[BOOK][B] Pygmalion's spectacles

SG Weinbaum - 2016 - books.google.com
… First my liquid positive, then my magic spectacles. I photograph the story in a liquid with
lightsensitive chromates. I build up a complex solution-do you see? … Now, put the …

Spectacles of resistance and resistance of spectacles

Y Gabriel - Management Communication Quarterly, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
The author explores organizational controls in an era dominated by spectacles, images, and
pictures and seeks to identify forms of resistance that subvert and undermine these controls. …

The challenge of providing spectacles in the developing world

BA Holden, S Sulaiman, K Knox - Community Eye Health, 2000 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Conclusion Avoidable blindness and low vision can restrict progress in education, particularly
literacy; limit motor development in children; affect mobility; limit career opportunities, and …

Theorizing urban spectacles

KF Gotham - City, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper Kevin Fox Gotham critically explores a number of urban festivals in the US city
of New Orleans, namely Mardi Gras, the Jazz and Heritage Festival, and the Essence …

Spectacles: past, present, and future

ML Rubin - Survey of Ophthalmology, 1986 - Elsevier
… In addition to the benefits spectacles offer to readers and writers, spectacles can provide
clear and comfortable vision for those performing all kinds of tasks - mechanical, … They …

[BOOK][B] Renaissance vision from spectacles to telescopes

V Ilardi - 2007 - books.google.com
… the fundamental article on the invention of spectacles, and later with the late Professor … of
antique spectacles, all craving additional new data about the early history of spectacles. It also …

Spectacles of difference

M McLagan - Media worlds: Anthropology on new terrain, 2002 - books.google.com
… litical, the meanings of such spectacles become destabilized … the production of a variety
of spectacles— from an eight-day … In mounting these kinds of spectacles, activists evoked a …

[BOOK][B] Freakery: Cultural spectacles of the extraordinary body

R Garland-Thomson - 1996 - books.google.com
A groundbreaking anthology that probes the disposition towards the visually different Giants.
Midgets. Tribal non-Westerners. The very fat. The very thin. Hermaphrodites. Conjoined …

A short history of spectacles

GTW Cashell - 1971 - journals.sagepub.com
… Now all varieties of refractive errors can be accurately corrected in comfortable well-fitting
spectacles. Will the time come when all our beautiful and serviceable spectacles disappear …

[BOOK][B] Spectacles and predicaments: Essays in social theory

E Gellner - 1979 - books.google.com
This collection of essays is concerned with philosophy, politics and society. The first group
examines what philosophers such as Hegel, Wittgenstein and Chomsky have said or implied …