Hodgkin's lymphoma in nuclear medicine: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects
JO Staak, M Dietlein, A Engert… - Nuklearmedizin …, 2003 - thieme-connect.com
Today, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) with positrone emission
tomography and radioiummunotherapy include state-of-the-art nuclear medicine which …
tomography and radioiummunotherapy include state-of-the-art nuclear medicine which …
Le stéréotype de la princesse: comment amener les élèves à réfléchir à la notion de stéréotype à travers l'étude du personnage de la princesse dans la littérature …
AL Le Callonnec - 2017 - policycommons.net
La princesse est un personnage qui accompagne les lectures de notre enfance. Sa beauté,
sa douceur, sa générosité font d’elle, un véritable modèle pour les petites filles dès le plus …
sa douceur, sa générosité font d’elle, un véritable modèle pour les petites filles dès le plus …
Econometric Estimates of Russia's Turn to the East
АА Байков, ВА Гневашева - MGIMO Review of International …, 2020 - open.mgimo.ru
The emerging trend in Russia’s foreign policy is its reorientation from active interstate and
socio-economic interaction with the states of the "collective West" to the countries that make up …
socio-economic interaction with the states of the "collective West" to the countries that make up …
Add: Actionness-Pooled Deep-Convolutional Descriptor
Recognition of general actions has achieved great breakthroughs in recent years. However,
in real-world applications, finer-grained action classification is often needed. The major …
in real-world applications, finer-grained action classification is often needed. The major …
[PDF][PDF] Minutes of the Quarterly Board of Regents Meeting Murray State University December 2, 2005
IR Call - 2005 - digitalcommons.murraystate.edu
President Alexander said that it is with mixed emotions that he gives his final report. We have
come a long way as an institution and we have great people all over the campus, but most …
come a long way as an institution and we have great people all over the campus, but most …
[PDF][PDF] 内部留保における短期支払能力の担保的機能について: リスクマネジメントにおける資本維持拘束性と資金調達力を中心として
エンドウヤスノリ, 遠藤康紀 - 立教ビジネスデザイン研究, 2021 - rikkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp
昨今, 世界が直面している新型コロナウイルス感染症 (coronavirus disease 2019: COVID-19) の
世界的大流行 (パンデミック) による経済危機により, 企業の短期支払能力を確保することの重要性は…
世界的大流行 (パンデミック) による経済危機により, 企業の短期支払能力を確保することの重要性は…
The Growth of the Scottish Financial Sector
JR Davies, PR Draper - Inward Investment, Business Finance and …, 1998 - Springer
The problem for any UK regional financial centre is the difficulty of combating the powerful
centripetal force of London, a problem that manifests itself in terms of both retaining existing …
centripetal force of London, a problem that manifests itself in terms of both retaining existing …
A Comparative Study on the US-ROK Alliance and the US-Japan Alliance During the Moon-Trump-Abe Era: Focusing on Different Threat Perceptions Toward China
이수지 - 2024 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
The year 2017 witnessed significant transformations in the Northeast Asian political
dynamics. After taking office, US President Donald Trump declared a foreign policy doctrine …
dynamics. After taking office, US President Donald Trump declared a foreign policy doctrine …
[HTML][HTML] Эконометрические оценки" поворота России на Восток": опыт многофакторного анализа
АА Байков, ВА Гневашева - Вестник МГИМО Университета, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Отмечающиеся во внешнеэкономической деятельности России тенденции
переориентации нашей страны с активного межгосударственного и социально-экономического …
переориентации нашей страны с активного межгосударственного и социально-экономического …
Los proveedores de redes registran buenos resultados pero los problemas de suministro continúan.
M Cooney - Computerworld Spain, 2022 - go.gale.com
Aunque los principales proveedores de redes siguen presentando buenos resultados
financieros, todos los actores informan de continuos problemas en la cadena de suministro y de …
financieros, todos los actores informan de continuos problemas en la cadena de suministro y de …