Thin coatable birefringent film

PI Lazarev, AA Manko, SV Remizov… - Advances in Thin …, 2006 -
We developed coatable retarders for visible range of light. The Thin Birefringent Film (TBF)
retarders are based on the newly developed family of water-soluble salts of aromatic …

Long period grating fibre operating in visible range coated with porphyrin based thin film as an ammonia aqueous sensor

S Erdody, S Korposh, SW Lee… - European Workshop on …, 2023 -
A long period grating (LPG) operating in the visible wavelength range functionalised with
sensitive dyes is reported. Two different sensing mechanisms transmission based, using …

Sputtered SiOxNy thin films: Improving optical efficiency of liquid crystal diffuser elements in multi-focal near-to-eye display architecture

A Ozols, G Mozolevskis, E Letko… - Advances in Optical …, 2021 -
In this work we present reactive sputtered SiOxNy films with a variable refractive index as a
convienent solution for contrast improvement of liquid crystal diffuser multi stacks in near-to-…

[HTML][HTML] Тонкопленочные поляризаторы: свойства, технологии, основные типы

ВМ Козенков, ВВ Беляев, ДН Чаусов - Жидкие кристаллы и их …, 2021 -
По технологии изготовления многих типов тонкопленочных поляризаторов и их применению
они относятся к наукам о жидких кристаллах. В статье приведен аналитический …


ВМ Козенков, ВВ Беляев, ДН Чаусов - Жидкие кристаллы и их …, 2021 -
Выполнен обзор патентной и научно-технической литературы по технологии и свойствам
тонкопленочных (несколько мкм) линейных и циркулярных поляризаторов, а также …

Transparent photothermal nanocomposite coating based on copper sulfide nanoparticles for photothermal deicing

R Tang, W Jian, D Lau - Nondestructive Characterization and …, 2023 -
Ice formation and accretion on windows of buildings and windshields of automobile lead to
various inconveniences and operational difficulties in cold regions. To prevent ice accretion …

Liquid crystal variable retarder modeling of incident angle response with experimental verification

X Xiao, DG Voelz - Optical Engineering, 2008 -
The nematic liquid crystal variable retarder is a useful device for examining the polarization
properties of optical components and material samples as well as for remote sensing …

Negative dispersion retarder for the display compensation film

JH Lee - Advances in Display Technologies VIII, 2018 -
We have developed a negative dispersion retarder using self-organization of smectic reactive
mesogen molecules. The dispersion of retardation of the film was studied with various …

39.4L: Late‐News Paper: Negative A‐Plates Using Stretched Polystyrene

M Jiao, S Gauza, Y Li, J Yan, ST Wu… - SID Symposium Digest …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Negative A‐plates fabricated by mechanically stretching polystyrene are studied and their
physical properties evaluated. A molecular model is developed to explain the underlying …

[CITATION][C] Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III

MJ Ellison - Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical …, 2006 -
Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III - NASA/ADS Now on home page
ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical …