afección sistémica con lesión renal aguda que es un …
en algunos casos puede ocasionar afección sistémica con lesión renal aguda que es un …
Derecho a la salud de personas detenidas o en prisión: la lección de una pandemia
MVC Hernández - Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 2021 - ciencialatina.org
… En cuanto a México, la misma organización reporta un total de 2,880,409 casos acumulados,
con 241,936 muertes a causa de la pandemia, encontrándose por debajo de países como …
con 241,936 muertes a causa de la pandemia, encontrándose por debajo de países como …
[CITATION][C] The Tavistock conferences on group relationships. A different training for leadership and organization
S Karterud, J Jørstad - Tidsskrift for den Norske …, 1986 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[The Tavistock conferences on group relationships. A different training for leadership and
organization] [The Tavistock conferences on group relationships. A different training for …
organization] [The Tavistock conferences on group relationships. A different training for …
[CITATION][C] Способ получения пиковой электроэнергии на парогазовой установке
АИ АНДРЮЩЕНКО, ЕА ЛАРИН, АГ СЕМИН… - 1982 - elibrary.ru
1 Изобретение относится к области теплоэнергетики и может быть использовано на
парогазовых установках, потребляющих ор-ганическое или ядерное топливо. Известен …
парогазовых установках, потребляющих ор-ганическое или ядерное топливо. Известен …
Εκτίμηση κινδύνου μακροζωίας και θνησιμότητας με βάση τη Φερεγγυότητα ΙΙ
Μ Κατσαντούρα - 2020 - dione.lib.unipi.gr
Το πλαίσιο Φερεγγυότητας ΙΙ θέτεται σε εφαρμογή από το 2016, τόσο για τις ασφαλιστικές
όσο και για τις αντασφαλιστικές εταιρείες της Ευρώπης. Η ΕΙΟΡΑ εισήγαγε το νέο πλαίσιο …
όσο και για τις αντασφαλιστικές εταιρείες της Ευρώπης. Η ΕΙΟΡΑ εισήγαγε το νέο πλαίσιο …