Thin coatable birefringent film
PI Lazarev, AA Manko, SV Remizov… - Advances in Thin …, 2006 -
We developed coatable retarders for visible range of light. The Thin Birefringent Film (TBF)
retarders are based on the newly developed family of water-soluble salts of aromatic …
retarders are based on the newly developed family of water-soluble salts of aromatic …
Long period grating fibre operating in visible range coated with porphyrin based thin film as an ammonia aqueous sensor
S Erdody, S Korposh, SW Lee… - European Workshop on …, 2023 -
A long period grating (LPG) operating in the visible wavelength range functionalised with
sensitive dyes is reported. Two different sensing mechanisms transmission based, using …
sensitive dyes is reported. Two different sensing mechanisms transmission based, using …
Sputtered SiOxNy thin films: Improving optical efficiency of liquid crystal diffuser elements in multi-focal near-to-eye display architecture
A Ozols, G Mozolevskis, E Letko… - Advances in Optical …, 2021 -
In this work we present reactive sputtered SiOxNy films with a variable refractive index as a
convienent solution for contrast improvement of liquid crystal diffuser multi stacks in near-to-…
convienent solution for contrast improvement of liquid crystal diffuser multi stacks in near-to-…
[HTML][HTML] Тонкопленочные поляризаторы: свойства, технологии, основные типы
ВМ Козенков, ВВ Беляев, ДН Чаусов - Жидкие кристаллы и их …, 2021 -
По технологии изготовления многих типов тонкопленочных поляризаторов и их применению
они относятся к наукам о жидких кристаллах. В статье приведен аналитический …
они относятся к наукам о жидких кристаллах. В статье приведен аналитический …
ВМ Козенков, ВВ Беляев, ДН Чаусов - Жидкие кристаллы и их …, 2021 -
Выполнен обзор патентной и научно-технической литературы по технологии и свойствам
тонкопленочных (несколько мкм) линейных и циркулярных поляризаторов, а также …
тонкопленочных (несколько мкм) линейных и циркулярных поляризаторов, а также …
Transparent photothermal nanocomposite coating based on copper sulfide nanoparticles for photothermal deicing
Ice formation and accretion on windows of buildings and windshields of automobile lead to
various inconveniences and operational difficulties in cold regions. To prevent ice accretion …
various inconveniences and operational difficulties in cold regions. To prevent ice accretion …
Liquid crystal variable retarder modeling of incident angle response with experimental verification
The nematic liquid crystal variable retarder is a useful device for examining the polarization
properties of optical components and material samples as well as for remote sensing …
properties of optical components and material samples as well as for remote sensing …
Negative dispersion retarder for the display compensation film
JH Lee - Advances in Display Technologies VIII, 2018 -
We have developed a negative dispersion retarder using self-organization of smectic reactive
mesogen molecules. The dispersion of retardation of the film was studied with various …
mesogen molecules. The dispersion of retardation of the film was studied with various …
39.4L: Late‐News Paper: Negative A‐Plates Using Stretched Polystyrene
Negative A‐plates fabricated by mechanically stretching polystyrene are studied and their
physical properties evaluated. A molecular model is developed to explain the underlying …
physical properties evaluated. A molecular model is developed to explain the underlying …
[CITATION][C] Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III
MJ Ellison - Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical …, 2006 -
Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III - NASA/ADS Now on home page
ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical …
ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical …